Magnificent Years

Chapter 88: Raise your realm higher


Lu Anru resisted the urge to reply "Because I want to beat you to death", and used the rhetoric that big brothers in fighting often talk about, and perfunctorily responded to two of them.

Article 1: Who is willing to be a weakling and be bullied every day

Article 2: When you become stronger, you can live a more arbitrary life. Anyone who doesn't like it can beat him at any time.

Lu Anru's reply to these two messages does not rule out the reason for venting personal vendettas. Being manipulated by Yin Yi every day would easily make her irritated.

Unlock the silent mode, hesitate to choose the test mode, and put the computer lock screen in your pocket.

Hold the transparent document bag in your armpit and pick up the sandwich sealed by Xiao Luan in a plastic bag.

Walking out of the room, I met Ella, who was rubbing her eyes and wandering around the hall looking for food.

"You're up early." Lu Anru came behind her and handed out the sandwich.

Ella turned around and took it, saying gratefully: "Thank you, your thoughtful An Ruru."

After opening the package, he wolfed down the brewed milk and sighed, "I feel so happy after eating it all night long."

Lu Anru just noticed that Ella's swollen and darkened bags under her eyes asked, "You said you passed the test on the periodic law of elements yesterday. Why did you stay up late for the practical test today?"

I don’t understand the reason why Ella had a hard time staying up all night.

Ella stretched her neck, peeked into her room and made sure the door was locked. She held Lu Anru's hand and cried, "An Ruru, I'll sleep with you tonight. Wolong and Fengchu endorsed it all night, I couldn't sleep well."

Lu Anru found out what was unreasonable: "You guys have light perception training. Turning on a light won't affect your rest, right?"

"Not only did she turn on the light, Yun Fengmeng recited it very loudly. God knows where she learned this weird method. It told her that knowledge points that are easy to forget can be recited aloud, which can deepen her memory retention in many aspects."

Ella was about to cry but was forced to stop complaining when she heard the door being opened, "An Ruru, let's go to the examination room."

"Okay." Lu Anru suppressed a smile and resisted the desire to tell Ella the truth.

While chatting, we walked through the West Garden and arrived at the examination room building.

Taking the elevator, Lu Anru pressed the button 39, which was the floor of the theoretical knowledge examination room.

Ella dejectedly pressed on the 7th floor, looked up at the beating numbers, and wiped her dry eyes with her sleeves from time to time.

'Beep, we've arrived at the seventh floor', the elevator beep sounded.

Ella concentrated on preparing for the battle and whispered to herself: "Come on, little fairy Ella, you are the best, you will definitely win the exam."

Even though her eyes were wider than a copper bell, the bright red blood in them betrayed her sleepiness.

Lu Anru came to the elevator control panel in one step, pressed the door, and couldn't bear to say: "I have a night exam tonight, and I will go home late. You can go to my room to sleep first, the password is 111817."

After the exam, go back and watch the GK game replays. You can sit in your bed and watch with headphones. It’s good to inform Xiaoluan in advance so that she can transform back into a bird and be prepared.

Ella turned around and hugged Lu Anru deeply, crying with gratitude: "My An Ruru is so kind to me."

Rubbing his face against the top of Lu Anru's head, after thinking about it, gratitude on his face was replaced by depression, and he asked sensitively: "Why did you change the password in your room? Who are you wary of?"

I want to ask, 'Are you wary of me?' ’, fearing that he would let down Lu Anru’s good intentions by being suspicious.

Lu Anru blurted out the reason why Ella was convinced: "Last time you got drunk and announced the password to my room. Gao Ying and Sheng Mina knew it. I changed it to a new one the next day."

"That's it, I'm sorry." Ella admitted her mistake guiltily.

Lu Anru waved his hand and said magnanimously: "It's okay, let's go to the examination room."

"Okay," Ella responded, walked out of the elevator, and muttered in confusion: "Have I done such an unreliable thing recently when I was drunk? It seems that I need to be more careful about drunken gaffes in the future."

The elevator door closed and Lu Anru took out the vibrating computer.

Unlock to view the latest information, Yin Yi: Actually, sometimes you need to go to a higher level and pretend to be X, so as to get more recognition from the masses.

The inexplicable words remained in Lu Anru's mind for a long time. He sat at the designated seat in the examination room and the examination would start in twenty minutes.

Put the computer into exam mode, open the key notes and read them over to consolidate your impressions.

After reading it, hand it over to the invigilation office, sit and wait for the exam to start, and candidates will enter one after another.

When the bell rings, two-thirds of the candidates are present, and the remaining absentees will have their qualifications invalidated.

It is estimated that they really didn't memorize much theoretical knowledge, so they decided to give up the exam and concentrate on preparing for the night exam. At least they were more confident than just blindly studying the theory.

Lu Anru clicked on the electronic answer board, entered the test number and pressed his fingerprint, and successfully entered the test question interface.

The moment I saw the title, I felt like I was struck by lightning.

"Please list the classic deeds of famous generals in history and their influence on later generations."

Lu Anru instantly understood what Yin Yi was referring to and cursed secretly: "I should have said it earlier."

Tell her earlier so she can take more time to prepare!

I kept my complaints in my mind later, for fear of being caught by the proctoring robot.

Recalling the famous general, she also remembered the message that Yin Yi gave her yesterday afternoon.

The little guilt of slandering others was quickly eliminated. Lu Anru told himself: Face the exam seriously, don't just think about it.

He concentrated on picking out a typical figure from the famous generals he had memorized, the Martial Saint Guan Yunchang.

The deeds are easy to write. I selected the historically significant deeds such as Guan Er Ye warming wine to kill Hua Xiong, passing five passes to kill six generals, scraping bones to cure poison, flooding seven armies, etc., and wrote thousands of words eloquently.

The writing is written with true feelings and expressions. If you want to ask why you pay special attention to Mr. Guan, you have to thank the three Hakka brothers.

After witnessing them worshiping and praying for blessings, Lu Anru would automatically pay attention to the deeds of Guan Erye during class, a figure who can be regarded as a god-like existence by the fighting club.

Complete the core points and easily describe the impact based on the deeds that connect the previous to the next.

After analyzing each deed point one by one, Lu Anru breathed a sigh of relief, put away his electronic pen, raised his head and stretched his arms. Looking at the strong men in front of them, they were all scratching their heads and thinking hard, including Gao Ying, who was sitting in the front row. Her constipated face showed her embarrassment about the test questions.

For the first time, I experienced the joy of being a top student. My vanity swelled. I picked up the answer board with one hand and stood up to be the first person to complete the exam.

The chair had been silenced, so her every move only attracted the attention of those around her, but did not catch everyone's attention.

However, the attention paid to her was different from what she expected. The two candidates in the same row next to her were looking at each other across the spacious aisle.

The answer board is equipped with an anti-peeping system. Others cannot see the long content she wrote. They may think that she did not write much at all, or that she wrote randomly and handed in the paper recklessly.

Lu Anru raised his head disdainfully and walked towards the place where the papers were handed in. He received the same mocking attention from everyone.

Beyond vanity, I decided to stop in front of the proctoring robot and hand over the answer board.

"Candidates please confirm whether to submit or not. Leave the venue immediately after submitting. Do not stay." The robot stated the rules rigidly.

Just before releasing his fingers from holding the answer board, Lu Anru's mind came to Yin Yi's reminder: Actually, sometimes you need to go higher and pretend to be X, in order to get more recognition from the crowd.

(End of chapter)