Magus Tech

Chapter 2: Wizard spells and yellow phosphorus


The guard captain raised his head hard, forced himself to calm down, and trotted to follow, "Your Highness, it must be true, it must be true. I saw with my own eyes that he can release flames...

Richard walked towards the deepest part of the dungeon and stopped in front of the last cell. Inside was a man dressed like a wizard in a black robe. He looked mysterious, but... he didn't feel comfortable at all. Four chains were wrapped around him. His hands and legs prevented him from moving freely, and a rope was tied to his mouth, which is said to prevent him from chanting spells and casting spells.

At this time, the other party's expression seemed a little calm, and there was not much panic. This was different from the three people who were mistakenly arrested before. But looking at the slightly flickering eyes of the other party, Richard could guess that maybe the other party did have some tricks, but the chance of being a true wizard was infinitely close to zero.

"Your Highness, this man was reported to have caused trouble in the tavern, refused to pay for food, and claimed to be a wizard. This caught my attention, so I led the team to arrest him. When I first arrested him, I saw it with my own eyes. When he released the flames and burned one of my soldiers, he was undoubtedly a real wizard." The guard captain said, and the next moment he took a bundle from his men and handed it over carefully, "Your Highness, this is what that man carries with him There are short staffs in it, as well as all kinds of strange spell-casting materials..."

At this time, the wizard who was captured in the dungeon spoke out. Although his mouth was tied with a rope and his speech was extremely unclear, he still threatened: "Hey (you), please let me go quickly, otherwise I will be killed." To bear my wrath, I tell you that I am a wizard. Does the wizard know that I can do magic... "

Richard ignored the wizard's words and reached out to take the bundle in his hand. After opening it, the first thing he saw was a black wooden stick more than 20 centimeters long and about one centimeter in diameter. The rest were bottles and jars of unknown materials. .

Richard opened one at random and found that it contained something yellow like a candle block. He smelled a faint garlic-like smell and couldn't help but chuckle.

"Your Highness, you..."

"The flames you saw before were not like this?" Richard asked. As he spoke, he picked up the short staff in the package, dipped it in a yellow wax object, and swiped it hard on the stone wall next to it.

The fierce friction caused the temperature to rise, and with a "pop" sound, a ball of flames sprouted from the end of the short staff. At this time, the entire short staff looked like a large match.

The guard captain's eyes suddenly widened: "Your Highness, do you... do you know how to do magic?"

"What do you think?" Richard asked, "I want to understand the principle of the spell, what is going on in the current world, and then how I got here inexplicably. But... the truth still needs to be explained. , Spells are spells, and tricks are always tricks. If I knew spells, would I still need to go through so much trouble for you to catch people?"

"But you are now..." The guard captain couldn't help but look at the burning short staff in Richard's hand.

"Hmph, it's just yellow phosphorus." Richard said calmly.

"Yellow phosphorus?"

"Yes, yellow phosphorus." Richard said, "This yellow waxy solid substance is called yellow phosphorus, also called white phosphorus. Its melting point is only 44.1°C. It can spontaneously ignite at 34°C, even at about 40°C in humid air. It can catch fire. It is often used to make matches or smoke bombs, and it has nothing to do with the legendary spells. So... you caught it wrong again."

As Richard spoke, he patted the guard captain lightly on the shoulder. Miraculously, as Richard took the photos, the guard captain got shorter and shorter, and finally sat down on the ground with a "plop", his face pale and bloodless.

Looking up in horror, the guard captain looked at Richard's expression without any fluctuation, and felt a chill in his heart. With a "bang" sound, the guard captain began to kowtow vigorously: "Your Highness, I was wrong. Please give me another chance. I will definitely catch the person you really need."

"the last time."

The guard captain was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly: "I understand."

After finishing speaking, seeing Richard turning around and leaving the dungeon, the guard captain hurriedly stood up and asked in a low voice: "Your Highness, since you don't want these people, what should you do with them?"

Richard stopped, turned around, and glanced at the wizard in the cell. He was looking at him with a dangerous and vicious look, as if he was saying: Let me go, kid, or I'll make you look good.

Richard smiled coldly. He was still holding the burning short staff in his hand, but he threw it out the next moment.

The short staff drew an arc in mid-air, passed through the iron bars of the cell, and fell directly into the cell where the wizard was held. The area inside the cell was covered with straw, which would catch fire, and soon flames and billowing black smoke would rise.

In the wizard's frightened eyes, Richard turned around and said: "Let those who are useless, let them go. Those who break the law, then kill them."

"Yes, I understand."

"Da da da", Richard stepped towards the exit of the dungeon, behind him was the vague yelling of the wizard, but his tone gradually changed.

"Boy, come back..."

"Put me down..."

"please… "

"King... Your Highness, I was wrong. I have something important to tell you..."

"I... I know you are interested in wizards and magic-related things. I know there is a legendary flame python... "


Richard stopped suddenly. Before the guard captain on the side could react, he heard Richard's order: "Put out the fire."

"Ah?" The guard captain was stunned. The next moment, he turned around quickly. An angry roar sounded. More than a dozen soldiers stumbled over. Each man took a bucket of water and quickly ran to the last cell in the dungeon. Just throw it in without even looking at it.

"Wow, wow, wow..."

The flames were not big originally. After pouring more than a dozen buckets of water, the fires were all extinguished. Of course, the wizard who was entangled in the iron chain was soaked in the water.

With a creaking sound, the cell door opened. Richard stepped on the wet straw and walked in, looking up at the wizard. With a slight signal, the guard captain stepped forward and untied the rope from the wizard's mouth.

The wizard breathed a sigh of relief, and before he could speak, he heard Richard say: "You have one minute to convince me not to kill you. If you can't convince me with your words, then don't worry, your next death will definitely be better than burning to death." More painful.”

The wizard trembled all over: "I... I..."

"Fifty seconds left."

The wizard suddenly understood that whether he lived or died was up to him, and he quickly said: "Your Highness, to be honest, I am not a wizard, I am just a liar, I..."

Richard was not interested in the other party's confession, and reminded him expressionlessly: "Forty seconds."

The wizard spoke in a high tone: "I know you are interested in wizards and spells. A few days ago, I saw a python with flames all over its body. I think it will be useful to you..."

"How many days ago was it specifically?" Richard asked aloud, his eyes fixed on the wizard's eyes.

The next moment he saw the wizard's eyes tilting involuntarily to the lower right, Richard knew that the other party was making a subconscious action due to memories, and was probably telling the truth. The other party said: "It was three days ago specifically."

"morning afternoon?"

"Uh... noon."

"What's the weather like? Sunny or cloudy?"


"Where is the sun in front, behind, and left of you?"

"Um...left side."

"What did you see?"

"It's almost like an ordinary python, except it catches fire."

"what colour?"



"More than three meters."

"How much more?"

"More... half a meter."

"Specific location."

"On the hillside outside the city..."

After a while, Richard stopped asking, and the guard captain asked quietly: "Your Highness, look..."

"Put him down and tie him to the horse. You and I will lead a group of people and leave the city immediately."

"Now... now?"

"Now." Richard said, "If you catch the flame python he mentioned, let him go. If you don't catch him, kill him."

"Forehead… "

"Your Highness, Your Highness the Prince!" the wizard shouted loudly, fearing that he would be killed, and quickly reminded, "Your Highness, if you want to catch that python, you must be well prepared. After all, it is a demonized creature that can use magic. , very dangerous.”

"Then I'll ask someone to bring more bows and arrows..." the guard captain thought for a moment, "and then bring a big net..."

"No, you can't use a net." The wizard said quickly, "The whole body of the python will be on fire and the net will be burned."

"Then how do you do it?"

"I..." The wizard's momentum immediately weakened.

"Bring everything you need to bring, and pick some elites." Richard made a decision aloud, "Also, bring a bag of flour."

"Huh? Flour?" The guard captain was stunned, and the wizard was also stunned.

"Yes, flour, go to the palace kitchen and ask for it, the best quality, the kind that has been sifted at least ten times and reserved for making the queen's bread at the dinner party." Richard didn't look like he was joking at all.

"Forehead… "