Magnificent Years

Chapter 69: I look forward to it so much


Yun Fengmeng moved between the two of them with her coquettish fox eyes, her eyes became more ambiguous and her smile became more and more flirtatious.

Looking at her hot figure and hearing her seductive laughter, the twins felt hot all over and just wanted to step forward and ask for the sexy sister's contact information.

The two of them exchanged "go ahead" looks. Before they had time to take action, they heard Ella lamenting with regret: "This should have been done a long time ago."

After saying that, Youyuan looked at Li Mo and Lu Anru.

The implication is obvious, if you shoot earlier, her kiss will come sooner.

The shadow guard captain of the majestic Prince Xuan Guang actually lost a bit of aura under the fiery gaze. She pursed her lips again and again, but couldn't find any suitable words of comfort.

Lu Anru was already familiar with Ella's simple temperament, and he took on the attitude of an old nun who was in meditation, and said calmly: "The weather has not arrived just now, the location is not favorable, and the people are not homogeneous."

Everyone was in order:…

With the help of Sheng Mina, Ella rearranged her skirt, touched up her makeup and lay down on the bed.

Meng Meng controlled the camera to take a close-up of the face, and people who were free connected their computers to the camera's Bluetooth to enjoy the results simultaneously.

In the camera, Ella holds her hands on her chest, her gorgeous red hair is tucked away on both sides of her arms, and the bright color makes her skin as white as porcelain.

Lu Anru deliberately glanced at Li Mo with the corner of his eye, truly capturing his unblinking concentration.

Wu Hao may have been tired from running, so he sat down between Lu Anru and Ning Guang, looked at Lu Anru's computer, and muttered: "The color is wrong."

Then his eyes moved to Ningguang's computer, paying attention to the details carefully and saying no more.

Lu Anru's computer screen was modified by Sheng Ming, and the color tone is softer and eye-friendly.

The sleeping position needs to be filmed for five minutes, allowing plenty of room for editing if problems arise later.

The first minute was fine, but just after 60 seconds, Ella seemed to have hemorrhoids and began to lose control and move her limbs slightly.

If it's okay to just shoot a face-off, you can use the perfect content from the front, and the problem will have to be a full-body close-up.

Meng Meng tried hard to capture the camera but failed to capture it without moving for a moment. The child was so anxious that he was sweating profusely.

"Ella has ADHD?" Wu Hao's bitter expression looked more like asking, are there any normal people in this group of you

Lu Anru kept his seriousness, held down Wu Hao who was about to get up to curse, and took over the responsibility: "I'll go and finish it in five minutes."

Wu Hao looked up and down questioningly, but Lu Anru turned a blind eye and stood up and said to Meng Meng: "Stop for now."

When she came to the luxurious bed, Ella was not as sensitive as Mina, thinking that Lu Anru had come to bring water.

He sat up and leaned against the bedside to fan himself. He smiled and asked, "It's too hot when several lamps shine on me at the same time. Where's the water?"

Lu Anru spread his hands, leaned close to Ella's ear when she showed a pitiful expression, and whispered, "I failed in the performance just now."

Predicting that Ella was going to ask for a reason, he stopped her in advance: "Don't move around next time, and hold on until the filming is finished."

After explaining clearly, he patted Ella on the shoulder as if the old leader had entrusted him with a heavy responsibility, and said: "Come on."

Just as he pulled his hand away, Ella grabbed it and said in a low voice: "I became even more nervous after you said that. Wu Hao's face looks so bad. Sheng Mina has some friendship with him, and he is selfless and wants to be replaced. What if I act again? If it’s smashed, it will be replaced.”

Lu Anru turned around, hesitantly said "uh", and stopped to speak.

Ella became even more frightened when she saw this, and asked for help with an almost hoarse cry: "Please help me think of a way."

Lu Anru let out a long sigh and agreed with difficulty: "Okay, then I'll try to help you buy time, and you try not to move around. At least you can drag it until Li Mo comes on stage, and you'll earn the kiss."

Ella thought for two seconds, showed a strong man's determination to die, and solemnly agreed: "Okay, I understand."

"Relax your expression and pay attention to your beauty."

After Lu Anru finished his instructions, he returned to his seat.

When the filming started, Ella kept her position and endured for more than four minutes, with sweat dripping down her face.

There was a sneer in Wu Hao's eyes, he looked at Lu Anru, and asked in a deep tone: "Will you go up and enlighten me for another three minutes?"

"No, that's enough from the last shoot," Lu Anru was smarter and avoided head-on confrontation. She faced Ning Guang and said, "Let Li Mo go over. It's his turn to appear."

Ning Guang raised her hand to smooth Lu Anru's long hair. In order to match the evil fairy temperament, she tied it with a black gauze scarf and a headband. She did not wear a bun.

Lu Anrunu curled his lips and rolled his eyes, making an ugly look, deliberately disgusting Ning Guang.

Ning Guang didn't dislike it at all. He stretched out his hand and pinched his palm-sized face, and at the right time, he waved back and forth before Lu Anru's attack and said, "Go ahead."

Li Mo took the order and stepped forward, but Lu Anru caught a trace of anxiety in his steps.

Li Mo stood straight beside the bed, watching Ella lovingly as she finished speaking her lines, then leaned forward and leaned close to her fair cheek.

People maintained a tacit understanding and stared with bated breath, watching Li Mo close his eyes and leave a kiss on Ella's cheek, his ears red as if they were on fire.

"Princess, please wake up and look at all the beautiful things in this world. Don't let me, who loves you, wait any longer."

Confession was like a warm spring breeze caressing Ella's face.

Ella's little heart was already beating beyond its capacity. She licked her nose that was clogged with emotion, whispered the word "mouth", and pursed her flaming red lips.

Li Mo's arms, which were propped up on the edge of the bed, shook. Judging from the shooting angle, he wanted to run away. It’s not because I hate resistance, maybe I’m not mentally prepared to develop too quickly, but Ella’s hand was firmly pressed down on her.

"My beloved princess, you wake up, I will help you sit up,"

Before I could finish the word, I heard an angry singing voice: "I have so many expectations and so many regrets, do you know?"

Then a pair of soft hands appeared on Li Mo's neck, and they were brought to his charming face. Her warm lips took away all his thoughts, leaving only her appearance in his mind.

It was obvious that he could easily break free from the control, but it locked him tightly.

The passionate kiss lasted for more than a minute, until someone in the crowd of onlookers asked, "Are you enjoying it?"

Not sure who was taking the lead, he chuckled and said, "It's okay to take a closer look."

“I’m afraid I’ll have to pay later!”

Li Mo pushed away Ella who was still hanging on his body and said: "Nonsense!"

He left the shooting location in a serious manner, but the same hands and feet betrayed his guilty conscience.

"Chief Guard Li is right, you guys are so ridiculous!" Wu Hao jumped up at the crime, but the tiger was treating him as a sick cat if he didn't show off his power.

Seeing that except for Lu Anru and Ning Guang, everyone else looked like children who had done something wrong and kept their heads down. He took advantage of the situation and taught him a lesson: "There are only a few days left. Let's shoot well. I think the heroine needs to be replaced by someone more reliable!" "

Without delay, Lu Anru, the smartest and calmest person present, was selected and assigned: "You do it."

"You ask them if they agree? If they agree, I can come." Lu Anru responded nonchalantly, pointing to the positions of Sheng Mina and Gao Ying.

Since it was pointed at themselves, the two of them replied firmly: "I disagree!"

If Lu An is above, Ning Guang will definitely be on top.

Bang bang bang—

Wu Hao made loud noises on the table one after another. He regretted blindly choosing the outstanding group for the Junior High School Entrance Examination. He thought he was foolproof, but he thought there would be pitfalls everywhere.

"Then give me a compromise and a feasible plan. If you delay further, don't blame me for being rude!"

(End of chapter)