Magus Tech

Chapter 36: Stories by the pool


early morning.

Richard, who was sitting cross-legged on the wooden bed, opened his eyes, stretched his body, and walked out of the castle.

In the open space outside, a breeze blew, bringing with it a bit of coolness, which refreshed Richard's spirits.

The rising sun in the east was rising slowly, and its light shone on the earth. Richard turned around and walked behind the hill, preparing to take a look at the surrounding environment. After all, I am likely to stay here for a long time, so it would be better to know more about it.

In addition, if you find a water source at this time, if you are lucky, you may encounter wild animals that get up early to drink water, and maybe you will have enough food for the day.

With this thought in mind, Richard walked down the hill. As a result, before walking a few hundred meters, I saw a small stream winding from a distance, forming a pool with a radius of more than ten meters in a nearby low-lying area, which was considered an excellent water source.

At this time, there were two black figures drinking water.

Taking a few steps closer, Richard narrowed his eyes and saw two black figures. One was a spotted cheetah, and the other was a sturdy black bear.

The two beasts were obviously at the top of the food chain in the vast forest and were each other's prey. So while drinking water, they looked at each other warily. But it seems that they are all planning to leave after drinking the water and do not want to fight.

Richard's eyes flashed and he hesitated slightly: Should I take action

Now with the help of spells, I can completely deal with the attacks of the two beasts, but it is more difficult to break the opponent's defense and severely injure the opponent. This is mainly because the spells currently mastered do not have much offensive power, and he does not carry any weapons with him.

In the suitcase in the castle room, there is a complete set of dissecting knives, many of which can directly disembowel two beasts. But if I go back to get them now, I am afraid that when I come back, the two beasts will be gone. .


As Richard was thinking about it, he suddenly noticed that the two beasts suddenly lowered their bodies and growled deep in their throats. This was a demonstration before the attack.

"Huh? Are you going to fight?" Richard was slightly confused. Wasn't everything going well just now? Why are the two beasts suddenly starting to fight among themselves

Then Richard realized that what he was thinking might be wrong. Because the two beasts are not facing each other, but themselves... behind them.


Richard was slightly startled, and suddenly turned his head to look behind him. The next moment, he felt a strong wind blowing past him, and a petite purple figure rushed out at an extremely fast speed. He rushed to the water pool, suddenly jumped up from the ground, spanned a distance of seven or eight meters, and then fell heavily like a cannonball.

There was a "bang", the ground shook, and the water pool stirred up waves.

The two beasts roaring by the pool were like mice that saw a cat, turned around and ran away, one on the left and the other on the right, quite smart.

After looking at it, the petite purple figure didn't hesitate at all. He took a step towards chasing the fastest cheetah, and disappeared into the forest in the blink of an eye.

Richard's eyes flashed, and he was about to follow her to take a look. Not long after, the cheetah rushed out of the forest at a faster speed, and the petite purple figure chasing her was riding on its back.


The dust was flying, and the cheetah was galloping on all fours, chasing her petite figure on its back in the direction of the black bear's escape. It seemed that in a very short period of time, he had defected to the enemy in order to survive.

"this… "

Richard blinked as he watched the cheetah rush into the forest and disappear again.

This time, the wait took a little longer.

About a few minutes later, with the sound of "ta-da-da" footsteps, Pandora walked out of the forest. Behind him was a tired and panting cheetah, panting almost every step of the way, and behind him was a black bear with a bruised nose and face, as if it had been run over by a tyrannosaurus.

At this time, the two beasts were extremely well-behaved. They followed Pandora to the edge of the pool and looked eagerly at the water in the pool. After running all the way just now, the water that I finally drank has been consumed long ago. My throat is so dry that I feel like smoking. The cool stream water is simply a great temptation. But for them, they dare not drink even if they are beaten to death - because if they drink, they may be beaten to death, unless they get the consent of the little devil next to them...

Ignoring what the two beasts were thinking, Pandora stretched out a hand, grabbed the cheetah's neck and reached the water pool, then pushed the cheetah's head hard into the water pool. The cheetah's eyes lit up, and it was first a little surprised by this sudden surprise, and then it unceremoniously stretched out its pink tongue and licked the water.


"Bang", a pink but powerful fist fell heavily on the cheetah's head, making the cheetah feel as if the whole world was spinning. Then the cheetah realized one thing, that is, the behavior just now was not to make it drink water at all, but just a test.

Just when he figured this out, the cheetah's neck was picked up again, its head was pressed down again, and it got closer and closer to the water. But this time, the cheetah really stopped sticking out its tongue regardless of whether it was beaten to death or not. It kept most of its head submerged in the water and remained motionless.

Pandora was satisfied, threw the cheetah away, and walked towards the black bear next to her.

The black bear is a bit big, weighing more than 300 kilograms, and its height is about 1.6 meters, which is about the same as an adult. At this time, the black bear stood upright on the ground like a log. Pandora, who was 1.2 meters tall, walked up to it and tried several times, but failed to grab its neck.

So Pandora got angry and kicked out with her bare feet. With a "bang", the black bear fell down.

Pandora looked expressionless as she grabbed the black bear by the neck and dragged it toward the pool.

After successfully dragging the black bear to the waterhole, Pandora followed the same method as before and pushed the black bear's head toward the water.

Although Pandora dragged him like a dead dog, the black bear felt that he had lost all dignity, but he had not lost his IQ. At least its head, after seeing what the cheetah went through just now, has understood that drinking water will result in a beating, and as long as it endures not drinking water, it will be fine. So, keep your mouth shut.


"Bang! Bang!" Two very powerful pink fists fell on the black bear's head.

For a moment, the black bear was stunned.

Why was he still beaten when he obviously didn't drink water

Could it be...

The next moment, the black bear opened its mouth tentatively and stuck out its bright red tongue covered with barbs. Then it saw Pandora nodding in agreement.

Immediately, the black bear licked into the water, and the cheetah on the side stared wide-eyed, feeling very unfair.

I come it...


The next moment, a chilling sound stopped the cheetah from thinking. A fist much heavier than before fell hard on the black bear, knocking the black bear's huge body into the pool.

Pandora didn't stop, and then there were two more "bang bangs", causing the water to explode and the black bear to completely collapse. Only then did he realize that what he just did was still a test.


This is not fair!

The cheetah next to him lowered his head, as if he didn't see anything.

After three punches, Pandora pointed to the side. Although the black bear in the pool felt aggrieved, it still climbed ashore obediently.

Looking at the black bear, Pandora pointed toward the pool, and the black bear quickly shook his head. Point again and continue to shake your head. Three fingers, still shaking his head.

Pandora turned and looked at the cheetah again. This time, before Pandora could make any move, the cheetah started to shake its head crazily, indicating that it had absolutely no idea about the water in the pool.

Pandora finally nodded with satisfaction, then pointed toward the forest. The two beasts, as if they had been granted amnesty, fled into the forest in a panic, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Richard looked a little amused and really wanted to ask Pandora why she did this.

The next moment, Pandora turned her head and looked in one direction of the forest.


As the sun gradually rose, Richard heard the sounds of many animals suddenly coming from the direction Pandora was looking.