Magnificent Years

Chapter 63: Unknown things


Since Ning Guang joined, the status of the members of the temporarily formed grass stage team has changed upside down.

Originally, Wu Hao and his twin brothers were very active, but the women pointed and scolded them too much, and they consciously took a back seat. The three of them, Sheng Mina, Gao Ying, and Ella, were in high spirits and in control of the overall situation.

Sheng Mina and Gao Ying were active. If Lu An could understand the reason, it was because the girls were admirers. Ella was so excited that she was confused for a long time. She discovered something fishy from the group chat.

Ella: Everyone should actively show off their talents. Dear everyone, please reply after receiving it. Thank you.

The responses in the row below are timely and positive.

After about five minutes, Ella popped up again: @李素, Guard Captain Li has received it, please reply.

Li Mo followed the large army and typed: Received.

Ella immediately responded with a shy expression, with the following text: Hehe, okay, okay.

I'm afraid only Meng Meng and Zhou Sheng, who have not yet understood the secret relationship between their children, don't understand the reason for the coquettish look.

Lu Anru decided to gather at six o'clock in the afternoon. With Ning Guang there, there was no need to worry about the studio and equipment.

At three o'clock, I received the application message from Representative Ella: Great team leader, please give us two hours. Let's change it to eight o'clock, okay

Lu Anru calculated the time. The big class ended at five o'clock, the school team knowledge point was half an hour, and she walked back to the dormitory for a quarter of an hour. She calculated that she could catch up on two hours of sleep.

He readily agreed: Okay.

The first version of the script will definitely take more than two hours to be modified. It is better for the person in charge to discuss it internally to reduce the running-in time.

Cut out Ella's chat box and see that your friend has applied for multiple new red dots. Click on it to view the other party's information.


Signature: The sober blind man

Avatar: Black back at night

Lu Anru swiped her finger towards reject, and the moment before clicking on it, she saw the add mode, shared by [Xin Yue Jiang]'s business card.

The business card shared by Mou Xinyue…

Add it with confusion and send a greeting emoticon: Bunny waves and says hi.jpg

I received a wry smile and a hundred-word complaint: Junior Sheng Ming protects you very well. I asked him to give me his contact information. He coldly told me to go aside and don’t harass you if it’s okay. Alas, he, a little white-eyed wolf, has long forgotten how obedient he was when he begged me, and has taken the four words of "burning bridges across rivers" to the extreme. This kind of protective desire is really a bit sick, I just tolerate it, it is just a pain for our little Anru.

Through the "heart and soul" provocation, Lu Anru guessed the identity of the other party: Senior Yin Yi

The screen flickered and was occupied by a handsome short-haired anime character shooting out hearts. The hearts gathered into a row of words: Xiao Anru is so smart.

Lu Anru felt that Yin Yi was a bit petty when she first saw Bai Zi Tucao, so he specially typed up a short composition and waited for her to send it through. After experiencing the lively chat interaction, I can only feel a great sense of admiration.

Yin Yi is indeed the genius who has perfectly inherited Dean Huo Yu. Just looking at his typing speed and interactive mode, he would envy many people who rack their brains and want to create an atmosphere.

Sheng Ming has an aloof and cold temperament, and there are only a few people who can care about him, including his father, Lao Sheng, who may be excluded.

But Lu Anru understood Sheng Ming's feelings for the other three presidents, which were very strong and cherished at all times.

After replying with a slightly rough and cute expression, he explained to Sheng Ming: "Senior, you are too worried. You know I am stupid. Recently, the fighting club has been focusing on the knowledge points of the written test." I recite the book every day until I am exhausted. Xiao Ming may be afraid that my dull mind will offend you.

Making excuses depends entirely on whether the other person is willing to understand.

Lu Anru believed that Yin Yi was willing to take advantage of the situation. If he really wanted to blame, he could avoid using roundabout communication methods.

As she expected, Yin Yi took the initiative to change the subject: Actually, you signed up for the wrong company. If you want to become stronger, you should come to me. Lao Huang's fixed-mode training will not help you much.

Lu Anru was a little flattered by her direct remarks, and it was her turn to receive the treatment that talents enjoy. Xin asked, did Yin Yi discover her malleable talent while helping her cheat

After savoring the delicious pride for a few seconds, force yourself to calm down.

Carry out the normal polite process: Thank you Gao Kan, my foundation is relatively poor, I still want to practice from the basic skills. Once you get started practicing, you can change to a more suitable club.

Once a person's vanity swells up, it is out of control. Lu Anru put the exam behind him and concentrated all his thoughts on chatting.

Yin Yi waited eagerly for a reply: Girl, judging from your basic physical fitness, the level you can reach after another five or ten years of training is no more than an ordinary level.

Lu Anru's pride shattered his two sentences into smithereens. He mistakenly thought he had met Bole. It took him several minutes to re-accept the fact that he was mediocre, and he clicked on the smiling emoticon with one finger to go back.

I locked my computer and held my chin up slumpedly, listening to the old professor's lectures on theoretical knowledge, and absentmindedly recording them in a notebook.

The computer vibrated twice, and I warned myself that I had some backbone, don't look at it, let's talk about it after class.

But the eyes didn't obey the command, and they had already peeked over.

The scanning function automatically unlocks, and three lines of words are displayed: Since there is a cheating function, wouldn't it be a waste of resources just to stick to the rules? The word limit was first used in the field of mathematical calculus to represent the process in which a function changes forever. In my opinion, it is tailor-made for you. By breaking through the limit wall, you can reach new limits or extend the limit time. I can use data to capture your extreme wall and customize a dedicated training model for you.

Faced with the text temptation of a top literary and comprehensive master, Lu Anru held back her heart, fearing that she would fall into a new trap.

After calming down, Sheng Ming's comments about Yin Yi came to mind: "The senior always tells dangers in a joking tone. Maybe in his eyes, any danger is just a qualitative change of things, good or bad, and there is nothing to worry about. The senior is very thoughtful. It’s hard to guess because his emotions can’t be seen from his gentle face.”

Lu Anru thought about it carefully and couldn't figure out the proportion of praise and blame in the two sentences. He gave up his imagination and pointed it out word by word: Why should senior help me

Yoon Yi answered straightforwardly: I have a high desire to explore unknown things.

The word "thing" made Lu Anru feel complicated. Just like the word "thing", it is simple to understand and has no malicious intent, but he is afraid of thinking too much.

A sensitive mood has arisen, and it will take time to calm down. My fingers slide on the emoji pack, and I can't find a suitable expression after selecting it.

The other party seemed to be aware of her mood and explained considerately: I'm sorry for using the wrong word. Your condition aroused my curiosity. If you agree to cooperate with my research, in return, I am willing to help you. Let's consider it as a suggestion and don't rush to reply to me.

The data of her limit state used in each exam are changed by Yin Yi. It seems that Yin Yi is not satisfied with just seeing the short-term data presentation.

The other party was also upright and confessed his purpose. At least he didn't use despicable means under the pretense of helping to change the data.

In response to this, Lu Anru responded with the same sincere attitude: Okay, senior, I'll think about it.

Yoongi: Well, think about it slowly.

The two talked, and Lu Anru couldn't regain his composure for a long time.

After class, he went back to the dormitory and lay down on the bed, ready to go to sleep, but the seeds of restlessness seemed to be planted in Yin Yi's mind. His words echoed repeatedly in his mind, and his thoughts wandered uncontrollably.

(End of chapter)