Magnificent Years

Chapter 59: Wizard


Lu Anru comforted Ella for a few words, ended the call and continued her class seriously.

Ella reluctantly voted in favor of the mode change. Who made her admire Sheng Ming from the bottom of her heart!

Most of the people who joined the Dharma Society, excluding a few nymphomaniacs, had seen Sheng Ming's power.

Five years ago, Sheng Ming entered Yuexiang Intermediate School at the age of 11.

At an age when many children were still hiding in their parents' arms and acting coquettishly, Sheng Ming was familiar with the Five Elements spells and used them with ease, as if he was born with them.

Because he was too young, the college was afraid that it would be difficult to convince the public and gave him more re-examinations.

On the day of the re-examination, the Zerg led an army that had been dormant for several years and swept in from the southwest of the Bach Prairie.

Leader Bach sent five messages requesting rescue, and the exam was suspended.

Sheng Ming said casually: "I'll go too."

He said it nonchalantly, as if he were going to a party promised by a child. Her mother's beautiful almond-shaped eyes were as calm as water. In comparison, the nervous expressions of the teachers suddenly seemed timid. For a time, no matter in terms of momentum or psychological quality, he actually surpassed the teachers.

Several teachers were stunned and then smiled slightly, thinking that he was young and frivolous. Rejecting the unreasonable 'instructions', yes, Sheng Ming's calm look was completely commanding, not asking for participation.

The boy was rejected, but he showed no pain on his face. Instead, he glanced contemptuously at the teachers who were a few heads above him, and said in a deep voice: "Then I wish you a safe journey."

Then he nodded to the teachers with different expressions and silently retreated behind everyone, without using a word of honor from the beginning.

Several of the teachers did not like Sheng Ming. There were many geniuses in Yuexiang, but I had never seen such an arrogant and contemptuous little kid.

The exam was broadcast live, and Sheng Ming's every move was recorded.

How many parents use this record to teach their children to be polite, respect teachers, and don't imitate Sheng Ming.

On the fifth day, Yuexiang will announce the results of the intermediate exam.

Parents brought their children and sat in front of the TV as scheduled, hoping to hear that Sheng Ming was out, so that they could deepen their children's education through real deeds.

However, the results shocked parents. Among the ten candidates, only Sheng Ming and Mou Xinyue passed the exam.

Mou Xinyue is 3 years older than Sheng Ming, which is in line with the regular examination age. Everyone can see the complete examination process.

But Sheng Ming's results were weird.

The voice of doubt exploded like thunder, causing the Yuexiang online complaint interface to collapse. The school must provide evidence to prove why the 11-year-old boy only took half of the exam and still passed.

As high as parents’ expectations are for a gold-medal school, they will not allow it to be unfair.

The school's explanation was sparse in words and only released two video recordings.

The first surveillance video was excerpted. After the live broadcast, the chief teacher of the French Society Ye guaranteed that Sheng Ming would be allowed to board the spacecraft. Other teachers raised the same doubts and concluded that bringing Sheng Ming along was of no benefit and that it would be troublesome to take care of him.

Ye reached out to touch Sheng Ming's slightly curly short hair, but Sheng Ming stepped aside.

Ye, who wanted to show his familiarity, sighed helplessly and answered the teachers' questions alone: "I was able to give some guidance to this kid last year, but this year I have nothing to teach him. He is learning from Sun Zhu."

Sun Zhu is the number one magician today.

In the era of hot weapons, people relied on heavy weapons, but he was uncharacteristically able to make magic spells at will to sprinkle gorgeous ice flowers and freeze the speed of bullets.

When Oujian State tried to resist the rule, he ignored humanitarian condemnation and activated fission and fusion weapons. He came to Oujian State's Sauron Gate alone.

People only remember the clear figure in the cold winter, waving his sleeves to summon the wind and snow in the sky, the temperature dropped sharply, and all the steel facilities were instantly frozen and broken, including the weapon that could wipe out millions of lives at any time.

After preventing this, Sun Zhu lost his vitality and lived in seclusion in his old house. Human power may sometimes go against the grain, but it will eventually run out.

From information occasionally disclosed by the media, we know that even in summer Sun Zhu still needs to cuddle up next to the fire.

In an era where the strong is the most respected, his end has made countless people feel sorry for him, and they don't want to disturb him anymore.

When people learned that Sheng Ming had learned from Sun Zhu, they were both happy and afraid, and they were happy that his knowledge would not die with Sun Zhu in his lifetime. Afraid of Sheng Ming's temperament, judging from his examination, his moves are ruthless and decisive, and he is obviously not as gentle and kind as Sun Zhu. After gaining great power, there is no way to choose between good and evil.

The second video undoubtedly heightened people's concerns. It was a remote video of a war correspondent's report. The video was shown on the news, but no one looked at it carefully at the time. Reappearing in evidentiary mode, people carefully examine the details of distant engagements.

Lights and shadows appeared in the sky as artillery fire continued. The swarming Zerg were clearly close to Yuexiang's reinforcements. They turned around collectively as if they were bewitched and crashed into the artillery fire.

The strange scene seems to be under a spell, but it is not a spell. Spells require drawing special symbols or making special sounds to set up the scene in advance to achieve group control, otherwise they can only target a single target.

After repeated careful inspections, it was discovered that light and shadow play a confusing role, and it is the light method used by Sheng Ming.

How could it not be creepy that an 11-year-old child could use auxiliary spells to such an extent

Fortunately, after Sheng Ming was promoted to High School B, he performed many extraordinary feats on missions, and also served as the president of the Yuexiang Dharma Society, so people from all over the world felt a little more at ease.

As he used his strength to refresh people's understanding of magic again and again, the number of fans who supported him and the number of apprentices he sought after increased crazily, making the students of the Dharma Society the first among the four societies.

In fact, if you look through the history of Yuexiang School, you will see the names of many outstanding talents. Including interstellar navigator Yunhui, Foreign Minister Casrod and so on.

Not only Sheng Ming, but he broke many original rules.

It is worth mentioning that the prophet Yue, who is the chief teacher of Wenzong Prediction School in school, has one of the ten hexagrams that can guarantee the secret of heaven. Students of Wenzong Prediction School must obtain A-level grades in order to receive her words and deeds.

Just picking an A is already limiting your ability, and getting straight A's is simply unbelievable.

Currently, only Yin Yi has the qualifications, and Yin Yi lacks interest in Eastern and Western ancient predictions. He prefers to calculate the desired results through scientific data.

The ungrateful attitude makes people jealous, and they can't tell the truth. Who made Yin Yi choose a more difficult path and step in the footsteps of Huo Yu, the founder of Yuexiang Academy, but he still succeeded.

Yoon Yi is like a god in the hearts of Wenzong members, and his status is no less than Yue. He has opened up a new world for Wenzong, who is always laughed at for his embroidered pillows.

With his appearance, the poets could raise their heads again.

They spontaneously compared Yin Yi with Sheng Ming, who was also famous, and resentments inevitably appeared in the comparison, leading to rumors that the two were at odds.

Now that Sheng Ming took the initiative to support Wen Zong, the scholars who had scolded him countless times were stunned.

Seeing Yin Yi's grateful response again, the students on both sides collectively fell into a state of petrification. After a moment of confusion, he decided to follow the president's orders, which was absolutely correct.

(End of chapter)