Magus Tech

Chapter 1557: See you later


The dark sky enveloped the earth, and huge white bones were inserted diagonally into the depths of the soil, thousands of meters long, like stairs leading to the sky. It is difficult to imagine what kind of creature died to leave such a spectacular corpse.

Surrounding the white bones are densely packed skeletons. There is a faint fire burning in the eye sockets, and they are stumbling along without a clear direction, let alone a clear goal.

A huge black shadow rose from the horizon in the distance, somewhat resembling a bone dragon. However, before it rose very high, it was stabbed by a flying bone spear and fell to the ground screaming.

The dust rose, and a white-bone war horse appeared. The war horse rode a tall skeleton, and the ghostly fire in its eye sockets almost spread to the outside. The skeleton holds a bone spear in each of its left and right hands, and there are six arms behind its back. Five of the arms hold the same spear in their hands. It is obvious that the bone spear just now was thrown by the empty hand.

The tall skeleton rode a bone war horse and quickly approached the bone dragon that was dying on the ground. Several hands began to charge up, preparing to throw more bone spears to kill the bone dragon. He looked murderous, like the only god in the world.

The above picture was carefully drawn on a piece of white paper.

White paper is spread on a table in a huge room. Anan, an eight-armed skeleton, is sitting in front of the table. Each of the eight arms is holding a paintbrush and is dealing with some details.

For example, should the skull's head in the painting be a little bigger, should the ghost fire in the eye sockets be more turbulent, should the bone dragon be larger to highlight the bravery of the skeleton...


Anan, the eight-armed skeleton, kept drawing.


Pandora walked over, glanced at the painting, and grabbed it.

Anan, the eight-armed skeleton, raised his head and looked at Pandora with doubtful eyes.

Pandora replied with a straight face: "No need to draw anymore, give up, it's impossible to achieve. Why, you want to recreate that Nickmans death civilization? As a skeleton, you like the world of bones. It's understandable. But now we are asking for everyone’s opinions in order to create a perfect new world, so what do you mean by handing this over?”

The eight-armed skeleton waved its eight arms and protested: Why is it so outrageous? He thinks it's pretty good.

"The protest is invalid. Okay, let's think about it again." Pandora said, unceremoniously balling up the paper into a ball and throwing it in the corner.

On the table on one side, the old lich who was also painting looked at this scene and calmly put away the paper, replaced it with a new piece of paper, and started painting again.

On the other side, the magic pattern doll Bibi is immersed in her own world and is not interested in anything outside.


A few minutes later, Bibi finished painting, picked up a thick stack of hundreds of drawing papers, and ran to Pandora: "Hey, Pandora, take a look at my creativity."

Pandora took it, looked at it one by one, and then frowned little by little.

After looking at more than a dozen pictures, Pandora couldn't help it anymore. She pointed at a black square on the paper with nothing visible at all and asked, "What is this?"

"The bread monster." Bibi said seriously.


"Bread monster!" Bibi solemnly explained, "It is a monster covered in bread. It is not threatening at all, but it tastes great. It usually lives in the wild. When we are hungry, we can catch it and eat it. If we can't finish it, we can let it go. In a few days, it will grow back the parts it has eaten, and then it can be caught and eaten again. How about it?"

Pandora: "..." The expression on her face was a little distorted, as if she was trying her best to endure something.

"Then the rest of your paintings are pretty much the same?" Pandora asked.

"Yes." Bibi introduced enthusiastically, "Look, this one is the sausage monster, this one is the milk monster, this one is the steak monster, this one is... bang, oops!"

Halfway through, Bibi received a heavy blow on the head and couldn't help but scream in pain.

Covering her head, she looked at Pandora aggrievedly: "Why did you hit me?"

"What do you think!" Pandora said angrily, "I emphasize again that asking for your and other people's opinions does not mean that you can fantasize about everything. It must be reasonable. Don't bring things like sausage monsters and milk monsters out for granted. I reviewed it. Use your brain to think about it carefully. If it really comes true, with sausage monsters running all over the ground and milk monsters flowing in the river, what will the new world look like?"

"It's very normal." Bibi still insisted on her opinion, and then received another heavy blow on the head.

"Bang, oops!"

Bibi finally became honest.

In the distance, people at many tables were also honest.

On a piece of paper in front of Gro, there was writing: I hope that in the new world, I can become the most powerful person.

After seeing what happened to Bibi, he quietly erased this line and thought about it and changed it to: I hope that the new world will be better than now.

Then he added: Well, by the way, it’s best not to have Nancy in the new world.

As soon as he finished writing, he felt a sharp gaze looking at him, followed by a voice full of murderous intent: "Why, you hate me so much? It's funny, I don't see it usually, is it because you don't have the guts, or... No backbone, or none at all?"

"..." Gro didn't dare to speak, and watched helplessly as his paper was snatched away by Nancy next to him, and then he changed the "don't" in the middle of the last line and turned it into: Well, by the way, in the new world, Better to have Nancy.

Paper returned.

Nancy patted Gro on the shoulder, with a smile on her face, full of murderous intent, and said: "Just wait, our affairs are not that simple. In this world, I have restrained myself from bullying you. In the new world? , Haha, let’s see.”

The muscles on Gro's face twitched, and he didn't dare to move at all.

Outside the room, there were more people thinking and writing their opinions.

In a gorgeous room, Sherlock was lying on a soft bed, being fed grapes by the little maid Lucia.

After Lucia finished feeding a bunch of grapes, she asked aloud: "Master, what should we write in our opinions?"

"What to write, um... let me think about it..." Sherlock thought for a second and replied, "Just write it as it is."


"After all, there is nothing to improve, right?" Sherlock spread his hands and said, "At least I think our life is happy enough and there is no need to add anything more. Don't be too greedy."

"Okay then, just keep it as it is."

In a small courtyard.

In the study, the witch Circe looked at a piece of white paper on the desk, somewhat lost in thought. She thought a lot but wrote nothing.

Next to it, on another small desk, the righteous girl Nelide was writing very fast, writing non-stop, sometimes with a silly smile on her face.

Catwoman girl Heidi glanced curiously at Nyrid's paper, hoping to get some reference, but the next moment Nyrid noticed it and blocked it with her hand, followed by a serious warning: "No peeking. Write your own!”

"Okay." Heidi lowered her head helplessly and began to think hard.

In an attic.

"Click, click, click..."

The female apprentice Jessica used big scissors to cut Bobo Bo Vicki's crazy green hair.

Bobo Bovich looked at the white paper in front of him seriously, and then solemnly wrote: I hope that everyone in the new world will not have long hair.

"Teacher!" Jessica screamed next to her.

"Huh?" Bobo Bo Vicki turned to look at Jessica. After a few seconds, he realized something and quickly changed it to: I hope that all men in the new world will not have long hair. Well, being bald is good.

Not long after I finished writing this, there was a knock on the attic door.

"Bang bang bang!"

The voice was dull and powerful.

Bobo Bovich opened the door in confusion, and saw a tall, bald man in a red robe standing outside. He looked at him and said slowly: "My name is Abel, and I think we may have something to talk about."

"Huh? What are we talking about?" Popobo Vicki was confused, "We don't seem to know each other...ah!"

As a result, before he finished asking, he was pulled out by the other party, and then the screams of Bobo Bo Vicki came from outside the door.

"Bang bang bang!"

In an underground hall.

Five people sat around a table of bones, each with a blank piece of paper in front of them.

The first one was Rommel, the director of the Truth Society in a golden robe, who wrote seriously on a piece of paper: I hope for a new world without nuclear weapons.

The second one is the leader of the Truth Society in white robes, who is in charge of the Dead Sea. He writes seriously on a piece of paper: I hope there will be no traitors in the new world.

The third person was Gray Fog, the general manager of the Truth Society, who was wearing a black robe and wrote seriously on the paper: I hope for a new world without... well, without a sky.

The fourth one is Hong Yue, the general manager of the Truth Society, who is wearing a gray robe. He wrote seriously on the paper: I hope that the new world will... respect the elderly.

The fifth one is Foe Feng, the general manager of the Truth Society, wearing a red robe. He wrote seriously on the paper: I hope that the new world will give me more opportunities to appear. After all, I am the strongest general manager, no one!

The five of them had just finished writing when suddenly a man walked in, threw a piece of paper on the table of bones, and said irresistibly: "Change everything you wrote and replace it with the content on this piece of paper."

The five people were stunned and looked at the person who walked in. They saw a very old man with wrinkles on his face. He was the true god of the Truth Society - Goge.

As for the contents of the paper it was simple: The Truth Society, well, must remain as it is.

The five people looked at it and their expressions became strange. Rommel was the first to look at Gao Ge and said: "My God, actually... I kind of hope that there will be no more Truth Society in the new world. After all... it's useless."

"Yes." Dead Sea nodded, "Reconsideration."

"Reconsideration." Hui Wu said.

"Reconsideration." Hongyue also said, explaining, "I just want to have a good rest."

"I can write the same thing as you, True God." Foehn Feng said somewhat differently.

Gao Ge raised his eyebrows, looked at Foehn Feng with some appreciation, and said with a smile: "I was indeed right, you are my most loyal subordinate."

"Well, my God, I haven't finished speaking yet." Foehn Feng added, "I can indeed write the same as you wrote, but I have a condition."

"Conditions, what conditions?"

"That is, if it really comes true, I will be the true god and you will be my subordinate. After all, I have served you for so long, you should give me something in return, right?"

"You!" Gao Ge's eyes widened and he pointed at Foehn Feng, "You are rebelling! You are just a dog, but you also want to be the master! You... ah!"

Before Gao Ge could finish his words, he let out a scream and was punched hard in the stomach by Foe Feng. Then he was strangled by the neck and pinned down on the table.

"My God, for the sake of past kindness, I will give you another chance to reorganize your language..." Foe Feng said angrily.

Gaoge's face turned red from suppressing it, and he looked at Rommel and others asking for help. As a result, Rommel and others hid away neatly. Hongyue also put away all the papers and pens on the table to avoid damaging them.

Gao Ge: "You... you..."

Outside the hall, there were more people writing their opinions.

Ma Chu: I was wrong. In the new world, please take back all my lucky abilities. Give them back to whomever they belong to.

Frank: Everything is fine with me and I am very satisfied with my current life, as long as the new world does not take back my previous doom ability and continue to stay in that kid.

Blood Princess Jasmine: May the true blood of my royal family last forever, and may my Kingdom of Sika last forever.

Sauron, the God of War: May my Majesty live forever, may our great Soma Alliance live forever, and may all those who are enemies of our country be destroyed.

Brown Bear Emperor Peter: Actually... my life span can be similar to that of normal people, and I will be satisfied if I can die of old age.

Macbeth from the White Stone Tower: I hope there will be delicious marmalade in the new world, and I hope I can meet her again in the new world.

Alex, the profiteer from the White Stone Tower, asks for nothing but the peace of his ancestors, and that his ancestral graves will no longer be dug up.

Miss Anne from St. Louis City: I hope that in the new world, I can be a simple girl without worries.

Princess Ruth from the Kingdom of Black Holy Mountain: I hope that in the new world, I will have less money, less fiance, and less shameful experiences.

Lu Xi from another plane: I hope that in the new world, I can have many good friends who can protect the forest with me.

From Ximu who is still working: That... little girl named Luxi, can I go to your forest? I have really had enough of working.

Gregory from the forest: The place in the forest is full, don't come, unless you can bring my kidnapped daughter with you.

From Pandora, who is reviewing many suggestions: I'm busy, don't disturb me, otherwise I'll kill them all and bear the consequences.

Ximu: Well, why don’t I stop going to the forest? I suspect you did it on purpose.

Martin Luther King Jr., Arthur Osheimer, Robert Albert, Tycho: say a few words, we haven’t said it yet…

Countless ordinary people from so many other places... John, Johnson, Bob, Hans: We, and we, we also have to say...

If there are people, there will be conflicts.

"Hans, how dare you write that you will marry my wife in the New World?!"

"She's beautiful."

"She is beautiful and she is also my wife. You are not allowed to think about her."

"Tch, at most he is your wife in this world. In the new world, it depends on whether she is willing or not."

"I don't care. Please change it for me immediately. If you don't change it, I will write about the new world. Your mother will be my daughter and I will be your grandfather!"

"Huh? If my mother is your daughter, you should be my grandfather, right?"

"Then I'll be your grandfather."

"Get out! I didn't agree, shut up!"

"Then you change it for me first!"

"to not fix!"

"Then I won't shut up. I want to be both your grandfather and your maternal grandfather."

"Then I'll beat you to death or take my punch!" As the man named Hans spoke, he flew up and kicked the other man in the face, and the two quickly got into a fight.

Similar situations exist in many places.

A high mountain.

Richard sat on a rock on the top of the mountain, squinting and looking into the distance, as if he saw everything in the world, with a smile on his face.


The sound of footsteps sounded, and Koret climbed up the mountain from behind Richard, stood beside Richard, and reminded Richard: "Hey, you don't care, because you asked for opinions, many people in the world started fighting."

"Let them fight. I have limited the fighting power of many of them. Nothing serious will happen."

"That's what I'm talking about. You can't kill anyone by beating like this. It's so boring."

Richard: "..."

He turned to look at Koret and asked, "You seem very idle? Have you finished creating your new world?"

"How is it possible?" Koret laughed at himself, "It's only been a while now, and I haven't even built a framework. Now I've discovered that creating a world is not as simple as imagined. You have to think about a small detail for a long time. Moreover, the more you pursue perfection, the more painful it becomes. What about you, how far are you in creating the world?"

"Come on, come on." Richard stood up, squinting and looking into the distance, the smile on his face getting thicker. He hardly smiled before, but now he smiles more and more.

He smiled and said: "Wait for a while, and you will see the new world I want to create. Believe me, it is a world that is not absolutely perfect, but absolutely beautiful."

"Well, I'm looking forward to visiting you in your new world next time."

"Well, see you then."


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