Magus Tech

Chapter 110: You, be sensible


In the room, Gro and Richard were talking.

Gro looked at Richard and said slightly excitedly: "Your Excellency Richard, I really didn't expect you to come to Cuijin City."

"I will come." Richard said, "According to what you said, you can contact wizards from the mainland here. Some talented people can take a boat to the mainland to find a way out, right?"

"Well, that's true." Gro said. "Although Emerald City is not a coastal city, the largest river in the kingdom, the Emerald River, passes by. So some people on the mainland, well, should be from some wizard organizations. Wizards will first take a large boat to the estuary, then change to a smaller boat and go deep into the hinterland of the kingdom through the Emerald River. Along the way, some children or young people from big cities will be tested. Those who pass the test will be allowed to board the boat, and They returned to the big ship at the estuary and headed to the mainland together."

"This is exactly the purpose of my coming." Richard said, and then asked: "How often do wizards usually come?"

"Well, this seems uncertain." Gro thought for a moment and said, "Sometimes it's once a year, sometimes it's once a year and a half, and sometimes it's two full years apart."

Richard's eyes flashed: "How long ago was the most recent time?"

"It seems..." Grotto hesitated, thought carefully about it for a moment, and replied, "It should have been nine months ago."

"So, the shortest I can see the wizards on the mainland is three months, and the latest, it will be a year?" Richard murmured.

Gro spread his hands: "That seems to be it."

"Okay then." Richard said, feeling a little helpless about this, but there was nothing he could do about it. "In this case, I will live in Cuijin City. If you have any news about wizards, please tell me. Let me know. Best of all, I hope I can successfully pass the wizards' test and follow them to the mainland."

"Are you sure you are really going to the mainland?" Gro said, frowning, "I heard that the mainland is very chaotic, with various wizards fighting, and ordinary wizard apprentices can only become cannon fodder, and there is no guarantee of safety. And if you pass the test and follow the big ship to the mainland, you will have to join the other party's wizard organization, and you will lose your freedom. Before you are sure what kind of organization the other party is, you don't know what you will go through."

Richard chuckled and said: "There is no need to be so pessimistic. I don't necessarily have to join any wizard organization. I just want to take this opportunity to go to the mainland to understand the situation in the real wizard world and take a look at the current world. It’s just his true face.”

"Oh, okay then." Gro said, "I'll try to give you as much information about the wizards as possible."

"Okay." Richard nodded, then took out a bottle of potion from his arms and handed it to Grotto: "This is ether. Well, it's the potion that I gave you before to help with meditation. I think, You should have almost finished the previous bottle. You can continue to use this bottle as a reward for helping me find out the information.

However, be careful not to use it too frequently as it may lead to addiction. Of course, it's best if you try to achieve independent out-of-body meditation with the help of ether. "

"Uh, I know." Gro said, taking the medicine bottle without much reaction on his face.

Richard frowned slightly and looked at Gro: "You... seem to be a little off."

"Huh? What's wrong?" Gro's eyes flashed slightly.

"At least, it's different from when we were in the forest." Richard said, "At that time, you really wanted to become a wizard. After you got the ether potion I gave you, you couldn't wait to try it. But This time, I’ll give you another bottle, and you won’t have this emotion anymore.”

Richard analyzed: "When this happens, either my potion is useless, but I know its effect very well. Or, you have some problems yourself, which reduces your motivation to become a wizard."

"Um, um..." Groo looked at Richard, hesitated for a moment, and finally sighed, "Okay, it doesn't hurt to tell you. At the beginning, the reason why I wanted to become a wizard was because I was worried that my elder brother would kill me. I want to protect myself. But now I find that just like what you told me at the beginning, my eldest brother does not want to kill me, he is just trying to temper my temper and prepares me to accept a remote and barren territory and 'send' me out. .

Then, I discovered that my wizard talent is really not good, it can be said that it is almost non-existent. Even with the potion you gave me, it is difficult to succeed in meditation. "

After a pause, Gro said with some despair: "In addition, I had a conversation with my teacher, which made me feel that there is really no need to become a wizard, and I should just wait to die. good."

"Huh? What did you and your teacher talk about?"

"Well, it's not really a conversation, he's the one talking." Gro said as he recalled, his eyes full of pain, "My teacher said that many people's lives are meaningless, for example, like me, To live is to die. If you want to be a wizard, you will only cause trouble for yourself. It is better to live this life simply... "

After a long time, Ge Luo finished speaking. Richard could see that Ge Luo was greatly influenced by what he called "teacher's teachings".

It’s no wonder that before you have established a complete world view, outlook on life, and values, you will inevitably have a negative mentality after hearing such a passage.

After Gro said, he looked at Richard and couldn't help but speak, with a hint of hope in his eyes: "I admit that what my teacher said makes sense, but I still feel that something is not quite right. Richard Sir, what do you think?"

"I think..." Richard said, nodding, "Actually, what your teacher said is quite right."

"I..." Ge Luo was stunned, feeling that his last hope was shattered, "No, you..."

"Many people's lives are meaningless to begin with." Richard said lightly, "Most people spend their lives in an ordinary way, live in mediocrity, and then die. Unless a person is truly outstanding , with wisdom, talent or perseverance that ordinary people do not have, and then coupled with chance, coincidence, and a certain strength background, only then can they do something that is impossible and have an impact on many people, which is considered meaningful.

It's hard to be meaningful, just as it's hard for many people to accept their own ordinariness. People often only recognize this reality after living for most of their lives and in old age, and then settle for the status quo. Your teacher obviously understands. He tells you this truth that you should have understood only after decades, allowing you to see through the life of the next few decades in advance, making you feel discouraged and lack of interest in everything. It’s missing, but that’s normal. "

"I..." Gro said in complete despair, "So, my life is really meaningless? So, is it right for me to just wait for death and not work hard to become a wizard apprentice?"

"That's not the case." Richard said.

Gro's eyes lit up slightly.

"It is indeed difficult to have meaning in life, because meaning is often given by others' evaluations, but... life can be meaningful, which means the true feelings in one's heart. When a person lives, he has many worries and will be subject to many constraints. But within a certain range Inside, there are still many choices, such as what industry to engage in, and how to do one thing well.

For this, you can choose the one you like the most, or the one that interests you. Maybe in the eyes of others, there is no difference or meaning, but you know very well that it is different. "

"So..." Gro's eyes widened, "My teacher may be right, but it's not comprehensive. My life may be meaningless, but it can be meaningful. In this case, I'd better work hard to become a wizard. ,Right?"

Grotto looked at Richard.

Richard said calmly: "Actually, becoming a wizard is not the only option. You can also find more fun in other aspects. For example, poetry, wine and sex..."

"this… "

"Although I said my blessing to you to become a wizard when we parted last time. But considering the difference in wizard talent you just confessed, it seems to me that becoming a wizard may not be your best choice." Richard said calmly. "Having said that, people's lives do not necessarily have to have any meaning or meaning. The most important thing is to be sensible and not to get into trouble. Otherwise, while getting such a little meaning and meaning, you will live It’s very hard and tiring.”

"I..." Grotto stared at Richard with wide eyes and didn't want to speak for a moment.

Hey, are you enlightening me or are you destroying me

Although... my wizard talent is really a bit poor, but I don't need to say it so clearly, right

I, I, I...