Magus Tech

Chapter 16: Fruit battery and voltaic pile


After a lot of thinking, Richard had a guess that the so-called "highly activated state" was probably the "energized state".

In a normal human body, the metabolism and nerve signal transmission of cells in the body are accompanied by the flow of potassium and sodium ions on the cell membrane, thereby generating bioelectricity. This kind of bioelectricity is very weak, and the voltage is generally in the millivolt level (millivolt is mV, 1 volt is equal to 1000 millivolts).

Although weak, bioelectricity is of great significance to people. Its changes can directly lead to changes in cell metabolism or function in the body. For example, when nerve fibers are locally electrically stimulated, the excitability at the cathode will increase and the membrane potential will decrease (depolarization), while the excitability at the anode will decrease and the membrane potential will increase (hyperpolarization).

According to the description of constructing the source of law in "The Chapter of Munro", it is obvious that some kind of transformation occurs in the body structure. The so-called spiritual power is also used, which is most likely related to this bioelectricity. Perhaps it is to increase the bioelectric current in the human body to a certain level, so that the body can open up a new "organ" called "source of law" under the influence of spiritual power.

Of course, this is just a guess, and whether it is right or wrong remains to be verified.

The main reason why Richard called two maids was to try to make a battery that could release current for testing in the current Middle Ages, which had nothing to do with "electrification."

First, what Richard is going to make is the simplest fruit battery. The raw materials only require a piece of copper, a piece of zinc, a piece of metal wire and a piece of fruit.

Because the reactive types of copper and zinc are different, after the fruit is inserted, the zinc piece will undergo an oxidation reaction, losing electrons and flowing to the copper piece, thereby generating an electric current in the metal wire.

Because it was not difficult, Richard simply said a few words and asked the maid An Qi to make it. The other party did not disappoint Richard. The production was quickly completed and he saw a thin wire connected to a copper and zinc piece the size of a fingernail, inserted into a pear.

The maid An Qi carefully handed the fruit battery to Richard. As soon as Richard took it and touched it, he frowned and immediately knew that the fruit battery was not up to standard.

It's not a problem with the production, after all, the production method is so simple that it's impossible to make mistakes, but a problem with the fruit itself. Because the fruit juice is acidic, the chemical reaction can proceed successfully, thus generating electric current. But compared to real acid, the acidity of fruit juice is still too weak, so the current and voltage generated are too small.

Richard felt it and estimated that the voltage was less than 0.5 volts and the current was less than 1 milliamp. This level of current was stronger than the normal biological current of the human body, but it was too much to have any impact on the inside of the body.

After all, the human body has resistance. If the biological current increases spontaneously in the body, it will be fine, but it is impossible for a normal person without the talent of a wizard to do it. If you want to apply current from the outside to have an impact on the body, and use a scientific method to solve the reshaping of life, then you must overcome the resistance of the human body of more than 1000Ω, and you must apply a stronger current.

The question now is, how to get stronger current

Richard frowned, thought for a few seconds, and then asked the two maids to make different fruit batteries.

Depending on the type of fruit, the acidity of the juice is also different, so the current generated will be strong or weak. Finding the strongest one may be able to ignore the body's resistance of more than 1000Ω and meet the requirements.

The fruits of the Middle Ages were quite numerous. Common fruits included cherries, strawberries, blackberries, apples, pears, cherries, plums, grapes, plums, gooseberries, mulberries, blackthorns, figs, and sea berries. Dates, limes, lemons and more than a dozen varieties.

After Richard gave the order, someone naturally prepared the fruits. After a while, except for some that were not mature due to seasonal reasons, the rest were placed on the experimental table.

Richard waved his hand, and the two maids An Qi and Luna started making them quickly. After a while, various types of fruit batteries were placed on the table in two rows, with Angel's on the left and Luna's on the right. It's obvious that Angie makes more.

Richard didn't make much comment. He reached out and picked up a fruit battery and tested it with his body. After a while, he put it down and picked up another one.

After repeating this process many times and testing all the fruit batteries, Richard already had an understanding. Because of the different acidity of fruits, the current emitted by some fruits is indeed stronger than that of the original pears, such as apples and gooseberries. The strongest of them all is the Lemon, but even so, the voltage is just over 0.5 volts and the current is just over 1 milliamp.

Under normal circumstances, the minimum current that causes sensation in an adult male averages about 1.01mA. In other words, under the action of human body resistance, this level of current can just make an ordinary person aware of it.

This is not what Richard wants.

Richard stood in the laboratory and frowned deeply. The two maids looked at Richard's solemn expression, looked at each other and did not dare to breathe, and lowered their heads carefully. Although they knew very well that His Highness the Prince would not lose his temper casually, let alone punish his servants for no reason, it was always not a good thing for His Highness the Prince to be unhappy.

Richard didn't know what the two maids were thinking, but continued to think seriously about how to solve the problem.

How to get stronger current

Maybe making batteries out of other plants besides fruits could be a try. For example, the famous Potato Clock is made of potatoes. seems that there are no potatoes in the current Middle Ages.

After all, according to the development of modern earth, it was not until the Age of Discovery after the Middle Ages that potatoes were spread from South America to Europe.

The current world that resembles the Middle Ages, Richard is not sure whether it is the one in the history of the earth, whether there is the so-called South America and Europe. But no potatoes are real, so there’s no need to think about potato clocks or anything like that.

Having said that, even if a potato clock is actually made, there is a high chance that it will be a waste. After all, in order to ensure normal growth of plants, the acidity cannot be too strong. It is very possible that after trying all the plants in the world, the current produced by the batteries is only within the same range.

In this case…

Richard narrowed his eyes and flashed quickly.

In this case, we can only make real batteries, such as voltaic piles.

The voltaic pile is the first recorded generator in modern earth history. It was invented by the Italian Volta on March 20, 1800. The structure is slightly more complicated than a fruit battery, but it is not too difficult. The key is the preparation of materials.

In this case, then...

Richard turned to look at the two maids and gave a quick order: "Anqi, go and prepare some salt water with a moderate concentration. Luna, follow me and trim these linens to the same specifications. Then put these fruit batteries in Treat the copper and zinc sheets and cut them into rings... "

After Richard finished speaking, the two maids responded quickly and started busy.

Not long after, the materials were ready, and Richard began to make the voltaic pile himself on the experimental table.