Magus Tech

Chapter 159: The disguise of a poor student


Compared with the chaos of the entire deck, Richard and Groo were rarely at leisure in the corner. According to Nancy's instructions, the two of them were responsible for defending a small area on the side to prevent pirates from sneak attacks.

But most of the pirates climbed up from elsewhere on the deck, and there were no enemies in the defensive area.

However, this does not mean that he is really staying out of the matter. Just as Richard was thinking about what to do, he heard a sound breaking through the air behind him. Turning around quickly, he saw a pirate boarding the giant ship, holding two iron axes and throwing one of them over.

Richard raised his eyebrows. When he saw the iron ax hitting his body, he quickly reached out his hand and accurately grasped the handle of the iron ax with a "pop" sound.

The Iron Ax Pirate was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes widened: "Boy, give me the axe!" He shouted and rushed over with his only axe.

Groo turned around at this moment, realized what he was doing, and said quickly from the side: "Your Excellency Richard, you... be careful."

"Yeah." Richard said, taking a quick step, holding an iron ax and facing the attacking pirates expressionlessly.

With a "bang" sound, the two iron axes collided hard in mid-air.

The pirate stared, looking at the iron axes that collided with each other. He was a little surprised at Richard's strength, but the next moment he gritted his teeth unwilling to admit defeat and tried to overwhelm Richard.

But as soon as he exploded with strength, he felt a sharp stabbing pain. When he lowered his head, he found that Richard's other hand was holding a scalpel, which was accurately passed through the gap between his third and fourth ribs. The gap pierced his heart.

"Gu... Gu..." Blood flowed out quickly from the pirate's mouth and wounds, and there was a look of horror in the pirate's eyes.

Richard was not sympathetic. He pulled out the scalpel, as if all the life force of the pirate was taken away. The pirate fell to the deck with a "bang", and the iron ax in his hand fell with it - he did not find the lost one in the end. axe, and lost another.

Richard bent down, picked up the ax on the deck and threw it to Gro who was behind him, and said, "Follow me, be careful."

"Okay." Grotto nodded quickly and followed quickly.

Richard led Gro, holding an ax in one hand and a scalpel in the other, towards the remaining places on the deck where the battle was taking place, thoughts flashing through his mind.

Although he has decided to hide his strength and become a poor student, he also said that this does not mean that he really deliberately behaves extremely badly. In fact, while ensuring the status of poor students, showing some reasonable abilities is a kind of protection.

After all, a poor student who lacks talent does not mean that he does not have other abilities, such as combat skills, such as combat command, etc. If you are born in a noble family and want to learn these, you can always learn them. Show more ability, and it will be easier to explain some situations later.

Otherwise, if you are a good-for-nothing bad student, even if you do something that goes against common sense, it will easily arouse doubts from others.

This can be regarded as using one ability to cover the other.

Thinking like this, Richard has already joined a small-scale battle, taking quick action and then solving it quickly.

After solving one place, Richard quickly walked to another place, constantly helping to solve the battle. Among them, Richard is often not the one who kills the enemy, but an auxiliary, helping the original combatants win.

Moreover, the battles that Richard chooses to join are always in seemingly inconspicuous places, but will affect the entire deck battle situation. For example, some narrow aisles, such as some commanding heights near watchtowers...

If Nancy's role is to be a brave general who takes the lead, she works hard to inspire the fighting power of everyone so that she can defeat the pirates who are far outnumbered by everyone.

That Richard was more like a black hand who quietly controlled the situation. He didn't seem to have much effect. In fact, he didn't kill many people. However, he always reached out and pushed at the critical moment in each battle. Change the results. Like ants on a scale, a little weight determines which side wins. The inclines again and again eventually evolved into the advantage of the students.

The situation on the deck was gradually brought under control.

Nancy, who was directing the firefighting team to provide support everywhere, frowned and felt a little confused, feeling that the situation on the deck was changing at a much better speed than she expected.

Did she underestimate her own command ability, or underestimate the courage of others

After thinking for a long time, Nancy was not sure, and finally led the team to a place to start a head-on battle with the pirates.

At the same time, Richard was stopped by a red-eyed pirate.

Looking at the red-eyed pirate blocking the front, Richard was expressionless, but Gro was extremely nervous. Although he followed Richard all the way and killed several pirates, he still did not get rid of his fear. He couldn't help but said: "Your Excellency Richard, be... careful."

"I will." Richard said. His eyes fell on the red-eyed pirate. He could clearly see that his body was covered with various scars and blood was constantly seeping out, but he didn't care at all.

"Is it fearlessness?" Richard guessed, "Or is it... losing the sense of pain?"

"Death!" The red-eyed pirate roared and charged forward with his scimitar.

"It would be easier if he lost his sense of pain." Richard thought to himself, watching the red-eyed pirate slashing at him with a knife. He calmly turned his body to the side, quickly dodged, and then held the scalpel on the opponent. A smooth stroke was made on the back of his left arm, and blood quickly poured out.

The red-eyed pirate frowned slightly, but did not feel the intense pain. He turned around and slashed at Richard again.

Richard did not fight with the opponent at all, and dodged again. By the way, he slashed the inner side of the opponent's right arm again, and blood gushes out happily.

The red-eyed pirate swayed, his expression unchanged, and charged towards Richard again. Richard dodged for the third time and slashed the opponent's inner thigh, blood gushing out crazily.

The opponent stopped and continued to roar, preparing to attack Richard for the fourth time.

But... there is no fourth time.

"Bang", the red-eyed pirate suddenly fell down, and at some point, the blood flowing out of his body had soaked his clothes red.

In the dodge just now, Richard cut open the opponent's three main arteries - the left deep brachial artery on the back of the left arm, the right brachial artery on the inside of the right arm, and the right femoral artery on the inside of the thigh. The amount of blood drained exceeded Half of the opponent's body, no matter how powerful the opponent is, cannot withstand it. After all, the opponent cannot fight with a skeleton. It is not a human at all, but a skeleton soldier.

Of course, if Richard chose to cut the common carotid artery in the opponent's neck, the fight would end even faster. But after all, the neck is the most guarded part of the human body, and it may arouse the other person's vigilance. It is better to quietly bleed the other person to death like this. This is the best way to deal with people who are insensitive to pain.

Losing the sense of pain makes pirates more fearless, but also more vulnerable.

Richard watched the red-eyed pirate fall to the ground, go into shock and coma, and twitch all over. He shook his head and looked at the rest of the deck.