Magus Tech

Chapter 53: Wizard artifact


"Uh, um..." Lanster hesitated for a moment, then said slowly, "Your Highness, you don't know something. There are indeed many wild beasts in the forest. But the black forest here is different from other forests. Every time you pass by, An animal tide breaks out every month, and the animals become extremely violent.

This is why I stopped His Highness from entering the forest yesterday, because yesterday was the day when the animal tide occurred. The animals would be more irritable than usual throughout the day, and they were even crazier at night.

Today, the beast tide has just passed and the animals have calmed down, so I will bring the prince, you and others in to ensure safety. However, because of this, after the beast tide, the animals must have suffered heavy losses, so there are relatively few of them. "

"So, we can't hit anything today?" Grotto frowned deeply, took out a water bag with broken gems from the saddle, drank a lot of water, and said displeased: "Disappointment!"

"Your Highness Prince Gro, calm down." Lanster said, "It's not that you can't hit him, it's just more difficult. In fact, once you encounter them, they should be injured beasts or the like, which are easier to deal with than usual. Maybe Captures cheetahs, tigers, wild boars and the like.”

"Is that so?" After hearing this, Prince Gro's eyes flashed, "Okay then." He stuffed the drinking water bag casually and hung it back on the saddle. Because the plug was not plugged in properly, water kept seeping out of the water bag, and it fell on the ground drop by drop, but Gro didn't pay attention.

After a moment, he thought of something, and Gro suddenly took off the leather glove on one hand and handed it to Lanster.

Lanster was stunned, "Prince, what are you..."

"Give it to you." Gro said in a low voice, "Well, don't get me wrong, I don't think you really can't wear gloves, it's just that I heard you arguing with the Caesar family just now. I think... you did it. Pretty good. Actually, I don’t like the Caesars either.”

"Forehead… "

"Besides." Gro said with a sigh, "I will be assassinated on that day. It would be a waste to wear these gloves on my hands. I might as well give them to you."

"Your Highness is worried. The eldest prince has become the king. Your Highness is about to become a grand duke or prince. Who in the entire kingdom dares to do harm to His Highness?"

"Oh, it's precisely because of this." Gro said, "Brother, he has become the king, I'm afraid I will become a thorn in his side. He is nearly twenty years older than me, and my existence will threaten him. His son will inherit the throne for the next generation. There is nothing yet, but maybe one day, he will take action against me. In fact, he has been the king for three months now, and my father promised me that I still have two younger brothers. The title and territory have not been fulfilled, which shows that he really wants to do this."

"But... His Highness the little prince, hasn't he been made a duke and assigned a territory?" Lanster said softly, "Maybe... it's just because the time is too short and the new king has not been busy yet."

"Not necessarily!" Grotto shook his head, "My youngest brother is only three years old. He is not a threat to him at all. The territory is divided and controlled, so naturally he can be more generous. But my two younger brothers and I are different. , I’m just afraid…”

At the end of the sentence, Grotto shook his head irritably, "Forget it, let's go hunting and relax." After speaking, Grotto took off the glove on his other hand and stuffed it into Lance's hand. Special hands.

Lanster held a whole pair of gloves and his eyes flashed.

The gloves were obviously good ones, made of fine deerskin and studded with several decorative gems. Not to mention anything else, just removing the gems and selling them was equivalent to half a quarter's harvest in his territory. He would not refuse such a windfall. Of course, there is no need to be grateful or show off. After all, the group of people who followed him, except Prince Gro, the rest are richer than him.


Lanster was about to stuff his gloves into his arms when he suddenly thought of something. He turned around with the gloves and looked at the nobles of the Caesar family in the group behind with a half-smile.

The nobles of the Caesar family who had quarreled with him before saw Lanster's appearance, and their faces instantly turned pale. Just now, Lanster and the prince were very close and their voices were low, so he didn't hear clearly what was being said. Seeing Lanster's appearance now, he thought that Lanster deliberately borrowed a pair of gloves from Prince Gro and threw them in his face to challenge him. He was so frightened that he stopped where he was and did not dare to step forward.

Lanster looked at it, laughed contemptuously, turned back and rode forward, and the others followed, with the nobles of the Caesar family following cautiously at the end.

The team of nearly a hundred people left the place, and the wild boar, which was so thirsty that its throat was on fire, suddenly ran over, and then its eyes widened and its eyes lit up.

have water!

Running on all fours, the wild boar quickly ran to a patch of yellow grass, stretched out its pink tongue, and greedily licked the wet grass blades, feeling its soul tremble.

It's water! It's really water! And it’s sweet water with honey in it!

"Pap tap tap..."

After trying hard to lick the water off the grass blades, the wild boar looked at the traces of water spreading far away and quickly caught up with it, its tail swaying happily behind its butt.

the other side.

Halfway up the mountain, Richard and Pandora were walking on a steep mountain road.

Richard could clearly feel a vague mental wave coming from Shan's body and acting on his brain.

Richard knew that every month, this mental fluctuation would suddenly increase and reach its peak, controlling the minds of many animals in the forest.

However, before it breaks out, this mental wave can activate the brain to a certain extent, exercise mental strength, and develop intelligence.

To put it simply, the mental fluctuations in the mountain are beneficial in normal times. However, when the mental fluctuations suddenly increase to their peak every other month, the stimulation to living things is too strong, and the beneficial becomes harmful.

From this perspective, the crystal skull in the mountain is somewhat similar to a large-scale mental enhancer, which is constantly improving the minds of most of the forest animals. At the same time, tests will be conducted every other month to eliminate the unqualified ones. This can also explain why the animals in this forest seem smarter than animals in other places.

This made Richard couldn't help but think of one of the legends about crystal skulls: there are 52 crystal skulls in total, 13 of which are "singing skulls" with movable mandibles that store knowledge. The other 40 are "talking skulls" with immobile mandibles, which can improve some human abilities, such as physical strength, endurance, wisdom, etc., allowing humans to become skull guardians and help spread the knowledge in the "talking skulls" .

It now appears that, apart from being smaller in size, the crystal skull in the mountain is indeed similar to the legendary "talking skull".

If we can really get the crystal skull, study it thoroughly, and make the crystal head not work on a large scale, but on a certain individual, then it is very likely that a biological brain can evolve rapidly and its mind can instantly break through the species. limit. Or it can greatly increase a person's mental strength.

I remember it was recorded in "The Chapter of Monroe" that mental strength and mana reserves are two very important criteria for a wizard to advance. In this way, the crystal skull can be called a wizard's artifact.

Of course, everything is still just speculation now, and it can only be confirmed by holding the crystal skull in your hand.

But, how to get the crystal skull out of the mountain