Magus Tech

Chapter 133: Poisonous chicken soup


Richard walked slowly in the corridor outside the box to wait for Gro.

In the corridor was a row of more than ten beautiful girls waiting for orders. They must have been found by Hua Er. They were all standing against the wall nervously. Looking at Richard, he wanted to smile politely, but his expression was a little stiff.

Richard didn't care and continued walking slowly. After a while, there was a sound in the box. It should be that Gro was finished being tested. I heard Hua Er announce the result: "No talent... Well, no, it should be a low-level talent. In fact, it is not much different from having no talent. Prince Gro, right, I'm sorry, you are not qualified either, leave."

"Forehead… "

"Da da da", footsteps sounded, the box door opened, and Gro came out. Richard stopped and waited for a few seconds, and Gro followed.

At this time, the expression on Gro's face seemed to be a little unresolved, and he kept repeating: "I have talent, I have talent, I am actually talented!"

"Well, I do have talent, I heard it." Richard nodded, not forgetting to remind, "But it is an extremely low-level talent. Although I don't know how the Hual and White Stone Towers divide talent levels, but they are You can also guess that the so-called low-level talent is probably just a little bit better than no talent at all."

"So what?" Gro said indifferently, "Even so, I still have talent! Speaking of which, I once thought that I didn't have any talent at all. Now that Wall told me that I have talent, that's enough It doesn’t matter if I’m low. As long as I have talent, I can become a wizard through hard work. As long as I work harder than others, I will definitely succeed.”

"you sure?"

"Of course." Gro said in a very positive tone, "When others meditate for two hours, I meditate for four hours. When others meditate for four hours, I meditate for eight hours. When others meditate for eight hours, I meditate for sixteen hours." Hours! I don’t believe it, I can’t catch up with them.”

"How about hard work?" Richard said to himself.


"Effort theory, the theory that as long as you work hard, you can change everything." Richard said, "In a sense, it is true, but it does not mean that it should be tried under all circumstances."

"I do not believe."

"Hey, let me ask you, you said that others meditate for eight hours, and you have low talent, so you can meditate for sixteen hours to compensate. What if others work equally hard and meditate for sixteen hours? Can you not eat or drink? , meditating day and night without rest?”

"I… "

"Even if you can do this, sometimes you will find that your effect of meditating for a day and night may not be as effective as someone else's meditating for an hour."

"I… "

"Sometimes, hard work cannot solve everything. Hard work is a good thing, but it also has its limitations. You must understand this clearly." Richard said lightly, "In many cases, it does not mean that hard work is the only way to solve everything." It will definitely succeed.

How much effort a person puts in is not something worth bragging about. What about staying up all night, not taking a break in the harsh winter and scorching heat, etc. If this can succeed, then the miners who should succeed most are the miners in the mines and the slaves who have been deprived of their personal freedom.

You can work hard, but don't be obsessed with hard work, and don't be moved by your own efforts. What you have to do is to have a clearer understanding of everything you encounter and figure out what the right thing to do is. If you work in the wrong direction, the more you work, the farther away you will be from success. "


"Did you know that a man named Edison once said: 'Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.'"

"That's right." Gro's eyes lit up, and then he frowned. This sentence was similar to what he thought, but it was different from Richard's point of view. Gro was a little confused as to why Richard said that.

The next moment, I heard Richard say: "The problem is, this sentence is not complete, there is still the second half. Edison said; 'Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration." But the one percent of inspiration is the most important, even more important than the ninety-nine percent of sweat."

Grotto scratched his head: "Uh..."

Gro didn't want to admit defeat, so he thought for a while and said: "This guy named Edison means that inspiration or talent is more important than hard work, right? But even so, even if I don't have any talent now, I think You can work hard to change it, but I don’t believe that I will always be like this, that I will never have talent.

I believe that through hard work, you will gain talent. By then, according to what this man named Edison said, I will definitely succeed. "

"Okay." Richard said, and then said: "But you know, the person named Edison just now didn't actually say the second half of the sentence. He only said the first half. As for the second half, it was about a person named Cindy. Said by the female writer Cindi Myers. And then the good guy put the two sentences together."


There was a long silence.

Gro opened his mouth wide and stared at Richard, who had a calm face. He opened and closed his mouth for a long time, but he didn't say a word.

Is this fishing? No, this is not fishing, this is fish frying!

Although he didn't know the meaning of fishing and frying fish, at this moment, Gro's inner feeling was almost the same.

For some reason, Gro's mind suddenly flashed back to a wild boar he encountered while hunting in the border forest. Gro felt that the wild boar was pitiful for no reason.

No, he should be more pitiful than a wild boar. No, no, no, what a wild boar or not, these are all random thoughts, he... is he already stupid...

"Do you understand now?" Richard asked.

"Do I understand?" Gro said in panic, swallowing his saliva and asked, "What should I... understand?"

As he spoke, Grot felt that he might really be stupid.

Although he had realized a long time ago that following Richard would make him feel like a fool, but now, he no longer felt like a fool, but a complete fool.

What on earth should he understand? He is completely confused, okay!

Richard spoke up and said calmly: "What I want to tell you is that I want you to understand that hard work is not the most important thing. What is more important than hard work is..."

Richard pointed to his head: "What is more important than hard work is to be smart, rational, discern the truth, figure out what should be done and what should not be done, and not to be confused by false things. To put it simply, it is more important than hard work. What matters is…wisdom.”

Gro: "..."

Ge Luo suddenly had the urge to cry. It turned out to be Wisdom. Well, he understood now, it was wisdom. I also understand that he has no wisdom, but he is not completely stupid, at least he can still hear human words.

But... As for what, he just wanted to work hard, he just wanted to struggle, but in the end he was hit so hard that he doubted his IQ. this a bit cruel

Just strike, strike with twists and turns, and strike with fish. Give him a little hope, then give him a little despair, then give him a little more hope, then give him a little despair, until finally he is beaten to death with a stick. Can you just make it clear? Can you please give me a break? He is a prince who doesn’t want to lose face.

"Huh?" Groo suddenly thought of something and turned to look at Richard, "Wait a minute, you said that my talent is low and hard work is useless, don't be impressed, be smarter, be wise. But there is one thing, you still don't know how to do it at all. He didn’t explain it to me.”


"Your talent!" Gro said with wide eyes, "In the test just now, Wall said that you have no talent, so how can you cast spells? If you can cast spells without talent, then I have talent. What’s impossible about it?”

"Well, the explanation is actually very simple." Richard said, "That is..."

After hearing this, Gro's eyes suddenly widened: "Really?"

"if not?"

"Then..." Gro still wanted to ask something, but Richard had already walked out, and Gro quickly followed.

At this moment, Groh suddenly thought: What kind of face do you want! If you can save face, you should find a way to please the respected and wise Lord Richard.

Outside the hotel, Richard and Glo walked out, preparing to return.

At this time, there were many aristocratic young people standing on the street outside. Whenever they see someone new coming out, they will come up and ask. Although they were not eliminated due to lack of talent, they were also very curious about other people's situations.

Slowly, they discovered that the situation of others was not much better than theirs. So far, not to mention qualified people, there are only three "low-level talents", and the rest are "no talents".

The only one who is "talented and qualified" is Anthony Max, who came out not long ago. At this time, he is surrounded by everyone, receiving compliments and admiration.

Anthony in the crowd couldn't help but show a bit of amusement on his face, imagining the "beautiful wizard life" in the future, and the corners of his mouth turned up uncontrollably. But then he regained his composure, trying not to be too "little man's ambition", and said with a forced and calm expression: "Actually, I didn't expect this to happen. It was really an accident. In fact, I was really afraid of boarding the ship. Mainland, I heard that many things on the mainland are different from what we have here. But... Mr. Wall asked me to board the ship, so I think it’s better to go. What do you think?"

"Yes, yes." A group of people agreed, but ignored Richard and Gro who came out.

Richard and Grotto glanced at everyone, ignored them, and walked towards the carriage. However, Anthony, who was surrounded by the crowd, spotted Gro with sharp eyes and said hello quickly.

"Prince Gro! Prince Gro, you're out! How is your talent tested by Mr. Wall?" Anthony led the people around him and walked quickly to Gro's side, with a hint of sadness on his face. asked respectfully.

Gro was too lazy to lie and said: "Inferior and extremely inferior talent."

"Extremely low-level? What level is this?" Anthony blinked, "Is it a little lower than low-level? Then, your highness, aren't you..." The other party looked like he was hesitating to speak. .

Groh snorted coldly: "Yes, I'm just not qualified, so what? What do you want to tell me that you can't do?..."

"No, no, I don't dare. I just feel sorry for His Highness. Your Highness, please go well. Your Highness, please go slowly." Anthony said, his attitude has changed a lot, and there is no room for ridicule. That is too much. He's more of an idiot, but he doesn't have too much respect, he just maintains basic courtesy.

Gro was too lazy to worry about this with the other party. After talking to Richard, he already had a firm thought: as long as he pleases Mr. Richard, there will be unlimited possibilities in the future. As for things like talent, huh, what does it count? Can it be eaten? Wisdom is the most important thing, and his wisdom now is to know who to please.

Groo snorted softly, and Richard walked to the carriage parked on the street, and left in the carriage.

The people who stayed there looked at each other.