Magus Tech

Chapter 151: The prince was angry


"Um..." Gro, who had been silent for a while and was thinking clearly, suddenly raised his head and looked at Richard with some surprise and asked, "What about those special treatments mentioned in the rumors before..."

"Of course there is special treatment." Richard said aloud, "But it is not the good kind, but the bad kind. Because we boarded the ship with an exemption certificate, in a sense, we are inferior to others. , so the treatment may be very poor, so you’d better be mentally prepared.”

"This... okay." Grotto said, feeling that the beautiful fantasy in his heart was shattered.

Regarding the matter of exemption certificates, Richard had actually known it for a long time. The main reason was that there were many of them in the space iron ring of the mysterious wizard he killed. Therefore, at that time, he directly classified the exemption certificates into currency. Go in class.

Later in Cuijin City, when Gro told the format of the exemption voucher, Richard realized the purpose of the White Stone Tower for the exemption voucher.

From a certain perspective, the exam-free voucher is equivalent to the school selection fee for some students with poor academic performance on modern earth. If you have no talent, or have poor talent, you can use money to enter the wizard organization, but you may be treated differently, coldly, or ignored later. However, this is what he wants. It would be safer to study everything secretly without being noticed.

Otherwise, we have to find ways to explain many things.

As Richard thought this, the deck became slightly lively.

The last time to board the ship is over, the last group of people to board the ship have gone on the deck, the gangplank is retracted, and many sailors are weighing anchor.

At this time, there were about thirty people on the deck, and nearly ten people were wearing more gorgeous clothes. They looked like they were not nobles but probably rich people. They automatically gathered in a group and talked with each other. From time to time, he glanced around, with a somewhat disdainful look at the mud legs.

Most of the remaining people are indeed mud-legged children, that is, children from poor families. Their clothes are all made of linen, and some are somewhat damaged. They looked at everything around them with some excitement in their eyes, but most of them were still nervous. Occasionally, he looks at the children of rich people, showing a bit of caution.

Richard looked at all this and shook his head slightly, knowing that many people had not realized that at this moment, all previous identities were meaningless. No matter whether you were a noble or rich before, you are no longer superior to others. Those who are superior should be those with super talents. Only such people will be favored and noticed in the White Stone Tower.

Thinking of this, Richard looked at the person in the corner. The person was clearly dressed as a poor man, but there were several people surrounding him.

The other party's name is John-John Calvin Joe. According to the conversations around him, the other party is one of the two high-level talents detected along the way to the White Rock Tower. It is very rare.

However, at this time, the other party did not clearly realize the benefits that the advanced talent had given him. He just sat in the corner and looked around cautiously, occasionally chatting with the people around him.

Richard looked back and suddenly raised his eyebrows. Turning his head to look at Gro, he saw that something was obviously wrong with Gro's appearance. He was clenching his fists and looking at a person on the deck with a fierce look.

The other party was standing among a group of rich people, talking and laughing with others.

Richard's eyes flashed slightly and he asked Gro: "What?"

"That's a member of the Pangbo family. I know him. His name is Pangbo Morton."


"He had participated in Wal's talent test with us before, and he had no talent. At the auction, in addition to the test-exemption voucher I got at the auction, the other two test-free vouchers went to Dean and Rank respectively. In the hands of the family, the family did not get it.”

"So?" Richard asked, knowing that Gro had the most important words yet to say.

"He is on the ship now, and there is definitely something wrong. Either his family can get special care from the wizards. Or, he has obtained an exemption certificate in some invisible way. In fact, I just thought that my palace The chief maid in the story is a branch of the Pangbo family.

Yesterday, I clearly remembered to put the exam-exemption voucher in my purse, but today it was exchanged for gold coins. I don't believe this series of things are unrelated. "

"So, you suspect that someone from his family stole your exemption certificate and made him eligible to board the ship?"


"Then what are you going to do?" Richard asked.

Groo looked at the other person as if his eyes were on fire, and did not answer Richard's words, because action is the best answer.

"Morton!" Gro shouted.

Morton, who was chatting and laughing, was stunned for a moment. He looked at Grotto through the crowd, and then his expression froze. He obviously did not expect Grotto to appear on the ship.

The other party is obviously not good at hiding anything, and some of the answers are almost written on his face.

Gro, who was extremely sure of his guess, clenched his fist and said, "Come here!"

"Ge...Prince Gro..." The other party approached with a smile on his face, his expression full of nervousness, but he still pretended to be calm and said hello, "Ge...Prince Gro, you are also on board, so...what a coincidence. .”

If there were guards, Gro would definitely give the order to catch the opponent and beat him up first to relieve his anger.

But now he has no guards, so he simply takes action himself.

With a cold face, Gro stepped forward, grabbed the other party's collar, and asked fiercely: "Morton, did someone from your family steal my exam exemption certificate? Is that right?"

"Ge...Prince Gro..." The other party tried to break free from Gro's hand, but failed several times. He had no choice but to let Gro hold him, and spoke without admitting the truth, "Prince Gro, you... you said What, what, I... how could a member of my family steal your things!"

"Don't pretend to me!" Gro was full of anger and yanked the other party's collar suddenly, causing the other party to stumble. "It was not stolen by your family. How could the exam-exemption certificate I put in my wallet suddenly become gold?"

"I don't know about that." The other party said innocently, "Ge...Prince Gro, you may have misunderstood something."

"What's the misunderstanding? That's weird!" Ge Luo pulled the other party's collar hard again, almost knocking him down. "It was your family that stole my things. Now, I order you to return it to me!"

The people nearby had already watched the show and gathered around, talking about it.

"Is it true? You actually stole something?"

"No, isn't he a noble?"

"How are the nobles? Maybe they are not as good as us."

"Well, that's what I said..."


Morton listened to the discussion and managed to stand still under Gro's tug. He felt angry in his heart and looked at Gro and said hard: "If I say I didn't steal, I didn't steal. Gro, you have to have evidence to speak!"

"My words are evidence!" Gro shouted.

"Shit!" Morton pushed hard, broke away from Cai Geluo's hand, and said viciously, "Do you think you are still a prince? Let me tell you, there is no prince on this ship, and what you say means nothing. I If you say you didn't steal, you didn't steal, unless you can provide evidence. Otherwise, if you continue to slander me like this, I will be rude to you."

"Oh, you still dare to be rude to me!" Ge Luo laughed angrily and reached out to grab the other person's collar again.

