Magus Tech

Chapter 161: The wizard appears


On the deck, students and pirates were fighting, divided into dozens of battlefields. The number of students outnumbered the pirates. Normally, several students would deal with one or two pirates, but it was the students who seemed to cower.

After all, compared to the pirates who have been licking blood on the tip of their swords all year round, the students have seen too little of the world. If it were not for their numerical advantage and the support of three firefighting teams, it would be really difficult to fight against the pirates.

At the center of the deck, the team led by Nancy met with Richard and others. There were more than twenty people in total, and they faced more than a dozen pirates, including a red-eyed pirate.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of weapons clashing continued.

"Dang! Poof!"

Richard swung his iron ax to block a pirate's scimitar, and the scalpel he held in his other hand quickly cut the other man's shoulder. The other man grunted and stepped back.

Another pirate rushed up and swung a wooden stick studded with iron nails and smashed it at Richard. Richard dodged the attack, then used a scalpel to strike at the opponent's wrist, breaking the opponent's hand tendon. The other party screamed, and the "mace" in his hand fell to the ground.

Richard was not polite and kicked out, causing the opponent's body to lose balance and fall back. Then the scalpel was slashed across the opponent's neck, blood spurted out, and the opponent fell twitching and clutching the wound.

Nancy, who was fighting next to her, looked over with twinkling eyes. She looked at Richard and suddenly said, "Are you good at swordsmanship?" From Richard's tricky and precise fighting style, Nancy made this assumption.

"I know a little bit." Richard said without denying it.

"Well, you can use my sword. Maybe you can show higher strength." Nancy said, and as she spoke, she handed the long sword in her hand to Richard.

Richard narrowed his eyes slightly, but did not refuse and took it.

The sword is a good sword.

Holding the sword, Richard looked at a pirate. Nancy had already received a new sword from the others, looked at the same target as Richard, and then took the lead in launching the attack.

"Brush! Bang!"

Nancy thrust out her sword, but was blocked by the pirate with his scimitar. Richard took the opportunity to slash open the radial artery at the opponent's wrist.

With a "pop" sound, blood spurted out from the pirate's wrist, and the scimitar in his hand fell to the ground with a "clang" sound.

Nancy Richard attacked again, piercing the pirate's neck with his sword, while Richard penetrated the pirate's heart with his sword.

"Puff", twice, the two swords were drawn out almost at the same time. The pirate fell to the ground with a "bang" and turned into a dead corpse.

Nancy looked at Richard, her eyes shining, while Richard's face was expressionless as he swung his sword and attacked another pirate.

Before becoming a wizard's apprentice, Richard had systematically learned some swordsmanship in the current world, and combined it with some physiological knowledge on the modern earth, he knew how to kill a person more efficiently. Therefore, even if he cannot be called a master of swordsmanship, he is still much more advanced than some ornamental court swordsmanship.

With the sword in hand, the lethality is greatly increased. Even if you deliberately retain your strength, you can quickly kill pirates one after another.

Nancy is not weak either. Her swordsmanship may not be as good as that of Richard, but with the help of magic, she can kill the pirates without much effort.

"Bang, bang, bang", the sound of weapon collisions sounded continuously, followed by two "puff" sounds. Richard and Nancy simultaneously pierced the long sword into the body of the last red-eyed pirate, pulled out the long sword, and red-eyed The pirate fell silently.

Nancy's eyes flashed with color, and she looked at Richard and said, "Your swordsmanship is very good."

"Absolutely." Richard said, not too proud.

"Why haven't I seen you before?" Nancy asked.

"I live in the cabin on the bottom floor." Richard said calmly, "You haven't seen me, it's normal."

Nancy was stunned and asked hesitantly: "Is it because you have no talent, or is it a low-level talent?"

"Is there any difference?" Richard asked.

"Um..." Nancy didn't know how to answer. There seemed to be no big difference between no talent and low talent. No matter how hard you worked, it would be difficult to become a real wizard.

"Then..." Nancy said, "I'm sorry."

"It's nothing. In fact, I don't value these things."

"Huh? Then what are you doing in the mainland?"

"Take a look at this wider world?" Richard said with a half-smile.

Nancy was stunned again. This was the first time she heard this reason. She was silent for a while and said to Richard, "Anyway... I wish you the best."

"Thank you."

"Go over there, there are still pirates to deal with."


With the efforts of everyone, the battle finally regained control, and pirates were killed one after another.

With a scream of "ah", the last pirate was killed by everyone, and the entire deck fell silent. Everyone panted and looked around, looking for possible pirates. After searching for a long time and finding nothing, it suddenly dawned on me: all the pirates were dead and they were victorious!

"Bang bang bang!"

A large number of people sat down or lay down on the deck, enjoying the feeling of surviving the disaster. Some people laughed, and some people cried. On the deck stained red with blood, everyone had different postures.

In the corner, Gro said something excitedly, his eyes shining. Richard sat expressionlessly next to him, wiping the scalpel. After wiping it clean, he carefully put it away and raised his head to look around.

Nancy stood in the distance with a bit of fatigue on her face. It could be seen that the previous battle was still a bit too exhausting for her. But even though she was tired, Nancy did not relax and kept scanning with some vigilance.

After a moment, he turned towards Richard and looked at each other. Suddenly he sensed something and looked in one direction.

Richard discovered it earlier than Nancy. He turned around and saw a water column more than ten meters high rising from the sea with a "bang", and a strange black-robed wizard appeared at the top of the water column.

The opponent stepped forward, as if stepping on invisible steps, walking down the water column, descending step by step, and finally landed on the deck with his feet.

Everyone watched with wide eyes, and the black-robed wizard said: "I guess you don't know me, but you should know Sif, Lewis, and Quinton. After all, one of them must have brought you to this giant ship. . And I am the wizard who stayed behind on the giant wheel. My name is Demps, and I can also be regarded as your teacher. And the main reason why I appear here now is to explain what you just experienced.

You encounter pirates, you are attacked, and you fight hard. After finally repelling the pirates, the pirates attacked again. You fought even harder and finally won.

During this process, you must be wondering and angry: Where is the wizard who took you to the giant wheel? If the wizard takes action, can he easily kill the pirates, prevent you from getting hurt, and prevent your companions from dying? "

No one answered, but their expressions said everything.

After looking at it, the black-robed wizard smiled coldly.