Magus Tech

Chapter 10: Super physical state


Soon, Richard walked down the second floor to the lobby on the first floor. He saw a thin old man in blue clothes standing in the distance. He looked curiously at the maids operating various complex instruments on several tables around him. . The maids knew very well that the old man held great power, so they did not dare to breathe and kept their heads down while busy for fear of getting into trouble.

"Da da da… "

Richard stepped towards the other party. The old man turned his head when he heard the voice. When he saw it was Richard, he quickly bowed and saluted, "Hello, Your Highness Richard."

"Yes." Richard nodded and asked directly without saying anything, "What is the purpose of Butler Delong coming to my place? It's my respected father, King Tangners. What does he want to do?"

"Um..." the old man said, his voice slightly hoarse and hesitant, "Actually, His Highness Richard is not an order from His Majesty the King..."

"Then it seems that I have the right to refuse." Richard said calmly.

The old man's expression tightened and he said quickly: "Of course, Your Highness Richard, you are a prince and the king's second heir. Except for His Majesty's orders, you naturally have the right to refuse. It's just... just... "

"Just what?" Richard asked.

"The thing is like this." The old man sighed and said slowly, "Your Highness Richard, His Majesty has been ill for a long time and has not been getting better recently, so His Royal Highness the Prince said... that he wanted to cut down on daily expenses. , so as to find better doctors to treat His Majesty the King.

Although His Majesty the Great Prince just made a suggestion, he has actually started to do it. From today on, he will reduce the expenses in his palace by one-third. In this case, if Your Highness Richard does not respond, His Highness the Prince may not look good, and after all, this matter is for His Majesty the Kingdom, His Majesty the King... "

"Cutting expenses to treat the king's illness? Is the Blue Lion Kingdom already so poor?" Richard said, his voice slightly cold.

"This..." The old man's body trembled and cold sweat broke out on his face, "Of course that's not the case. His Royal Highness may just want to express his filial piety..."

"Butler Delong, there is no need to say any more." Richard's cold voice sounded, "I know the thoughts and intentions of my dear brother William Austin. It's just that he is him and I am me, and he wants to express his filial piety. Let him express it well and reduce the cost.

Butler Delong, I know you came here to tell me this with good intentions, but my expenses cannot be reduced for the time being. You have also seen that there are so many people in this hall who are all useful to me. I need them. Prepare all kinds of chemical raw materials for me. Otherwise, if I have to make them myself, just one experimental study will be exhausted.

Therefore, I keep the same and the expenses remain unchanged, just to compare with my dear brother, and better show his filial piety. As for whether my dear brother is good-looking or not, it is up to the others, my respected father, King Donners, to think whatever they think. "

"This..." The old man looked at Richard and hesitated to speak.

However, Richard made a gesture of invitation towards a door.

The old man had no choice but to salute again, exit the door, and leave the palace.

Walking to the square outside the palace, the old man looked a little sad and couldn't help but said to himself: "Your Highness Richard, in fact, you may not necessarily reduce the expenses by one-third like the eldest prince, even if it is One-tenth or one-twentieth is fine just to show off. But if you don’t even bother to show off, that’s... ugh... "

The old man's back disappeared in the square. In the palace, Edward approached Richard and couldn't help but persuade him: "Your Highness, I think we can actually reduce the cost a little. The funds in the palace are still somewhat surplus, and you are in the city. The money I earned from the few shops I opened has been left unused outside the palace. It would be a waste just to leave it, so why not..."

"There is no need to mention this matter again." Richard waved his hand to stop Edward from continuing, "I have other uses for the shop's money, and part of the palace's money must be set aside for emergencies, so there is no part for doing face-saving projects. I won’t cut even copper Klee.”

"Forehead… "

"Okay, I'm going to the laboratory to do some research now. You continue to look at the palace. If there's nothing urgent, don't disturb me." As Richard spoke, he walked towards the independent laboratory on the side.

Edward quickly reminded: "Your Highness, you haven't had breakfast yet?"

"No need. I'll eat it after I do some research and gain some insights."

"But, you didn't eat dinner yesterday, and today..." Before Edward could finish his words, Richard had already walked into the independent laboratory and closed the door with a bang.

Edward swallowed the rest of his words helplessly and sighed, "Oh, Your Highness, you make it really difficult for me as the captain of the personal guard..."

Richard walked into the independent laboratory and found that it had been cleaned.

The python carcass placed on the table in the middle, as well as the blood stains on the ground from yesterday's autopsy, have been cleaned up. There is still a faint smell of disinfectant alcohol in the air. It seems that they have strictly followed the cleaning regulations they set.

With a slight nod, Richard walked towards a wooden frame, took out many bottles, cans and leather tubes and began to connect them together, eventually forming an extremely complex set of instruments.

Put some whitish plant powder into the first jar and start the heating reaction.

This is Richard trying to create a plant alkaline anesthetic. The reason for doing this is to use scientific methods to try to solve the three life-reshaping difficulties described in wizard books.

According to the content of "The Chapter of Monroe", people with wizard talents are born with strong spiritual power and can intentionally or unintentionally affect some light objects, such as preventing the whereabouts of a scroll.

Only such people can automatically enter a special super-body state, connect with the vast universe, absorb the energy projected by stars in the universe, and complete the first reshaping of life.

After that, use mental power to keep the body in a highly activated state, let the mental power act on the body and be highly consolidated, and construct a special container called "Dharma Source" to store the absorbed astral projection energy inside for later use. , complete the second reshaping of life.

Finally, use spiritual power to bring life into a high-energy state, smelt the energy stored in the "source of magic", and turn it into real "mana", which can be used to release real spells and complete the third reshaping of life.

To put it simply, the three reshapings of life are the three preparations a person needs to make in advance if he wants to release a spell. Only after completing these three preparations can you start casting the spell. As for how many steps are needed to cast the spell, we will discuss it separately. But if you can't do these three steps, then casting a spell is a goal that is simply unattainable.

Obviously, this "spell system" is extremely complicated and not as simple as what is said in entertainment novels - you just need to sit cross-legged with your eyes closed, absorb the spiritual energy from the world into the body, and then release it when you use it.

This "spell system", even if Richard described it according to the content in "The Chapter of Monroe" and added a lot of his own speculations, he still had a lot of doubts about many parts of it.

For example, what is the "super-body state" that is to be achieved in the first life reshaping? What is the "highly activated state" that is to be achieved in the second life reshaping? What is the "high-energy state" to be achieved in the third life reshaping

In this regard, Richard could only guess, explore and try.

According to some relevant explanations in the book, the "transbody state" of the first life reshaping is a mysterious state that allows the spirit to temporarily separate from the body and use the spirit to experience the outside world. It feels a bit like a dream, but it maintains a clear sense of self.

Richard's understanding of this is that the "superbody state" should be similar to meditation, which is "Mantra" in Indian Sanskrit: In Sanskrit, "Mantra" can be divided into two parts, namely "Man" and "Mantra". "Tela". "Man" means "mind". "Tela" means "to draw away." Therefore, the meaning of "Mantra" is to divert the human mind away from all kinds of worldly thoughts, worries, desires, spiritual burdens, etc.

However, the "superbody state" is not exactly the same as "Mantra" meditation. In comparison, it is deeper. On the basis of maintaining a relaxed self-awareness, it is more separated from the body and deeper into the spirit, which is similar to the ultimate state of meditation. -Zen.

In other words, it is a kind of "nightmare" state, that is, "ghost on the bed": when a person suddenly wakes up from sleep, the brain regains consciousness, but the motor center is still in a deep sleep state, which leads to a phenomenon where the mind cannot control the body. You can think and recall, but you cannot make any movement of your limbs, which can cause extreme panic to people who have experienced this.

Or the "lucid dream" that many people pursue: the consciousness is between half asleep and half awake, and you can clearly know that you are dreaming, and can control the generation of any dream, allowing you to create and destroy like God, realizing things that are impossible in reality. All kinds of fantasies.

Simply put, the "transbody state" is a very deep "mantra" meditation, and it is not easy to achieve this. Even true yoga masters cannot guarantee that they will be able to fully immerse themselves in meditation at any time. The so-called "nightmares" and "lucid dreams" are even more rare. Even if you deliberately adjust your sleep, the success rate is less than one tenth.

This is completely unacceptable to Richard. From a scientific attitude, only a 100% success rate can prove the feasibility of something.

And if he wanted to make the extremely difficult "super-body state" 100% possible, Richard's idea was to rely on drugs.