Magus Tech

Chapter 162: The real wizarding world


Dumbles looked at everyone and said, "It's normal for you to have such thoughts. But... what I want to tell you is that it's best to put away such thoughts in the future. The world of wizards is very complicated and dangerous. No Be as friendly as the place you lived before. Even your teachers and friends will not always help you for free. You only have to rely on yourself.

In the wizarding world, the emphasis is on the weak and the strong.

Your weakness is your biggest mistake and you will be killed without any reason. If you are strong, you can kill others and take other people's things to enhance your own strength.

The White Stone Tower does not cultivate nerds. It recruits you to turn you into a qualified combat wizard. But not everyone has this qualification, or to be more precise, most people don't have this qualification. The difficulty of becoming a wizard is far beyond your imagination. Most of you will stop at being a wizard apprentice.

In the White Stone Tower, a wizard apprentice would not bring much benefit. On the contrary, it would take up a lot of resources and cause unnecessary waste. In order to prevent this kind of waste from increasing without limit, one of the best ways is to continue to eliminate some people.

Yes, eliminate some people.

The pirate incident just now was an elimination, an elimination test deliberately set by me. Those who are not good enough will be killed, and those who are capable will survive - the elimination starts now.

This is the first elimination, but it is not the last.

After that, you will encounter deliberate or unintentional eliminations again and again. You will either succeed or be eliminated and killed - this is the danger of the wizarding world. "

The whole deck was deathly quiet. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, with a look of panic on their faces. They were even more terrified than when they faced the pirates. After all, the situation described by the wizard Dempsey was really a bit challenging for the fragile. heart.

"Of course." Dempsey said again, "The world of wizards is very dangerous, but it is also full of temptations. The biggest temptation is that if you can survive the eliminations again and again, you will gain unimaginable power. For example This kind of thing.”

Dempsey stretched out his hand, opened and closed his lips for a while, and a purple flame burned on his palm. It expanded rapidly and turned into a fireball with a diameter of more than ten centimeters in the blink of an eye.

Dempsey raised his hand, and the fireball floated up and flew towards the sea outside the giant ship. During the flight, the volume expanded rapidly, the speed became faster and faster, and finally plunged into the sea.

"Gurgling", a large number of bubbles quickly appeared on the sea surface, like water boiling on a stove, and then there was a "bang", a water column tens of meters high and several meters in diameter rose, the sea surface fluctuated, and the giant ship shook. , some students who didn't stand firm fell directly to the ground. Looking towards the sea again, I saw that within a radius of tens of meters, the sea water turned lavender, with a large number of dead fish floating there.

Everyone was stunned.

This kind of power is simply terrifying.

The bombardment in the sea can cause such great destructive power. If it were on the ground, wouldn't it be possible to easily blast through the strongest city walls and kill the most elite troops

"Power! Unimaginable power!" Dempsey said, "If you can persist on the path of being a wizard far enough, then you will be able to obtain the terrifying power that satisfies all your desires.

This is a world supported by power. If you have enough power, you can get everything—rights, money, women, or anything else. "

The fear that everyone had before slowly disappeared, and the light of longing appeared in their eyes.

"Okay, I'll tell you this much, just keep it in mind. Elimination tests will continue to appear, and you have to keep working hard to stay." Dempsey took a step towards the cabin, and everyone automatically gave way to the way. .

Just when Dempsey was about to enter the cabin, he suddenly thought of something. He turned to everyone and said: "By the way, there is one thing I want to remind you not to forget. As I said before, the world of wizards What matters is the law of the jungle. In the test just now, if you defeated the pirates, it means that you are the stronger party, so you have the right and qualification to eat the 'meat' left by the pirates.

The pirate ship left by the pirates is parked next to it, and the giant ship will stay for about two hours. During this time, you can board the ship and search for anything you want—gold, silver, jewelry, weapons, and women. Well, you're welcome, that's what you deserve, it's your trophy.

In all subsequent elimination tests, whether they are deliberately set by me for you or you actually encounter them, as long as you win, you will receive various rewards. This is your future life, take your time and enjoy it. "

After Dumbles said the last word, he walked into the cabin without looking back. Everyone on the deck was stunned for a moment, and then their eyes quickly became hot. He ran to the edge of the deck and looked at the pirate ship parked not far from the sea. He looked like he was looking at a woman taking off her clothes.

Without hesitation at all, a large number of people grabbed the flying claw rope that the pirate climbed up and slid down, then got on the pirate's sampan and rowed towards the pirate ship. Some impatient ones jumped directly from the deck into the sea, swam to the pirate ship and boarded it.

A slightly crazy atmosphere was spreading. Richard felt the atmosphere and shook his head. To be honest, he was not interested in what might be on the pirate ship, but everyone was so eager, and it would be too special for him to disdain them.

In this case…

The next moment, Richard grabbed a rope from the Flying Claw and slid down.

"Pa", Richard boarded the deck of the pirate ship, already several minutes behind the large group of people boarding the ship.

Richard was not in a hurry. Boarding the ship was just for show. It didn't matter whether he could get unexpected gains or not.

As he walked towards the cabin, he suddenly caught something from the corner of his eye. He turned his head and looked to the side, and saw two bodies lying on the deck.

One corpse was dressed in more ornate clothes and looked like a captain, while the other was a one-eyed old man, who should be a confidant or deputy to the pirate captain.

The corpses of the two men had been searched by the fanatical crowd, and there was nothing good left at all, as evidenced by the empty scabbard on the pirate captain's body. But what Li Cha was interested in was not what they had on them, but what caused their death.

Between their eyebrows, there was a round hole the size of a finger, which looked like it had been pierced by some sharp weapon. This was the main reason for their death. But when the body was moved away, no murder weapon appeared under the body.

"So, the thing that killed the two people was invisible?" Richard guessed, "There are no traces of energy burning. In this case, it was either an ice pick or an air arrow."

Air is naturally invisible, and melting ice can also be considered invisible.