Magus Tech

Chapter 160: A desperate attack by pirates


The situation on the deck gradually shifted to the side of the students. The pirates were besieged and killed one by one, their bodies were thrown off the deck, and the sea water was dyed red. Even the ferocious, painless red-eyed pirates were mostly killed, with only a few still holding on.

On the deck of the pirate ship, the captain of the pirate ship looked at him with an extremely ugly expression. He muttered to himself for a while: "I actually made a mistake."

"Captain..." One Eye next to the pirate captain suggested in a very wise low voice, "How about... withdraw..."

"Withdraw..." said the pirate captain, who also had to withdraw. He lowered his head and took out a whistle from his arms and put it into his mouth. Just as he was about to blow it, there was a sudden "bang" and a water column several meters high rose from the sea. A man in black robe stood on the water column. , appearing in front of the pirate captain and One Eye.

The pirate captain was startled and subconsciously touched the sword at his waist, but after thinking about it, he let go.

"You are very smart." The black-robed wizard smiled at the pirate captain, "Unlike him, you will die."

The pirate captain followed the direction pointed by the black-robed wizard and looked at the one-eyed man next to him. He saw that the one-eyed man was flashing his eyes and reaching into his arms to grab something. With a "whoosh" sound, an invisible force burst out, piercing the center of One Eye's eyebrows. One Eye instantly turned into a dead corpse and fell straight onto the deck.

With a "pop", the pirate captain knelt down knowingly and looked at the black-robed wizard tremblingly, "I... I didn't know that the giant ship belonged to you, sir. I... I will let my men retreat now. I..."

"No." The black-robed wizard looked at the pirate captain, shook his head and said, "The giant ship is not mine, but my enemy's."


"You give the order and let all your people attack. If you can attack the giant ship, you can survive, otherwise... your fate will be the same as the people next to you."

"This!" The pirate captain was shocked, but he didn't dare to resist. He quickly blew the whistle with a unique rhythm and issued a death order for all his men to attack.

After doing all this, the pirate captain looked at the black-robed wizard in fear: "Sir, look..."

"You did a good job." The black-robed wizard nodded, "I should give you a reward."

"Reward?" The pirate captain was stunned.

The black-robed wizard stretched out a hand and then spread it out, his palm empty.

"This is..." the pirate captain was confused.

The next moment, the air in the palm of the black-robed wizard's hand surged and condensed into an air arrow, directly piercing the pirate captain's eyebrows.

The pirate captain's body shook, and he fell straight on the deck like the one-eyed one before.

The black-robed wizard turned to look at the giant wheel, his eyes flashing.

On the deck of the giant ship, everyone finally saw the hope of victory, but suddenly, more pirates crazily climbed onto the deck and launched an attack.

The pirates all heard the captain's whistle order, which was a desperate attack-either the target was taken down, or they all died. Generally speaking, the captain will not issue this kind of order easily, but once it is issued, he must go all out. This must be something remarkable discovered by the captain, so once the giant ship is taken down, there will be huge gains.

Under the dual influence of the captain's majesty and imaginary interests, the pirates formed a new offensive and launched an attack on the students on the deck. Suddenly, the students were caught off guard and retreated. While pirate casualties continue to mount, so do student casualties.

Richard helped one person kill an Iron Hook pirate. He turned to look at the frontal battlefield on the deck and frowned.

We were clearly about to win, but why did it suddenly take another turn? Is this an artificial increase in difficulty

Richard's eyebrows couldn't help but raise.

From the beginning, Richard had some guesses. The appearance of pirates and the disappearance of wizard connection apprentices are definitely not accidental, they should be deliberate settings. The pirates' attack was probably a cliché test conducted by wizards on the students.

Does this test really work? Can anything be tested

Richard has a negative attitude. He really doesn't think that this kind of test can have the effect of testing the whole group. At most, it will only make a few people who are already more prominent, such as Nancy, become more eye-catching.

In addition, it may be to reduce the number of students.

Could it be that the number of students enrolled exceeds the estimate and we are planning to reduce it artificially

It is indeed a good idea to borrow the pirates' help, but the pirates may not be completely under control.

Pirates generally have two major characteristics - ruthlessness and cunning. In comparison, cunning should be before ruthlessness. After all, only smart pirates survive longer.

Facing the giant ship, the pirates may initially want to take a big hit, but after the attack is thwarted, as long as the pirate captain is not stupid, he will choose to retreat. After all, robbery is about bullying the weak and avoiding the strong, rather than confronting the strong.

Choosing to fight head-on is naturally very passionate and you can naturally grab a lot of loot, but what follows is the rapid consumption of pirates, especially the consumption of some elite pirates, which is fatal.

The prestige of a pirate captain is supported by a group of elite pirates. If the losses of these elite pirates are too serious, the remaining pirates will inevitably have other ideas in the face of numerous trophies.

Few pirates are really loyal, and most of them are greedy for money. The exaggerated casualty rate will also increase the resentment of pirates to a certain extent. Unless the situation is really special, as long as the losses of medieval pirates reach a predetermined warning line, the captain will give an order to retreat, conserve strength and then find the next prey.

The current situation is obviously contrary to common sense.

Is the pirate captain crazy? Or... is the test wizard taking action to make the test more difficult through human interference

Richard thought, eyes narrowed, holding a scalpel in one hand and an iron ax in the other, walking toward the battlefield.

No matter what happens, the battle still has to be fought. If it is really a wizard's test, then after the battle is over, the opponent should show up and... conduct some criticism and education


"Bang bang bang!"

The battle on the deck intensified, and Nancy led three firefighting teams to desperately provide support in various places.

After killing a red-eyed pirate and several ordinary pirates, Nancy glanced at the deck, pointed at Tyson, the team leader, in the distance, and ordered: "Tyson, bring people to support over there. , I’ll go to support that side.”

The location where Nancy asked Tyson to support was exactly where Richard was.

Tyson looked in the direction Nancy pointed, and his pupils shrank uncontrollably. He had already seen Richard, and he didn't know whether it was fear or revenge. He led the team and ran directly to the place where Nancy said she wanted to support him.

Nancy was stunned, her eyebrows raised, very angry. But there was nothing that could be done about Tyson's blatant disobedience to orders. After all, theoretically, she had no right to order Tyson.

Seeing Tyson leaving with the people, Nancy gritted her teeth slightly and rushed towards Richard helplessly with the remaining people around her.