Magus Tech

Chapter 4: Flame temperature and dust explosion



The arrows continued to shoot at the python. The closer to the python, the higher the accuracy. Soon the python's body was covered with arrows and blood was flowing. It looked seriously injured and it was swimming slowly. Come down.

The guard captain saw the opportunity was unmissable, and with a wave of his hand, he directed the remaining soldiers to rush forward with a big net, and suddenly lowered the cover on the python. The buckle of the big net is only the size of a fingernail, and a python over three meters long cannot get out at all. When it struggles in the net, it gets entangled tightly.

The guard captain's mouth twitched, and just when he thought he was done, he saw the soldiers surrounding him suddenly let out a scream and quickly dispersed.


The guard captain took a closer look and his eyeballs almost fell off.

Then he saw a flame more than half a meter high "pop" rising from the python's body. The color turned orange, burning the entire net and burning all the arrows inserted into his body.

The next moment, the python's speed surged, and it swooped up and bit the slowest soldier. The soldier screamed in agony and was wrapped around his body by the python, making him silent for an instant. Half a python went to track down the remaining soldiers, leaving behind a charred corpse in its place.

Damn it!

The guard captain's eyes were a little red.

Richard looked at it and his eyes flashed slightly.

The color of the flame is closely related to the temperature. Generally speaking, the higher the brightness, the higher the temperature. For example, the most common "pure fire", sky blue (cyan) flame can basically reach 2500°C. The red flame temperature is generally around 1000°C. As for the black flame, it looks cool, but it is caused by incomplete combustion and too much smoke. The temperature is about 300℃, which is far lower than the charcoal fire road (around 600℃).

According to the current orange-yellow flame on the python, it should be around 1500°C. Although it is not as good as the "sophisticated" sky-blue flame, it cannot be underestimated. After all, the melting point of iron is only 1538°C, and the flame at this time can almost melt steel.

"It seems to be a magical creature indeed." Richard said to himself, "I am not disappointed this time. It's just that if I capture it, it won't be easy to deal with..."


There was another scream, and the python whose body was burning with flames once again entangled a soldier who was lagging behind, taking away the other's life.

The captain of the guard was astonished, and the ferocity hidden in his bones broke out. Seeing the python chasing the third soldier again, his back was turned to him. He gritted his teeth, clenched the sword in his hand and charged at the python.

Thirty meters, twenty-five meters, twenty meters.

A rolling heat wave came from the python's body in the distance. The guard captain could feel the tingling pain on the skin exposed outside his clothes, but he ignored it and continued to run closer.

Twenty meters, fifteen meters, ten meters.

The guard captain could feel the iron armor on his body becoming extremely hot, burning his skin like a branding iron, and his expression was a little distorted. But he still endured it, raised his sword high, aimed at the python's head, and wanted to rush forward and chop it off.

At this moment, a short arrow shot from behind him, scratching his ear with a "whoosh" sound, and leaving a bloody mark on his face, which was burning and painful.

The guard captain was stunned, and subconsciously looked back, and saw Richard standing in the distance looking at him expressionlessly, holding a crossbow in one hand, and making a "come back" sign with the other hand. action.

"If you don't want to die, come back." Richard said.

"Your Highness the Prince... I..." The guard captain hesitated for a moment, but finally chose to obey, and quickly returned to Richard's side, panting: "Your Highness the Prince, this python with its whole body burning with flames is really difficult to deal with, the rope net I can’t catch him at all. Why don’t I go back and try to get the craftsmen to make an iron net first? Otherwise, if this continues, I’m afraid none of my men will survive... "

"I told you when I came here that ordinary nets won't work." At this time, the wizard whispered beside him.

"Say it again!" the guard captain glared, as if he wanted to eat a wizard. "If you hadn't concealed the strength of such a damn python, would my men have suffered such serious losses? I think you did it on purpose!"

"Okay." Richard said, "Whether he did it on purpose or not, let's not talk about it for now. But even if we go back, it is useless to build an iron net. The temperature of the flames on this python is already enough to melt the iron net." ”

"What should we do?" the guard captain was anxious.

"Before coming, I asked you to bring a bag of flour. Have you brought it?" Richard asked suddenly.

"Well, this..." The guard captain was stunned for a moment, and then he realized, "I brought it with me, but I don't know what it is for..."

"I'll tell you now, how to use it..." Richard began to describe.

After a while, the guard captain listened to Richard's story and looked at him with some doubts and confusion in his eyes. But in the end he ran out quickly and shouted at the remaining soldiers.

"Hiss", the python continued to chase a soldier, and was about to catch up. Suddenly, with a "pop", a large ball of snow-white flour exploded from behind him, floating down from the air like a snowflake.

The python stopped suddenly, raised its head, and swallowed the message, full of vigilance.

The soldier who saved his life fled in a panic, but balls of flour continued to explode around the python's body and rained down from the sky.

Suddenly, the flames on the python's body dimmed, and it kept spitting out messages, looking a little restless.

The soldiers led by the guard captain around them ignored it and continued to sprinkle flour into the air, letting it fall. After a while, the python's defense area of more than ten meters was covered in flour.

At this time, the python, surrounded by flour, seemed to be facing a powerful enemy and remained motionless.

The guard captain quietly waved his hand and led his soldiers away quickly. They didn't know how far they ran, but they heard Richard say "get down", and they all hurriedly got down and hugged their heads.

Richard in the distance was holding a crossbow. The arrow of the crossbow was protruding, and a flame was burning at the tip.

The next moment, Richard slowly raised the crossbow, aimed at the area covered by flour, and pulled the trigger with a calm expression.

"Brush", the arrow turned into a black light and shot out into the space covered with flour.

The flame on the arrow was about to be extinguished. After it touched the flour floating in the air, it seemed to have touched gunpowder and instantly began to spread rapidly, spreading to the entire space where the flour was located.

Dust explosion!

With a "boom", a huge explosion occurred, the ground shook violently, and strong shock waves roared in all directions. The soldier captain and soldier who were lying low on the ground only felt a strong wave of air blowing violently from above their heads.

After everything calmed down, the guard captain and his soldiers stood up together, looking like where the python was, and opened their mouths little by little.

I saw the originally arrogant python lying on the ground like a dry branch, with its skin and flesh torn, as if it was taking in less air and letting out more air.

In this regard, the guard captain did not dare to be careless. After receiving Richard's permission, he immediately called for soldiers to shoot with long bows from a distance. The python was completely killed and he breathed a sigh of relief.

When he turned to look at Richard, he found that His Highness the Prince was not very excited. He still kept a calm face and ordered: "Take the python and rush back to the city immediately. I want to seize the time to dissect and study it." Otherwise, over time, it will lose a certain amount of activity and many things will change.”

"Uh... yes." The guard captain responded quickly and asked the soldiers to tie the three-meter-long python to the horse. No matter that the unlucky horse was trembling with fear, he forcibly took it back to the Blue Lion City.