Magus Tech

Chapter 138: The complex wizarding world


Dark clouds covered the moonlight, and a cold wind blew suddenly from one end of the street. The air surged, making the night a little darker.

The moon is dark, the wind is high, and it is late at night.

A wooden window, two people, four eyes, looking at each other.

Look at each other.

Look at each other.

They looked at each other for a long time.

Looking into the eyes of the man in black robe outside the window, Richard's muscles all over his body contracted, his bones trembled slightly, and strength accumulated in his body, ready to deal with any situation at any time.

His hands tilted down slightly. In a place that could not be seen through the window, his left hand had already grasped the crystal skull, and his right hand had clasped a piece of white jade. Energy elements poured out from the source of the law and were running in the body, ready to use them at any time. Explode the strongest attack in the shortest time and fastest to fight against the enemies outside the window.

Richard had a feeling that the man in black robe outside the ship was most likely the one who killed Hua Er and deliberately targeted the White Stone Tower. And the strength of the other party may be greater than the mysterious wizard who killed Gregory before.

From now on, no matter how careful you are and how hard you go, it's never too much.

Otherwise, it is very likely that in the hands of the other party, he may not even be able to meet him.

It's just... why does the other party appear here

According to criminal psychology on earth, there are indeed some criminals who will return to the scene or stay near the scene after committing a crime.

There are several reasons for this:

First, in order to eliminate some potential traces that may expose the identity and prevent being traced.

Second, gain satisfaction from observing other people's reactions to the case.

Third, pay attention to the latest developments in the case and obtain first-hand information.

Fourth, treat the scene as a trap and wait for the subsequent arrests to appear.

Which kind of person will it be

If we talk about the fourth type, things will obviously be very troublesome. From the other party's point of view, if he came to investigate the cause of Wall's death, he would most likely be regarded as a member of the White Stone Tower, or at least related to the White Stone Tower.

In this case…

Continuing to look at the man in black robe outside the window, Richard tightened his grip on the thing in his hand.

But... the black robe outside the window didn't move at all.

For a long time, the man in black robe looked over meaningfully, then his body twisted and disappeared from sight.

Richard was stunned, waiting for a long time without noticing anything unusual happened, and then he was sure that the other party had left.

But why should the other party let him go? Before leaving, he glanced meaningfully, what does it mean? appreciate? warn? Teasing

Richard frowned, puzzled.

He is not a god. Even if he is smart, he needs a lot of information as an auxiliary premise to infer something. In the current situation, we can only think divergently and make some bold guesses.

Could it be that the other party wanted to do something else besides taking revenge on the White Stone Tower? So, is White Stone Tower aware of this? If you notice it, what kind of response will you make

"It's getting more and more interesting. The world of wizards seems to be very complicated." Richard said to himself, turning around and preparing to leave this dangerous place first.

But before leaving, I thought of something else.

He glanced at the place where the black-robed man was standing just outside the window, and estimated the distance from the room. Richard narrowed his eyes and uttered a spell in his mouth. The multiple blessings of "Lightness of Wind" and "Brute Power of Wind" arrived. On the body.

"Pa", he stepped hard, his body rushed out of the wooden window like an arrow, and after hitting the wall outside the window, he jumped high and quickly approached the roof of the second-story shop across the street.

When his strength was exhausted and his body was about to fall, Richard's body was already close to less than half a meter away from the store.

Then Richard put his hand hard on the wall, making a "bang" sound, and flew up to the roof. He took a few steps and walked to the place where the man in black robe once stood.

Not surprisingly, where the man in black robe once stood, Richard found black powder similar to that in Wall's room.

"As expected, it was left by the other party. It should have something to do with the deformation of the body. It should also be a type of transformation spell. I just don't know what the principle of the spell is." Richard said, collecting the powder. Put it into a new glass bottle, label it, and quickly return to the room where Wall died.

Afterwards, Richard dealt with all traces of himself and left quietly. Prepare to wait for the White Stone Tower to come and see how the other party will react to Hua Er's death, and what kind of actions the man in black robe will take.

In the blink of an eye, ten days later, late at night.

A large wooden boat moved like a floating island in the center of the Emerald River, causing other small wooden boats to get out of the way.

On the deck of the wooden ship, the lights were bright, but there were only two figures standing.

One of the figures was wearing a black robe, and his face appeared to be in his forties. He had a serious look on his face, looking at the water in front of the wooden boat without saying a word, not knowing what he was thinking.

Another figure was also wearing a black robe. He looked much younger, less than twenty years old, and his face was that of a pretty girl. She had a ponytail and her expression was a little cold, but she was still respectful in front of the other figure. She and another figure looked at the water in front of them for a long time. The girl tilted her head slightly and said, "Teacher Sifu, in a few hours, until midnight, we will almost reach Cuijin City."

"Yeah." The person called Teacher Xifu nodded and said softly, "I don't know how Hual is doing."

"Walta..." The girl's eyes flashed, "Teacher Silver, Walt is your most satisfied student. After sending him to Emerald City for so long, I think he will definitely complete the task you gave him. .”

Sif shook his head: "Not necessarily. I have a hunch that what Emerald City is doing against our White Stone Tower won't be easy, and Walder may not be able to handle it. To be honest, I'm thinking that maybe I shouldn't have done it in the first place. Hua Er was asked to investigate in advance, so it’s safe for me to investigate it myself.”

"Teacher, you are worrying too much." The girl's eyes flashed, "I believe in Hua Er's strength. After all, even I am not his opponent."

"Hey, Demi, you still hold grudges about what happened last year?"

"Don't dare."

"Okay, okay, let's wait until we see Hua Er in Emerald City. I hope he's fine." Sifu said to himself, "Everything goes well with this enrollment task, but don't let anything happen at the end. Otherwise, , I’ve lost a lot of face in front of other people, especially Louis and Quinton.”

The girl named Demi didn't dare to answer. After a while, she asked aloud: "By the way, Teacher Sifu, since the enrollment for our ship has basically been completed, next, we still need to recruit those who are exempted from the exam. Qualified person?”

"Go on," Silver said, "After all, this is already a rule, a rule set by the academy."

"Uh, got it."


The two stopped talking, and Sif continued to look toward the water in front of him. The girl named Demi looked at him as well, as if she wanted to see through the night.

In the distance, the night was getting darker, and there were faint sounds of killing.