Magus Tech

Chapter 150: The truth about exam exemption certificates


Gro's eyes widened and he looked at the girl with the ponytail for a tenth of a second before finally losing.

"I... I'd better leave." Gro said weakly. He turned around and glanced at Richard, "Your Excellency Richard, it seems... I'm really not suitable to be a wizard."

"If you really want to board the ship, I can help you." Richard said suddenly.


Richard turned his hand, and an exam-exemption voucher appeared in his hand - made of crystal, round, with complicated lines carved on the surface, and purple light shining inside - a genuine exam-exemption voucher.

Putting the exemption voucher into Gro's hand, Richard said: "The exemption voucher is not the problem. The key is whether you want to become a wizard or not. If you want to, you can log in with this exemption voucher." Boat."

"Hmm..." Grotto was stunned for a moment, and then quickly reflected on many things, such as why Richard didn't bid for the exemption certificate at the auction before. It turned out that he already had it in his hand.


Gro looked at Richard and said with some embarrassment: "But Mr. Richard, if you give me the exemption certificate, you... what will you do?"

"It doesn't matter to me." Richard said calmly, looking at Gro and asking, "You don't really think I only have one exemption certificate, do you?"

"Then you have two?" Gro's eyes flashed and he looked at Pandora, "If there are two, wouldn't you and Pandora be just right? If you give me one, then Pandora... won't be able to board the ship?"

"Actually, I have three." Richard said, turning his hand over, and two more identical exemption certificates appeared in his hand. Adding up to the one given to Gro, there were exactly three.

"Ah! This!" Gro was completely stunned, and it took him a long time to accept this reality.

The entire Cuijin City finally got three exemption certificates, which were sold at auctions for sky-high prices, and Richard himself had three.

This... this is powerful.

Gro has fully understood that Richard's calmness before was really confident.

Is that so...

In fact, Richard still had something to hide: he did not only have three exemption certificates. In fact, the number was far more than three.

After a while.

"Then..." Grotto glanced at Richard, "Then I..."

"Yeah." Richard nodded.

"Okay." Gro took a deep breath, approached the ponytail girl, and said, "This time, I have an exemption certificate. Can I board the ship?"

"Of course." The ponytail girl said with twinkling eyes, "But before boarding the ship, you have to give me the exemption certificate."


"Is it possible that you think the test-exemption voucher can be reused? The test-exemption voucher is the price for you to be exempted from the test and board the ship. You only have one chance to board the ship. Do you understand?" The ponytail girl rolled her eyes.

"Uh..." Gro was so scolded that he didn't dare to refute. He obediently handed the exam-exemption certificate to the ponytail girl, then stepped on the shaky springboard and walked towards the wooden boat. But his expression was a bit unhappy.

The girl with the ponytail shook her head, then looked at Richard, her eyes flashed slightly, and she said meaningfully: "Do you have three exemption certificates? Tsk, it seems you have some secrets."

"My secret is that I met a dead man on the roadside, and he happened to have three exemption certificates on him. It's that simple." Richard said expressionlessly.

"Oh, who believes it?" the girl with the ponytail said, "But it doesn't concern me. I don't bother to care about what secrets you have, as long as you have an exemption certificate. I'll give you a kind reminder, if you still have It’s best not to show the extra exemption certificate until you get to the White Stone Tower. Then you will discover its wonderful use, and maybe you will thank me.”

"Thank you." Richard said.

"You're welcome. Okay, give me the two exemption certificates, and you and the little girl next to you can board the ship." The girl with the ponytail said.

Without further ado, Richard handed over two exemption certificates and pulled Pandora onto the springboard.


Pandora staggered on the springboard, and the entire springboard immediately bent downwards, forming an exaggerated arc, but it did not break in the end. Pandora was not afraid either. She followed Richard and staggered onto the ship.

There were already many people on the deck of the ship, all of whom had boarded the ship before. Gloria waited nervously for Richard. When he saw Richard also walking onto the deck, he breathed a sigh of relief, but his expression was still a little unhappy.

Looking at Richard, Gro said: "Your Excellency Richard, why do you think they still need to collect the exemption certificate? Isn't the exemption certificate a kind of certificate that exempts you from the test qualification? Doesn't it have other functions

After we board the ship, we don’t need a second qualification test, so how can we reuse it? Why does that girl with her ponytail have to put it back? It's really too much. I want to give it back to you, Mr. Richard. "

"Ha." Richard chuckled and looked at Gro, "Do you really think that the test-exemption certificate is really just a test-exemption certificate?"

"if not?"

"If it's just a certificate to exempt you from the test, what's the point of it? Is it just for a wizard organization to recruit a group of people without any talent?"

"Um, this..."

"You can think of it this way. The initial exemption voucher may indeed be a voucher that can be issued to some wizard families, so that the wizard's bloodline has an easier opportunity to enter the wizard organization to study. It is regarded as a privilege and a kind of protection. But in this case , the qualification for exemption should be based on the identity of the person, rather than just recognizing the exemption certificate.

Only recognizing the exemption certificate means that anyone can use the exemption certificate to enter the wizard organization. Then, people with exam-free vouchers will be in mortal danger and may be robbed at any time. This goes against the original intention of protecting the wizard’s bloodline.”

"Um, this..." Gro thought about the competition among the nobility of the Emerald City surrounding the three exemption certificates, and thought a little, "Exemption certificates are indeed very dangerous. Anyone who holds them looks like someone else." The reason for the attack, then..."

"Don't you think, in this case, the exemption certificate is similar to the same thing?"

"Huh? What?" Grotto seemed to understand.



"A lot of money."

Ge Luo suddenly understood something and his eyes suddenly shrank. So this is the truth...

"The exemption voucher is actually money used by wizards, and it is money with a large face value. The reason why they only recognize the exemption voucher and not the person, and the reason why they can be exempted from the test boarding with the exemption voucher is entirely because of the exemption voucher Be of value to them - we are equivalent to buying them with money to get the qualifications to board the ship.

It's like a boat ticket, we pay and they allow us to board the boat. In this way, they can make profits. Otherwise, do you think it is good for them to just accept a group of people with no talent or very low talent? "

Gro is silent, thinking about everything.