Magus Tech

Chapter 119: Strange Light


Richard looked at the mine owner Orric and saw that the muscles on his face were slightly tense. He said, "Don't be nervous. What I'm asking for is actually very simple. Find some ore for me."

"How many pieces of ore are you looking for?" Orric was stunned and his eyes couldn't help but widen.

This requirement is not difficult, on the contrary, it is simply too simple.

Orric couldn't help but want to say, if you just want to find a few pieces of ore, how about creating such a big scene and calling all the princes? !

But this also made Orrick feel relieved.

This mine lacks everything except ore.

Large chunks of fine iron ore are piled up in mountains. You can take as much as you want, as long as you can take it. How many kilograms of ore can Richard carry alone? Even if it were not Richard alone, but Gro and all the guards, and even horses and people carrying iron ore, Orrick doubted whether he could transport the daily mining volume of his mine.

Thinking of this, Orric looked at Richard and said: "This... um, Mr. Richard, are you sure you are just looking for a few pieces of ore?"

"Yes." Richard nodded and responded aloud.

"That's easy, please come here." Orrick said, leading Richard to a pile of iron ore on one side, "This is all new ore that has just been mined. As long as you like it, Take whatever you want.”

"But what I want is not this kind of ore, well, what I want is not iron ore." Richard said calmly.

"Ah!" Orrick was slightly startled after hearing what he said, and became a little wary. His mine is an iron ore. If you don’t come here for iron ore, what other ore can you want? Want gold ore? Silver ore? In other words, did he still take the other party's coming as simple as possible? Could the other party be deliberately looking for trouble to annex his mine

Well, it's possible, very likely.

Orrick was thinking in his mind, but his face was calm, and he approached Richard: "Dear Sir, I only have iron ore here. If you are not looking for iron ore, I am afraid you are looking in the wrong place. How about... why don't you go somewhere else and try again?"

"No need." Richard shook his head and said softly, "I know this is an iron ore, but in addition to mining iron ore, there are definitely other ores associated with it. Of course, in most cases, it will be regarded as an iron ore mine. Waste ore.

What I want is a kind of waste ore. Its name is cobalt ore, and its appearance should be blue-gray. It doesn't look much different from ordinary stone, but it is very hard, and the fracture is silvery white with a metallic luster. Find them for me, the more the better. "

"Um, that's it..." Orric felt relieved again. It turned out that his worries were in vain. Such a large battle did not require iron ore, but waste ore that was not even worth a copper. .

There is more waste ore than iron ore. If no one wants it, he will need to spend additional effort to process it. In this case...

Orric turned to look at the supervisors standing not far away, and shouted loudly: "Have you heard the instructions of Mr. Richard? Go to the waste ore pile immediately and find me the qualified ones." The waste ore, uh, it’s cobalt ore! Go quickly! Whoever finds it last will only get half of his salary this month!”

Upon hearing this, several supervisors felt as if they had been shot in the buttocks by an arrow. They rushed to the pile of waste ore on the side as if they were impatient, and searched desperately for fear of falling behind others.

But ten minutes, twenty minutes, thirty minutes...

Half an hour passed quickly, and the atmosphere became somewhat solidified. The sounds in the mining area became somewhat quiet, and the panting voices of several supervisors could be heard clearly.

"Huh", the supervisors who were about to turn over the pile of waste ore gasped and looked at each other, realizing that their previous worries about salary deductions were unnecessary, because... they simply could not find the ore that did not meet the requirements.

Several people stared at each other, and Orrick suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Can't find it? Can't find it

This is going to be troublesome.

Looking for a specific type of waste ore is a simple request.

And if a request is very simple, or even too simple to look like, but cannot be completed, then the result will definitely not be much better.

Orrick thought of this and yelled at the supervisors: "You losers, hurry up and keep looking for me! If you can't find it, get out of here today! Don't even get a single copper for your wages!" arrive!"


The supervisors stiffened and had to get busy again, really ready to turn over the waste ore pile.

Ross struggled to throw a piece of black waste ore aside, and was about to continue searching downwards, when he suddenly heard footsteps nearby.

Turning around, he saw old miner Mullen walking over.

"Old Maren, what do you want to do? Why are you causing trouble? Get out of here!" Ross was a little angry and cursed impatiently.

Unexpectedly, Old Maren sneered at him, with a bit of disdain on his face, and walked gently past him and walked towards Orrick on the side.

Orric frowned and stared at old Mullen, ready to see what the other party would do. Unexpectedly, Old Malen walked past him gently again and stopped in front of Richard.

"Um...Your Excellency Richard." Old Malen bowed and said with great respect, "I know where the ore you are looking for is found."

"You know!" Before Richard could say anything, supervisor Ross had already yelled out, "You know, why didn't you tell me earlier and made me busy here for a long time? You want to die..."

Ross only said half of what he said, and there was no more, because he found that the mine owner Orrick was staring at him.

And Orric did this because Gro was casting an unkind look at him.

And Gro did this because Richard was frowning slightly.

"Gudong", Ross swallowed, his body softened, and he didn't dare to say a word.

Orric exhaled slowly.

Gro's expression returned to normal.

Richard raised his eyebrows, looked at Old Malen, and said, "Tell me, where is it?"

"Yes, yes, Sir Richard, I will take you there right now." Old Malen was very sensible and not verbose. He quickly led the way and explained while leading the way, "Your Excellency, Richard, what are you looking for?" The ore is indeed produced in this mine, but it is relatively small. We usually call it the devil's stone, because if it is in contact with it for a long time, the body will feel uncomfortable. Every time it is mined, we will throw it far away. So there’s none here.”

Richard nodded, and after listening to Old Malen's words, he was already 70% sure that he was right. Some cobalt ores are indeed toxic because they are sometimes mixed with arsenic, the main component of arsenic.

In fact, in the history of modern earth, a certain mineralogist named cobalt ore, which translates to "demon", which is very similar to the devil.

With this thought in mind, Old Malen had already led Richard to a remote corner of the mine. He pointed at a few pieces of ore thrown on the ground and said, "Look, Mr. Richard, those are the pieces."

"Uh." Richard nodded and responded, taking a step closer to take a closer look.

However, Old Malen was extremely active and rushed to the front, saying quickly: "Your Excellency Richard, I'll come, I'll come."

As he spoke, Old Malen picked up the ore, wiped the soil on the surface with his clothes, and brought it to Richard in hand.

At this time, behind Richard, a group of people including Ross, Orick, and Groo were standing, all staring at Richard's reaction, and they were all a little nervous.

The next moment, I heard Richard say: "Yes, that's it."

"Huh", there was a collective sigh of relief.

Ross thought he might still be able to keep his job, and Orrick thought his mine would be safe from disaster. Gro, on the other hand, felt that the "dihydrogen monoxide" magical potion he finally obtained should not be returned to Richard.

Everything looked happy. Old Maren was beside him, with a strange light shining in his eyes.