Magus Tech

Chapter 163: Trophies


Looking at the two corpses, Richard quickly deduced some information.

“As for the ice pick, the timing doesn’t match up.

Judging from the fact that the blood flowing out of the wounds of the two men had coagulated, the time of death should have been more than 5 minutes. However, the color of the blood clot is reddish brown, indicating that the red blood cells have not been destroyed too much, and the death time may not exceed 20 minutes. The Pirates suddenly stepped up their offensive just now, almost 20 minutes ago.

From the above, it can be determined that the body was killed immediately after the order was given. During this time, the ice pick will partially melt, but it will not completely evaporate and should leave traces. No traces have been found so far. Regardless of the possibility that the spell is special, it can basically be ruled out that ice picks were used to kill people. It should be air arrows or something like that. "

"If it is an air arrow, it can cause this kind of damage, but the degree of air compression and the speed of the air are extremely high."

Richard's eyes flickered.

He can also control air, which he can use to create solid walls of air to block attacks. However, it is somewhat difficult to create similar air arrows to kill people. It may require the cooperation of multiple spells to achieve it, and the success rate is not 100%.

"So, is it really the wizard who did it? The wizard's strength is indeed quite different from that of the apprentice." Recalling the temporary power of the flame spell by the wizard Dempsey, Richard murmured.

Shaking his head, Richard walked towards the cabin.

The pirate ship has many cabins on the deck and two levels of cabins below the deck.

The cabin on the deck has been searched several times, and not even a copper coin will be left. After thinking about it, Richard walked into the first cabin below the deck. He saw many people searching here, so he simply continued down to the second floor, which was the lowest cabin.

When you get to the bottom floor, you can clearly feel the cold, damp and sour smell. The environment is worse than the third-floor cabin on a giant ship.

Richard took steps and scanned the moss-covered hatches on both sides. He opened one at random and found a large number of wooden barrels stored inside.

A wooden barrel was opened, which contained poor quality wine. Because it had been left for too long, the color began to turn black and it had a pungent sour smell.

Open another wooden barrel, which contains mead. Because a lot of honey has been added, it is considered the best wine. On a pirate ship, only the captain, first mate, second mate, boatswain and the like can taste it.

Another wooden barrel was opened, which contained purple-red pomegranate syrup, with cinnamon, alfalfa, nutmeg and other medicinal substances added. Unsurprisingly, this is the only medicine available to the crew on the ship when they fall ill. As for the medicinal effect - it's similar to a placebo.

Opening a few more, Richard found that they were almost all beer, sour vinegar, fruits with nails on them, and the like.

Losing interest in exploring, Richard went out and opened the door of another cabin, only to find that it contained various grains. The grain bags were gnawed by mice and looked ugly, and barley grains were scattered all over the floor.

Shaking his head, Richard exited and walked directly to the deepest part of the cabin.

Walking to the deepest part, Richard found that this place had been transformed into a cell, which should be used to punish some low-level pirates who made mistakes, or to hold captives.

When he reached the end of the cell, Richard's eyes flashed and he saw an almost naked woman locked inside. Her body was tied up with ropes. Her body was covered with scars and her face was stained with oil, but she looked pretty. Not too old either. In fact, it should be exactly like this that the other party was locked up here by the pirates and played with for a long time.

The woman hadn't eaten for an unknown number of days and looked very weak. But seeing the completely different costumes of Richard and the pirates, his eyes flashed, and he was obviously a little excited. He opened his mouth and made a weak voice: "Help... help me..."

Richard did not move, staring at the woman, thinking about whether to save her.

He was not the Holy Mother. Saving the other party was obviously a troublesome matter. Just treating the wounds would take a lot of effort. Moreover, saving the other party has no obvious benefits for him...

Just as Richard was thinking about it, footsteps sounded. He turned around and saw other people descending into the cabin to search. It looked like they were people who lived in the bottom cabin of the giant ship and had met them before.

As the other party approached, he also discovered the presence of the woman in the cage. Richard saw obvious looks of desire in several people's eyes. Obviously, today's series of experiences really stimulated the other party's nerves.

Facing the woman in the cage, the other party didn't want to rescue her, but wanted to do something indescribable. After all, according to what the wizard Demps said before, everything on the pirate ship is a booty. Since it's a trophy, shouldn't you just do whatever you want with it

But they didn't take action, after all, Richard was still here.

They had seen and heard Richard's performance on the deck before. Although it was not as exaggerated as Nancy's, his killing methods were not weak at all.

The weak eat the strong!

These four words can be used both for searching for loot and for distributing loot.

If big men like Richard fell in love with the woman in front of them, they obviously wouldn't dare to snatch her away.


Just then there were footsteps again.

Richard turned around and saw a familiar figure—Nancy.

"Da da da", Nancy walked over and saw the woman in the cell. Before he could say anything, the few people who appeared before had already moved away automatically. After all, when they met the two big guys, they really had no idea of snatching them away.

Nancy watched a few ordinary students leave, turned to look at Richard, her eyes flashed, pointed at the woman in the cell and asked, "Have you fallen in love with her?"

Before Richard could answer, Nancy said again: "Leave her to me?"

"Huh?" Richard raised his eyebrows and looked at Nancy meaningfully, "Are you interested in her?"

"She is useful to me." Nancy said without denying, "I'm not used to a life without anyone to serve me. She can be my maid."

As Nancy spoke, she looked at the woman and asked, "What do you think?"

The woman nodded vigorously. For her, as long as she could leave here, she could do anything.

After getting the answer, Nancy turned to look at Richard again, waiting for the answer.

Richard said: "Okay."

Of course, he had no interest in women in the first place. As for things like maids... they don't have much use. Unless the other party is smart enough to understand the high school level knowledge on modern earth, then maybe he can help him.

"She is yours." Richard said to Nancy, turned around and left.

Nancy shouted from behind: "Hey, aren't you going to ask for some compensation? After all, I took away the trophy you were looking for."

"Compensation? Ha." Richard chuckled, "What can you give me?"

"Well..." Nancy was stunned, then spread her hands and said, "Well, I really can't give you anything now, but... I can owe you a favor. When we get to the White Stone Tower, if there is anything that can't be solved, you You can come to me. As long as it's not too much, I can help you."

"Let's talk about it then." Richard said, continuing to walk outside, not caring about the so-called favor at all. After all, things like favors and promises really don't have much practical significance, and it's hard to determine whether they play any role.

But it doesn't matter, after all, he has no idea about the things on this pirate ship.

Thinking of this, Richard stepped onto the first cabin below the deck. Just as he was about to continue going up to the deck, he suddenly sniffed and smelled a strange smell.

Um? This is

Richard's eyes narrowed slightly.