Magnificent Years

Chapter 310: Love is Eternal (Finale)


Lu Anru is not afraid of enduring other people's emotional instability. After all, she is mentally prepared, but she does not want her baby to bear it.

Not daring to guess Teng She's thoughts, he smiled lightly at him, picked up the baby and walked towards the restaurant.

"Mama, let's make a plate of fried rabbit meat with old bamboo shoots for Xiao Yu. He likes it."

After the baby finished speaking incoherently, he looked eagerly at Lu Anru, his dark eyes full of expectation.

Lu Anru didn't know how to punish his children, so he couldn't directly talk about Teng She's temper problem. A child is a blank slate. Apart from certain innate characters, many qualities are left to be cultivated.

"Okay, you go play with grandma first, and mom will go back and tell Chef Li." Lu Anru was forced to agree.

The doll danced its arms and cheered happily: "Okay."

He brought the baby to Mother Lu, winked at Mother Lu, and then looked at Teng Snake quickly. Mother Lu hugged the baby happily and took her to play on the swing in the yard.

Lu Anru walked back to the kitchen, looked at the dirty old bamboo shoots, and hesitated and made arrangements: "Cook Li, please let someone clean this and stir-fry it with rabbit meat."

"Young madam, these bamboo shoots taste very bad. They are almost tasteless because of their age." Chef Li couldn't resist.

Lu Anru couldn't explain to the child, and he couldn't say much to the servant. The servant was a bit talkative, so he had to put on a tougher attitude and insist: "You do it, I have my own plan."


Chef Li wiped his hands with a towel and introduced her to other sumptuous dishes in the evening, but her mind was heavy.

During this New Year's Eve dinner, she was destined to keep an eye on Teng She's every move and protect her baby.

Without telling Sheng Ming about this, she placed the doll in the children's table at night and moved it to her left, trying to keep a distance from Teng She.

On the turntable dining table at home, every time she saw the old bamboo shoots being turned to Teng Snake, she would pretend she wanted to eat them and move the dish towards her.

Teng She didn't react at all for the first two times and picked up other dishes normally. However, the third time the turntable was suddenly held down by Teng She.

His purple eyes suddenly raised, staring at her and asking: "You won't let me eat vegetables?"

"No." Lu Anru replied with a guilty conscience.

The Soaring Basilisk laughed "ha", picked up the chopsticks, picked up the old bamboo shoots that had hardly been touched, and put them into his mouth, chewing them vigorously.

Looking at her stunned look, Teng She seemed to be in a better mood and ate most of the plate of fried pork with old bamboo shoots.

Seven days ago, Lu Anru received a remote Qi training tutorial from Professor Gao. The training index during the academy has been restored every day, and I have indeed become less distracted when I am busy.

From New Year's Eve to the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, their house was full of friends and family every day, and they celebrated the New Year happily. Starting from the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, everyone's life has basically returned to normal.

After the Spring Festival, the baby found a new toy that interested him, and he stopped pestering Lu Anru and Lu's mother to accompany him. Adults only need to keep an eye on her activities at home and not touch anything dangerous.

Sheng Ming teaches the students in middle C on time, while Lu Anru practices Qi on time.

On the morning of the eleventh day of the first lunar month, a shout broke the tranquility at home, and Lu Anru hurriedly stopped his morning exercise.

When I ran to the hall, I saw Teng Snake grabbing the little baby by the collar and roaring: "Let go."

The little baby gave full play to the spirit of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. He bit the snake's arm and shouted vaguely: "No, you are a swindler. Please admit that you have done something wrong."

"Believe it or not, I will knock out your three newly grown teeth."

Teng She tensed her arm muscles, and the doll almost bounced to the ground.

Lu Anru quickly ran to the scene of the firefight where the strength was disparate, dragged out the doll with both hands, and admitted her mistake: "I'm sorry, the child's words are not serious."

"Mom, I didn't do anything wrong. He was the one playing dirty tricks."

Lu Anru hugged the baby, but the baby refused to let go at all, as if he would rather lose his teeth in exchange for justice.

What shocked Lu Anru the most was not the perseverance of the doll. Upon closer inspection, he discovered that Teng She's right hand was holding the baby on the inside, as if to prevent it from falling to the ground.

Purple eyes noticed her surprised gaze, glanced back, and scolded displeasedly: "Stop meddling in other people's business."

"Yes, Mom, don't worry about us. We are grown children. We can resolve our own grudges by ourselves."

The doll said a few more words, and without biting Teng She's clothes, it slid down a bit. Instead, Teng She reacted first and held up the doll.

"Go away!" Teng She shouted as if she was in the way, slapping her useless hand away.

Lu Anru was struck by lightning, which showed that she was the most unnecessary. She stood there for a few seconds and heard Lu's mother calling in the distance.

Looking back, she saw Lu's mother nodding towards her, indicating that it was okay.

She left dejectedly and came to Lu's mother, wondering: "Mom, are the doll and Teng She so close?"

Lately, Mother Lu has been taking care of the children, and she should know the reason.

Mother Lu looked kindly at the older one and the younger one who were still 'fighting', her eyes were full of warmth, and she responded softly: "Yes, Gou Chen and his younger brother used to get along like this. They were fighting but still thinking about each other. Only love in this world can melt a frozen heart.”

With the explanation, Lu Anru felt more relieved and gave Lu's mother a "I'm going back to train" gesture.

After receiving a nod from Mother Lu, she ran back to the training room.

In the evening, she told Sheng Ming about the relationship between the baby and Teng She as an anecdote.

After hearing this, Sheng Ming felt a similar longing to Lu's mother in her eyes. It's just that the man acted more secretly. Sheng Ming's expression reminded her of Teng She's expression that day when his attitude suddenly changed. It turned out that they were all missing the hat.

After the first day of the new year, in mid-February, the baby will start attending early childhood education classes, and the little ghost head is very reluctant to interact with strangers.

Perhaps because of the shadow left by her previous life, it was difficult to forget the hurt caused to her by strangers.

Crying and screaming that he would not go away, Lu Anru tried his best to talk, but even if he used the reward system, it still had no effect.

The whole family started to worry, and the early education class hinted at many hidden problems. If the little ghost head cannot take the first step of normal contact with humans, kindergartens and schools will not be able to send him to him in the future.

The family can afford to hire a private tutor, but the key is that one cannot be separated from society. Being always in a fixed environment makes it easy for people to suffer from mental illness.

After three days of coaxing and coaxing, the whole family finally got the baby to agree to take a trial class. Fortunately, there was a little boy in the class who loved to cry.

The baby became frightened and soon became extremely annoyed. He stepped forward and told the boy the cruel truth: "If you cry, your mother will not come to pick you up. We have to stay here for two hours."

Then all the children who understood started crying. Guang Doll sat alone in front of the building blocks and played very happily. After the other children calmed down a little, the teacher asked them to play with building blocks together. The doll added: "Hey, we are so pitiful. We can only waste time by playing with building blocks and wait for our parents to pick us up."

In an instant, the continuous crying almost deafened the teacher's ears again. With just two words, the baby turned the early childhood education class into a coaxing class.

After class, Lu Anru and Sheng Ming came to pick up the baby on time and found that all the children were walking around her. When they asked the teacher why, the teacher shook his head and sighed.

After this class, the dolls went to play happily, but other parents were not happy. They were all children raised by mothers and fathers, and no one wanted to send them away to be scared.

The teacher tactfully stated the reason for the rejection. The doll was too smart and might not be suitable for their type of early childhood education class for brain development.

Lu Anru and Sheng Ming had no choice but to find a new early childhood education class, but Wa Wa was not willing to face the new environment.

This time, no matter how coaxed the family was, the baby would not go, and even said that they would not want me if I did.

When everyone was worried, Teng She stood up, picked up the doll, let her sit on his shoulders, and took her to their game base. The next day, the doll actually agreed to go to a new class.

When the couple went to pick up their children, Lu Anru specially bought a cake for each child in the class to help them gain a good impression. When I came to the classroom, I found that I was superfluous. The doll was having a great time playing with the children.

After the children finished eating the cake, they ran to their parents and praised the doll with their parents. Several parents came to Lu Anru and asked for their contact information, saying that they could organize outings together in the future.

Out of curiosity, Lu Anru asked the baby in the car: "Children Shengjing, you did very well today. Can you tell your mother about what happened in your class?"

The name Shengjing was given by Bai Jie. She said that if Lu An was a blood father, his greatest wish was for his loved ones to live a prosperous life every year. It happened that Lu Anru had the same wish, so he put this blessing on his child's name.

"I have adopted a lot of little brothers and sisters. Uncle Xiao Yu told me that as long as I am stronger than them, they will listen to me. I easily spelled out the complete version of Little Duck, and they all gathered around me."

The ghost doll raised its chin proudly.

Lu Anru said "uh" several times and didn't know how to answer the question for a while.

Sheng Ming was relatively calm and praised: "It's great, then try to stay strong."

"Okay, Dad." The baby agreed sweetly.

In the early childhood education classes that followed, the baby was extremely motivated and looked forward to being the boss every day.

The days quietly came to early March. On the 7th, the baby came back from get out of class and gave the handicrafts in class to every elder he liked, including Teng She.

She made a twisted little white plasticine snake. From an adult's perspective, it looked quite ugly.

However, Teng She still put it away carefully.

At around ten o'clock that night, there was a knock on the couple's bedroom door.

Lu Anru was already lying in Sheng Ming's arms, almost dazed, when he was awakened by the knock on the door. Since the baby was weaned, he had slept with the old man who was prone to loneliness.

"Put on some clothes and I'll open it."

Sheng Ming stood up and came to the door, opened the door and looked at Teng She, and asked in a bad tone: "Is something wrong?"

It's hard to have a good temper when facing uninvited guests late at night.

"Well, let me go in and talk about it. It's a very important matter. Of course, if you don't want to listen, I won't bother to talk about it, but between the end of March this year and 42 years, I will take away the doll."

Teng She leaned against the door and uttered the threat casually.

Sheng Ming's finger movements had changed, and Lu Anru hurried over, stood between the two of them, gave Teng She a faint smile, and gestured towards the study to invite him.

"Go over and talk."

After Teng She entered first, she coaxed her husband softly: "Xiao Ming, go over and listen to what Teng She has to say."

Afraid that her husband would disagree, she explained more: "Teng Snake is really good to the baby. He wants to take the baby away for a year. I always feel a little uneasy. Remember, Duan has the ability to predict the future. We don't understand Teng She." Snake has abilities. He said no more and no less time. I want to find out why he chose this time."

What attracted her mainly was the end of March, which exactly coincided with the time Ella said the war would begin.

Sheng Ming stared at the person he loved, the anxiety on his pretty face could not be concealed, and his heart softened. He took Lu Anru's little hand and walked to the study.

As soon as they entered, Teng She gave orders sharply.

"Silent spell, blocking spell."

Sheng Ming's face turned dark, and Lu Anru quickly whispered, "Just bear with it for the sake of the baby and me, husband."

Sheng Ming's anger dissipated when her husband shouted. She took out two blue talismans from her pocket and threw them towards the window and door.

Teng She sat on the table, crossed her legs and swayed twice, raised her hand to condense a silver halo, and raised it to the ceiling. The silver light turned into a new light mask, wrapping it around the interior of the room.

Lu Anru saw Teng She's intention, and he added a layer of protection against eavesdropping in the house.

She stepped forward and assured: "My family is very strict with their mouths. They will not leak anything. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Teng Snake exchanged his legs, took out the stress relief ball he always carried with him from his pocket, threw it back, and coldly snorted: "I don't want to explain to you, I'm just afraid of trouble. Don't bother me." Oh my god, idiot humans have triggered the law of conservation of space again.”

Lu Anru didn't quite understand. He pulled Sheng Ming to sit on the sofa near the window and said angrily, "Well, please tell me."

"If it weren't for the fact that the doll pleases me so much, I wouldn't want to care about the bad things in the world at all. It would be better for you all to die and be buried with my brother."

Teng Snake's tone was full of hatred. When he saw the picture of the doll on the table, his eyes gradually softened and he said to himself, "Dolls will be happy only if they have a complete family."

Lu Anru's heart suddenly lifted. She suppressed her eagerness and waited patiently.

"The old dog's black magician jointly put a secret spell on Yoon Yi. He can't tell you about the tragedy in the future. He is a scheming dog and sent the doll to me. Hey, consider me unlucky. I really like this little one. My brother and I were shown the future. There will be a big battle on the 30th of the month. You, Lu Anru, will die, Yuexiang’s old man, teachers, and students will basically all die. Even if Sheng Ming is alive, he will be disabled and useless. Oh, I really don’t want my baby to have such parents.”

Teng Snake lamented in frustration as he narrated.

As soon as he finished speaking, Sheng Ming stood up suddenly, strode up to Teng Snake, and asked solemnly: "Do you think An Ru will die?"

"Yes, she died at the end of 41. She told you this after she came out of the Nightmare Realm in 39, but you are too weak and have never played Xuantian Old Dog. He has long been stuck in the law of quasi-conservation. Don't you think Have you never thought about why Yin Yi was favored one day and immediately went to jail the next day? "

Teng Snake glanced at the couple with disdain and threw the balls in his hands in the same order.

"Why?" Lu Anru had wanted to find the answer for a long time, but he couldn't find a way.

"I guess the old dog tested his loyalty with a question. Yin Yi has always been pretentious and likes to strategize. He cast a black spell on himself that cannot be forgotten. He chose the right time to tell many people about the war and trigger the law of conservation of space. . But he didn’t expect that Lao Gou had a backup plan. There was no shortage of black spell masters around Lao Gou. Lao Gou had seen the future and naturally knew that Lu Anru was Sample 0. He asked Yin Yi again. In order to protect you, Yin Yi’s answer was of course. Sheng Ming.”

Teng Snake always spoke in a tone that was superior to all living beings. No, he was mocking the couple and Yin Yi.

But Lu Anru didn't care, she just felt lucky that she insisted on saving Yin Yi, otherwise not only the hat would make her regret her life, but Yin Yi would too.

"Is it possible that Xuantian has given up the war after dealing with the people who really betrayed him?"

Lu Anru assumed from a good perspective that Xuan Tian's recent behavior did not look like a madman who was about to kill everyone.

Teng She clicked her tongue twice and said in disgust: "How childish. I suggest you, don't waste your powerful blood. Get a good sleep and activate the entropy energy. You will naturally be able to remember everything."

As he said that, he looked sideways at Sheng Ming: "You also have entropic energy in your body. Although it is not as mellow as Lu Anru and Bai Jie, your character should be able to break through the confinement."

"thank you."

Lu Anru expressed his gratitude and took Sheng Ming back to the house to sleep.

There was nothing more important than this. As if she had agreed, she returned to the dream that had tortured her for many days. This time she was no longer afraid and faced the truth head-on.

She read it all without blinking. The moment Sheng Ming fell, she and Ella arrived in the dream riding a fire motorcycle. Ella carried Sheng Ming away, and she allowed the 198Z spitted out by the three Crane Chickens to be corroded cleanly.

The memory returned at the moment of her death!

In the early morning, the couple jumped up from the bed one after another, looking at each other and hugging each other tightly.

Before the sun rose, Lu Anru hurriedly took out a notepad from the bedside table and wrote down all the information in his mind. It seems that I have written many backups before, but all of them were cleared. Sure enough, no matter how strong human beings are, they cannot be stronger than the law of conservation.

"Xiao Ming, let's go find Feng Meng and ask her to contact Wu Hao to find out where Lao Gou studied the chicken and the machine that stored the genetic sequence. Fang Entropy was killed early this time, so Lao Gou pretended to be a wise king. 80% plan to take action with full confidence.”

Lu Anru suggested urgently.

"Yunfengmeng and Blount are together, and Wu Hao can't possibly follow her advice."

Sheng Ming overturned Lu Anru's idea, gently scraped off her nose, smiled and comforted: "Old Sheng has saved a hand. There is someone who may be able to persuade Wu Hao. Let's go see him during the day."

After Lu Anru broke through her memory, her thoughts became much clearer. She immediately asked in surprise, "Is it true that General Wu is not dead?"

She remembered that when Sheng's father was in a meeting, she had seen an unrecognizable man, but the birthmark on his neck was in the same position as General Wu.

She asked her father but got no answer. After that the man disappeared, and the father most likely asked him to have the birthmark removed with a laser.

"Well, after meeting Old General Wu, let's go meet 'old friend' Bo Li. Our alliance will come into play."

Sheng Ming took Lu Anru's hand, took her out of the bedroom, and entrusted the baby to Lu's mother and Teng She. They arrived at the dark faction headquarters in a spaceship.

Sheng Ming found the agency guardian here and explained his purpose to him.

The man in his fifties listened quietly and replied in a deep voice: "What you said is too fantasy. War cannot be fought in a day. I will observe it until the end of next month. If Xuan Tian manages the country well, I can let my son stay with him and be loyal to him." To him, it doesn’t matter whether I live or die. If he still wants to commit some atrocities that deprive the people of their livelihood and harm the lives of others, I will contact Wu Hao.”

Lu Anru wanted to persuade him more, but Sheng Ming held him back.

Back on the spaceship, she asked Sheng Ming uneasily: "When the day lilies are cold next month, this old general Wu will be as stubborn as Wu Hao, with false beliefs in his heart."

"I will not let my wife and daughter be in danger of war. We still have a trump card, which can be used to stimulate General Wu to dispatch early."

Sheng Ming turned on the computer and selected Bo Li.

Lu Anru had an epiphany, figured out a way to kill two birds with one stone, and nodded happily. The two found Bo Li and expressed their willingness to help Bo Li assassinate the old dog.

Bo Li cautiously did not believe it, but Sheng Ming took out the secret letter written by Sheng's father and the agreement on the good spell, and asked Bo Li to create a situation where the Xia Kingdom invaded. The other alliance countries had to abide by the agreement and help, plus the secret faction, Lao Gou Certain death. Bo Li immediately couldn't control his ambition, signed his name and printed a big seal.

The next day, this agreement was inadvertently left in Xuan Tian's hands. In order to boost his power, Xuan Tian personally led his troops on the expedition and deployed a secret weapon, the feared crane chicken, which was known to have been destroyed long ago.

Five countries in the alliance were relatively small and were not willing to directly participate in the war, so they proposed to use humanitarianism to condemn Xuan Tian.

In the process of condemnation, Lu Anru and Sheng Ming led Yuexiang students to follow the clues, find the underground research institute, and destroy all the crane chickens.

Not long after, Xuan Tian got tired of the condemnation and took action on Xiao Guo first.

Sheng Ming arranged for Brother Mo to stay at the headquarters and broadcast the battle live to General Wu. General Wu witnessed with his own eyes the terrifying corrosive power of the Horrible Crane Chicken and Xuan Tian's unyielding murderous nature, and immediately contacted Wu Hao.

After proving his identity through various means, he raised his hand and slapped Wu Hao twice, scolding him for being selfish, helping others, and violating the precepts of his ancestors.

Wu Hao was beaten and scolded, and he cried and begged his father to forgive him and hand over the computer with the gene sequence code of the crane chicken hidden by Xuan Tian.

Xuan Tian never imagined that while he was still showing off his power in another country, he would lose his throne.

The people once again saw Xuan Tian's cruelty, and instinctively wanted to resist the rule of such a person. Lu Anru and Sheng Ming brought Huhu and the others to help the alliance defend the country, and did not forget to take the opportunity to provoke a voting election. From the county magistrate to the emperor, they all choose good leaders who can truly serve the people.

The domestic election battle was launched at the end of March, and capable people from all over the country actively performed their efforts to win votes. The election concluded in August of the same year.

Ning Guang was elected because people learned that Ning Guang was actually helping Xuantian handle government affairs last year, and Xuantian was focused on the research of Terror Crane Chicken.

In Xuan Tian's heart, he always believed that fear was more effective than respect.

But Ning Guang is different. He said in an interview: "A very outstanding woman once told me that love is eternal energy."

The reporter grabbed the key points and asked: "Is this woman your future queen?"

Ning Guang smiled bitterly and shook his head, looking at the two hugging figures in the distance from the press conference, and answered solemnly.

"No, I am willing to give back to this land with the love of my life. I will not marry a wife and have children. After my death, a worthy person can take the throne. In this way, the people can rest assured and the ministers can rest assured."

She is also relieved...

(End of chapter)

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