Magus Tech

Chapter 154: The storm of changing cabins


Richard walked to the door and opened it. He thought it would be Gro who knocked on the door, but he didn't expect it was an unfamiliar person - a big man.

The other party was one of the more than fifty people who came with the wooden boat. He was a strong man, only seventeen or eighteen years old, but nearly two meters tall. There was no communication between myself and the other party during the voyage, but through some conversations with other people, I already knew the other party's information.

The other party's name was Tyson. He boarded the ship with an exemption certificate from a place called "Keya City" after Cuijin City. The other party was considered to be a nobleman, but his temper was not very good. He had been causing trouble since he boarded the ship, but he did not go too far, so he was not dealt with by Sif.

Then why is the other person knocking on the door

Richard frowned.

Looking at the other party, Richard found that the other party did not seem to explain the purpose of his visit. He just looked into the cabin with interest, and the next moment he walked in very unceremoniously and swaggering.

After touching the cabin wall, the other party said "Huh", then turned to look over, and introduced himself: "My name is Tyson." After saying this only sentence, he deliberately showed off his broad shoulders, and strong arms.

"So?" Richard asked with his eyes flashing.

"I've fallen in love with your cabin, please switch with me. Mine is too humid and I'm not used to it." The other party said, his words were a request, but his tone was a command.

"Ha!" Richard laughed.

Although I had already guessed some of the other party's actions before, I didn't expect that the other party could say it so neatly. This proves that the other party is very confident in the success of this matter.

"Why, you don't want to?" Seeing that Richard kept smiling but didn't answer, Tyson frowned, and then showed off his broad shoulders and strong arms again. There were no threatening words, but the threat was extremely obvious.

Richard raised his eyebrows slightly.

Sometimes, some smarter, more reasonable people can be reasonable. But for some stupid people, a simpler way is the best way.

The other party asked to change the cabin, but it was nothing. But the problem is that if you agree to the other party, it is difficult to guarantee that the other party will not make some other requests later.

And if you reject the other party, it will inevitably cause some conflicts. If the conflict is not resolved well, it will be bad for those who attract White Rock Tower. After all, it may not be Luther who comes every time.

So... how about killing the other party directly

Richard thought.

Forget it, let’s get it half dead, right

Richard narrowed his eyes and looked at Tyson, who issued an ultimatum: "Boy, tell me clearly whether you agree or not."

"Come here." Richard said.

"Huh? What are you doing?" Tyson stood there without moving, staring at Richard, obviously not wanting to give Richard this face, "Boy, don't play any tricks with me!"

"Oh, don't you come over? Well, if you don't come over, I will." Richard said softly, stepping towards Tyson.

"Da da da."

Tyson showed a vigilant expression, watching Richard getting closer and closer, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to stop him, but then he was suddenly grabbed by Richard and bent hard.

Tyson's eyes widened and he shouted: "Boy, what do you want to do, what tricks are you trying to play!"

Richard ignored it, and then kicked the opponent violently in the abdomen. The opponent's eyes protruded and his body bent like a prawn. Open your mouth to scream.

But the scream didn't come out at all. Richard struck again like lightning, strangled the opponent's neck, and locked all the opponent's sounds deep in his throat like an iron hoop.

The opponent's temples bulged and veins popped out, and he struggled hard to break free from Richard's hand.

But at this moment, with the blessing of the "brute force of wind", Richard's hands seemed to have endless power. No matter how hard the other party struggled, he still held the other party's neck firmly.

The other person's face turned red. Because he couldn't breathe, his eyes began to become bloodshot and turned red. He looked very scary. The opponent's whole body began to become weak, and his nearly two-meter-long body became smaller step by step. Finally, he collapsed to the ground with a "pop" and began to twitch.

"Nine, eight, seven..."

"Three, two, one." Richard recited the numbers silently in his mind, and let go of his hand just before the other party was about to suffocate to death.

The other party lay down on the ground with a "bang", his chest heaving violently, and he was breathing heavily.

Richard looked at the other party quietly and said, "How is it? How about this way of playing? Is it fun?"

"I... Gugu..." A strange sound came from the other party's throat. Richard was too weak to answer. He just breathed in the air greedily and kept breathing.

After a long time, Tyson finally recovered some of his strength and was about to stand up, but the next moment he saw Richard's hand falling again.

Tyson was startled and hurriedly dodged, but he couldn't dodge at all.

With a "pop" sound, Richard's hand strangled Tyson's neck again.

Tyson hit Richard's arm hard with his hand, and Richard's face was expressionless.

"Pah! Pah, pah..."

The force of Tyson's slaps quickly weakened, and after lasting for a shorter time than before, he began to twitch all over and his eyes began to roll up.

"Six, five, four..."

"Three, two, one."

Richard was still counting the time in his mind, and then let go.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

There was a sound of pulling a broken bellows in Tyson's chest. While breathing hard, he looked at Richard with fear in his eyes.

But Richard did not choose to let the other person go. After a few seconds, before the other person could even breathe, Richard's hand fell for the third time and strangled the other person's neck. This time, the other party couldn't even resist, but his eyes revealed despair and begging for mercy.

Richard did not relent and continued to strangle the opponent's neck.

Tyson felt extremely difficult to breathe. The last part of the air in his body was exhausted. His eyes began to turn black. He could not move his whole body. He was about to die.

Suddenly the hand on his neck was released, and he came back to life.

"Hufufu", Tyson breathed, breathing desperately, knowing that soon there would be hands around his neck again, torturing him.

But this time, Richard didn't take action. He just squatted next to Tyson and said, "If you think it's fun, I can keep playing with you. Of course, if you don't think it's fun, then don't show up in the future." In front of me, and don’t let me hear any unhappy words. If you agree, then just say yes or disagree... "

"Okay... okay... okay..." Tyson said with difficulty.

"Very good." Richard said, "Now I give you ten seconds to disappear into the cabin. Remember, don't appear in front of me again."

"Yes... yes..." Tyson struggled to get up and ran out in a panic. He felt that he had suffered great bad luck today. How dare he change cabins with a devil? Damn it!

After watching Tyson leave, Richard shook his head expressionlessly.