Magus Tech

Chapter 136: Exam exemption certificate


early morning.

In the courtyard where Richard lives, the collapsed wall has been quickly repaired by the craftsmen who rushed to work, and the collapsed side house has also been dealt with. However, it will take a while to build a new one. Richard has no such plan, so the courtyard It seemed a bit empty and extremely quiet.

Quietly, in the study, Richard was writing something on a papyrus scroll with a quill pen. On the chair in the living room, Pandora curled up and fell asleep. Suddenly there was a hurried knock on the door, as if someone was chasing him.

"Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!"

"Your Excellency Richard, open the door quickly!"

Richard raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard it was Gro's voice.

Why is the other party so anxious? Is there something important? But... what could possibly be important

Richard was thinking, his eyes fell on the papyrus scroll that was almost written, and he was thinking about whether to finish writing the last remaining content before opening the door, so as to save himself from having to work hard to pick up the broken train of thought.

"Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang! Mr. Richard, open the door quickly!"

Outside the door, Gro's voice continued to come.

While Richard was still hesitating, Pandora, who was sleeping on a chair in the living room, suddenly opened her eyes, jumped off the chair the next moment, and rushed out of the house.

Richard heard a "squeak" and the courtyard door was opened quickly. Gro's surprised voice sounded outside the door: "Um, Li... is it you? I'm looking for Mr. Richard, I..."

Immediately afterwards, Gro's voice suddenly stopped and turned into an exclamation, "Ah!"

It was like being grabbed by someone's clothes and thrown into the air.

The voices of many guards shouted: "Protect the prince!"

"Hurry up and let go of our prince, or I'll be rude to you."

"You... oops, oops!"

Gro's voice was out of tune and he shouted loudly: "You all stop it, she has no ill intentions towards me, and you can't beat her... Also, you put me down, I just want to see Mr. Richard, no I'll mess with you, I...hehehe..."

Gro's voice came from far away. After Richard finished writing the last paragraph on the scroll, he walked out of the study and walked to the living room. He saw Pandora walking in with Gro in one hand, as if she was carrying a piece of paper. A baby weighing more than 100 pounds.

After entering the living room, Pandora put Gro on the ground, frowned and returned to the chair, curling up again.

Gro, who was on the ground, struggled to stand up and looked at Richard with an awkward yet polite smile.

"Are you okay?" Richard asked aloud.

"Um, it's okay, it's okay." Gro looked sideways at Pandora on the chair, shaking his head in fear.

"Then what's the matter with you that brings you to come to me so early?" Richard asked.

"Uh." Groo then remembered the reason for coming here and said quickly, "Wal is dead."

"Huh?" Richard raised his eyebrows, "Wal, the third-level wizard apprentice from the White Stone Tower?"

"Yes, otherwise who else."

"How did you die? What happened?"

"I don't know the specific situation. It was the group of girls he was looking for who ran out and the news spread. I only found out at dawn. I went to the hotel and took a look. In the room, Nahua It turned directly into a stone statue, which should be caused by the power of magic, but I don’t know who did it.”

"Turn into a stone statue?" Richard's eyes flashed, and he guessed to himself, "A spell similar to petrification? That should be... a transformation spell..."

Ge Luo suddenly thought of something and looked directly at Richard.

Richard noticed Gro's gaze and said, "What?"

"By the way..." Grotto blinked and asked tentatively in a low voice, "By the way... Sir Richard, you weren't the one who killed the person, right?"

"Huh?" Richard was stunned for a moment, looked at Gro with a little funny, and said, "What is this? Guess? But there must be some logic, right? Why should I kill the other party? Not to mention, do I have the ability? . But what is the motive? Will I gain anything by killing the other party?"

"Of course there are benefits." Gro said slightly excitedly, "There are so many benefits. Otherwise, why do you think I would knock on the door so early and almost get beaten." While speaking, Gro had a careful glance. He glanced at Pandora and found that the other party ignored him at all, so he felt relieved.

After hearing what Gro said, Richard asked aloud: "What are the benefits of that? Tell me."

"The most obvious thing is that if Wall is dead, then the records of talent testing with him will disappear. You, and I, don't have to worry about being judged as unqualified and unable to board the ship to the White Rock Tower." Gro said loudly.

"But..." Richard frowned slightly and said, "But after the wizards from White Rock Tower Academy arrive, if you want to board the ship, don't you still have to test your talent? Could it be said that you have changed yourself in a short period of time? A natural way?"

"Well, um... I don't think so, but..." Grotto scratched his head and tried to argue, "But... at least there is some buffer time, at least there is a second chance. Maybe if you make some efforts, you can change the outcome. "

"So, you still hold the view of effort theory? Then do you want me to tell you again what I said yesterday?"

"Uh, forget it." Groo quickly waved his hand and his expression became serious, "But to be honest, I heard a rumor about the White Stone Tower. It is said that I thought of boarding the ship and following them to the mainland. In fact, you don’t have to be talented to study in White Rock Tower, there is a second way.”


"It is said that a long time ago, wizards issued some exemption vouchers. If someone can obtain these exemption vouchers, they can be unconditionally admitted to the White Stone Tower or any other wizard organization, and will also receive special treatment that is different from normal students. Treatment and care.”

"Huh? Is there still such a rumor? Are you sure it's true? Also, are you sure there is such a thing as an exam-free voucher?"

"I'm not entirely sure if it's true or not, but I think it should be true. As for the exemption certificate, I don't know if there is one, but if there is one, I must find a way to get it. It is said that the exemption certificate is round The shape is made of a material similar to crystal, with complex patterns on it that cannot be imitated. In addition... "

After a while, Gro left. Before leaving, he vowed to find a way to get the exemption certificate. If there was a chance, he would get it for Richard as well.

Richard shook his head slightly and said nothing.

After seeing off Gro, Richard walked back to the living room, his eyes flashed, and he turned his hand and took out something from the iron ring, which he got after killing the mysterious wizard.

A round, crystal-like material with complex patterns that cannot be imitated...

Fits all of Gro's descriptions perfectly.


"Exemption certificate?" Richard looked at the thing in his palm, shook his head slightly, and couldn't help but murmured to himself, "It's interesting..."