Magnificent Years

Chapter 87: The tea smell will do the job


The cute voice that most easily arouses the desire for protection among otakus sounds far harsher to Li Yilan than the noise that resembles the sound of electricity in her ears.

He looked up at the petite girl standing above him, standing on his belly. Due to the stimulation of the drug, he could not clearly see Lu Anru's specific facial features. He could vaguely see the midday sun shining on her pretty cheeks, inlaid with a faint golden halo, as holy as a little angel.

Holy? Haha, Li Yilan really felt ridiculous for his temporary delusion. From the time he was born until he was nineteen this year, he had never seen a more vicious bad girl than Lu Anru.

Two robots lifted the four corners of the stretcher and came to the stage to announce: "After verification, the candidate Li Yilan has taken illegal drugs, the test results will be cancelled, one major demerit will be recorded, and three cumulative demerits will be expelled from school."

The robot opened the medicine box, took out a syringe, inhaled the milky white body stabilizer, and leaned over to inject it into him. When his condition gets better, he is lifted up and placed on a stretcher.

Lu Anru obediently made room to facilitate their passage.

Just when passing by Lu Anru, Li Yilan heard a very slight reminder: "In the future, people who buy medicine from the concierge should not look for the black market. The big head is out, and you will be cheated if you try to get a few thousand yuan."

"How could you!?" Li Yilan's pupils dilated and glanced at the little witch behind her.

Because the robot carried him a certain distance, the angle of lying down restricted his line of sight. He managed to hold himself up with weak arms. A misplaced tendon was pulled down, and a heartbreaking pain shot through his whole body at the point where his backbone was hit by Yincang.

Unable to bear the pain, he slumped back on the stretcher, but Lu Anru's annoying expression was etched in his mind.

An innocent smile appeared on his pouty lips, and he waved his hand and warned her thoughtfully: "Take good care of yourself and don't move around, otherwise you won't be able to take the exam tomorrow."

Li Yilan slapped the soft cloth of the stretcher angrily, half of his arm hurt and he frowned.

Lu Anru walked off the stage leisurely with his hands on the back of his head, raised his eyebrows at Gao Ying, and said, "Let's go eat, Ella is waiting for us at the barbecue stall."

Gao Ying followed Lu Anru and asked, "How did you know he had taken illegal drugs, and how could you hit the time limit for illegal drugs so accurately?"

Lu Anru lifted the strands of hair on the side of his face and pushed them behind his ears. He quickly cleared the last week's query records on his computer and said honestly, "I've been bullied by him all the time, so I'm used to paying more attention to his situation. As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you'll be victorious in any battle."

Gao Ying always felt that she had been deceived, so she accepted Lu Anru's pitiful words for the time being, and sighed: "It's not easy for you. You sprinted on the field to avoid his shooting, and you were tired to prepare for the final blow."

Thanks to Lu Anru's height advantage, he was wrong. He had a lower body advantage. He bent down and ran just to avoid the vital points. If the hair or shoulders were shot, the points would be reduced much lower than the heart or head.

"Yes, I'm exhausted." Lu Anru murmured sincerely.

I hope that this victory over Li Yilan, who is blessed by super high BUFF from taking medicine, will convince the big guys.

At the barbecue stall, Lu Anru turned his worries into appetite and finished off five plates of barbecue.

With two pieces of lettuce in hand, he listened briefly to Ella and others chatting about the state of the exam in the morning. When asked about himself: "An Ru, how do you feel this morning? Can you pass?"

Lu Anru picked up a few grilled fat sausages that were sizzling with oil, put them in lettuce, rolled them up and ate them.

After finishing the meal deliciously, he roughly described it as: "It's okay, I won by a narrow margin in the end."

Listening to the exaggerated tone, which was obviously bragging and showing off, Gao Ying looked down at Lu Anru with side eyes, but after thinking about it carefully, she couldn't find out what the point of bragging was. It seems that he fought to the end and ran quickly to smooth out the time for Li Yilan's medicine to take effect. Looking at it this way, it is not surprising to describe it as a narrow victory.

Lu Anru blinked innocently and continued to eat hard, taking advantage of Gao Ying's distraction to finish the various kinds of meat he liked in front of him.

Gao Ying picked up the tongs and stretched them towards the pork belly. The tongs made a crisp sound when they hit the empty plate. She turned to look at Lu Anru reproachfully.

Lu Anru stuffed the pork belly into his mouth, chewed it into pieces and swallowed it, hurriedly wiped his mouth with a wet tissue, and lowered his hands to the table.

He looked like he was being offended. He didn't say a word, but he expressed all his grievances vividly: If you don't let me eat, I won't eat. Don't be cruel.

Seeing this, Ella was afraid that her best friend would starve, so she hurriedly picked up the menu and said, "I think An Ru is not full, so please order a few more portions. Let us tell you what you want to eat together."

"She hasn't eaten enough yet?" Gao Ying felt horrified and pointed in the direction of Lu Anru's belly: "Don't think that she is always hungry just because she is thin. She took advantage of my time to think and put pork belly, sausages, pork on the table. Belly, ribs, and this and that are all finished.”

Sheng Mina held down Gao Ying's fingering hand holding the clip to avoid the risk of accidental injury at any time.

Standing in the role of an old man who is good at peacemaking, he advised: "You are exaggerating. How can An Ru have such a little bird's stomach?"

Noticing Gao Ying's angry and unkind eyes, she persuaded in a more acceptable way: "Ella wants something new, tell me what to eat."

Gao Ying was almost full of anger, waved her hand in disappointment and refused: "I won't eat."

"Have ambition!" Lu Anru gave a thumbs up and ran to the other end of the table before the big slap came down.

Gao Ying finally understood why Lu Anru could easily appear to be faking when she told the truth, because she liked tea so much.

Suddenly I feel a little sympathy for Li Yilan who is lying in the hospital undergoing rapid repair. What's going on

When the new dishes arrived, Lu Anru ate a few bites with her and declined the suggestion to go to Rona City.

Returning to the dormitory, I set the computer to silent mode, fell asleep, and recuperated for the second theoretical knowledge test.

She had given up hope on Yin Yi. She entered the theoretical exam at 8:30 and handed it in at 1:00 at the latest. I plan to go in and pretend to be there for three hours, and write down as many answers as I can in my memory.

After staying up until 1 o'clock, the limit state is enough for 24 hours, and it takes ten minutes to complete the test.

I went to bed at 4 p.m. and got up at around 5 a.m. After washing my hands, I ate Xiaoluan’s special nutritious breakfast, then sat at the desk and opened up more than a month’s lecture notes.

I read the key points carefully twice and memorized it silently with my eyes closed. Sadly, I found that I could only remember the content I watched recently.

I forced myself to read it several times and memorized it over and over again until 7:30. I brought the necessary supplies to the examination room and put them in a special transparent document bag for the examination room.

Unlock the computer and select the exam mode. During the process of switching modes, two more messages were found, coming from Yin Yi.

Lu Anru was ready to reply and entered the chat box.

As she expected, the first one: Xiao Anru, the passing rate for the comprehensive essay test yesterday was as high as 97%. The master must be very good. Don't worry, Master will cheer you on.

Lu Anru had told himself long ago not to argue with him. Thousands of words of advice could not stand up to this irritating self-promotion, and my breathing became a little heavier.

Be patient and read on to the second article. After reading two articles, I responded as a whole.

The second one was different from the bragging she had imagined. He asked her a rigorous question: Xiao Anru, why do you want to become stronger

(End of chapter)