Magus Tech

Chapter 141: Martin Luther King


Standing in front of the auction house, Pandora stared at the unlucky guy next to her with wide eyes for a moment, and then looked at Richard.

"Do you want to go over and take a look?" Richard asked, and then said, "Then go over, but don't hit anyone, and don't scare them."

"Uh." Pandora said, and the next moment she let go of Richard's hand, walked over curiously, and walked up to the unlucky guy.

The guy in the corner raised his head and looked at Pandora, his eyes still dull, and he said like a wooden man: "They are all dead, they are all dead..."


"All dead, all dead..."


"All dead, all dead..."

Pandora tilted her head and looked at the unlucky guy for a while, then walked back with a strange expression, walked up to Richard, tilted her head and thought for a moment, and then stretched out her hand.

"You want to help him?" Richard understood what Pandora meant.

"Yeah." Pandora nodded.

"Okay then." Richard said, taking out a gold coin and putting it in Pandora's hand, "Give it to him, this will help him live a better life."

Pandora frowned slightly and looked at the solitary gold coin in her hand, feeling a little dissatisfied.

Richard explained aloud: "It's quite a lot. One gold coin is enough for him to live for a long time. Of course, the premise is that he wants to live. In addition, giving him one gold coin is almost the limit. If there is more, then give him It is no longer a help, but a disaster - as he is now, having too much money will only arouse others' greed, and they may be robbed."

"Uh..." Pandora nodded in understanding, picked up the gold coin, and walked to the unlucky guy again.

The other party still kept saying: "They are all dead, they are all dead..."

Pandora ignored this, grabbed the other person's hand, stuffed the gold coin into the other person's palm, and then helped the other person close his hand.

The unlucky guy kept this action and continued to say: "They are all dead, they are all dead..."

Pandora was about to leave, but when she turned around, she thought of something again. Her eyes flickered, she looked at the other person, and the next moment she reached out to touch the other person's head.

The unlucky guy is sitting on the ground now, and Pandora's height is just right.

Pandora reached out her hand to the other person's head, rubbed the unlucky guy's messy hair, and then patted it gently. After doing this, Pandora turned around and left. In Pandora's opinion, this should be the best way to comfort and encourage the unlucky guy. As for whether this was the case, she was too lazy to seriously consider it.

The unlucky guy was obviously stunned when he was treated like this by Pandora. There was a momentary pause in the continuous sound in his mouth: "They are all dead, they are all..."

The unlucky guy turned his head and looked at Pandora subconsciously, but Pandora had already walked back to Richard, holding Richard's hand and walking into the auction house.

The unlucky guy watched Richard, Pandora and Glo disappear from sight. He glanced down at the gold coins in his hands and clenched them tightly, his whole body trembling. At this moment, he felt that his brain was tingling, his throat was dry, and his whole body was exhausted. He regained consciousness, but this made him even more uncomfortable.

They were all dead, really all dead. Everyone they knew including Uncle Duncan, Hart, and Bills were all dead. Now he was the only one left, and he couldn't even go back to "Newburgh." Even if he goes back, how will he face Uncle Duncan's daughter Melissa? What should he do

The unlucky man clenched his fists. The next moment, due to excessive force, the gold coins in his hands flew out, drew an arc in mid-air, landed on the ground, and then rolled away quickly.

The unlucky guy was stunned, his eyes chasing the gold coins and looking far, far away...


The unlucky guy saw a pair of black boots stepping on the gold coins, trampling the gold coins under his feet. Looking up from the boots, he saw a middle-aged man wearing a black robe, and next to him was a beautiful girl also wearing a black robe with a ponytail.

The unlucky guy glanced at the two of them, and for some reason, a huge fear suddenly arose in his heart, as if his heart had been pinched, and he sat there, not daring to move.

The middle-aged man in black robes flashed his eyes and moved his feet to the side, revealing the gold coins under his feet.

A hand reached out from the black robe, and when one of the fingers moved, a "whoosh" sound was heard, and the gold coins on the ground spun and rose into the air, suspended in mid-air.


The unlucky guy's eyes widened, and he suddenly realized that the person in front of him might be the legendary wizard.

At this moment, the unlucky guy felt a little confused.

He hates wizards, because if it weren't for some "exemption certificate" related to wizards, nothing would have happened to the entire business group, and Uncle Duncan and the others would not have died. Although it actually had nothing to do with wizards, he still hated wizards.

At the same time, he was afraid of wizards, especially the two standing before him. I heard that wizards kill without blinking an eye. Could it be that he has angered the other party for some reason, and the other party will kill him the next moment

Finally, he was a little envious of the wizard. If he had the magical ability of the wizard, he could have protected the entire business group last night. It's a pity that he didn't...

The unlucky guy was thinking in confusion, but the two wizards were not prepared to pay much attention to him, and just glanced at him. Then the middle-aged wizard waved his hand, and the gold coins suspended and rotating in mid-air flew towards him, and the two wizards turned and left.

The conversation was vaguely heard.

"Mr. Silver, where are we going now?"

"Just take a look. I didn't expect something to happen to Wall. It seems that Emerald City is targeting people from our White Stone Tower. I hope it's best to find some traces of the black hand, but... I hope it won't be too big. .But, always have a look..."



The gold coins were spinning and flying toward the unlucky guy, and the speed kept getting faster and faster. The unlucky guy's eyes widened, and he felt the danger. Just when the gold coins were about to reach him, he couldn't help but reach out to block them. A vague thought flashed through my mind: "No."


In an instant, the unlucky guy felt something being pulled out of his body. Before the gold coin hit his hand, the thing that was pulled out hit the gold coin first.

With a "bang" sound, the gold coin changed direction and flew out. Under the eyes of the unlucky guy, it shot at the back of the middle-aged wizard.

The unlucky fellow was shocked, startled and frightened.

"Whoosh!" The gold coin flew out faster than when it came in. In the blink of an eye, it arrived a few meters behind the middle-aged wizard, and was about to hit the middle-aged wizard.

But the middle-aged wizard seemed to have eyes behind his back. He suddenly turned around, stretched out one hand, held the gold coin firmly with two fingers, and looked at the unlucky guy with sharp eyes.

The unlucky guy stared at the middle-aged wizard with wide eyes, wanting to explain something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he felt an extremely disgusting feeling in his body. He tilted his head uncontrollably and vomited loudly.



The girl next to the middle-aged wizard frowned, a little disgusted.

But the middle-aged wizard's eyes flashed and he murmured: "It's surprising that I can meet a person in the barren land who has a good talent and can awaken on his own."

"Teacher Silver, then..." The girl next to the middle-aged wizard wanted to say something, but the middle-aged wizard raised his hand to stop her.

"Da da da..." Sif stepped closer to the unfortunate guy.

The unlucky guy had stopped vomiting at this time, and his whole body was exuding an unpleasant smell. He looked at the middle-aged wizard with some fear.

The middle-aged wizard spoke with a voice that seemed emotionless: "Boy, there is a place in this world called the White Stone Tower, and there is a kind of person called a wizard. Now, you have a choice, you can follow me to the White Stone Tower, and then become A wizard. Would you... like that?"

"I..." The unlucky guy was stunned, and for a long time he nodded erratically.

"Very good." The middle-aged wizard said, looking at the girl aside, "Demi, help him clean up."

"Uh, yes, teacher." The girl looked at the unlucky guy, slightly unhappy, but she didn't dare to disobey the order. He opened and closed his lips, raised his hand, and counted spells that fell on the unlucky guy. The unpleasant smell on the unlucky guy's body was immediately cleaned away. At the same time, his body warmed up and he felt a little stronger. He slowly stood up.

The middle-aged wizard looked at the unfortunate guy seriously and asked, "What's your name?"

"I..." The unfortunate guy pursed his lips, calmed down, took a deep breath and said seriously, "Martin Luther King."