Magus Tech

Chapter 6: Extract the magic substance


Richard didn't listen to what Edward said and appeared in the independent laboratory room.

What comes into view is a spacious room with an area of more than fifty square meters. The walls are painted extremely white. There are several black walnut tables placed together on the ground in the middle. They look like operating tables. On them are soldiers just The imported python carcass.

Around the table, there are many wooden shelves, some of which hold various instruments, experimental materials, knives, etc., while others are themselves instruments. Most of them are far beyond the current level of technological development in this world, and Richard spent a lot of effort to have them made.

To put it simply, the technological level of the room that Richard is in now exceeds that of the entire era by more than three hundred years, and the scientific thinking contained in it exceeds that of seven or eight centuries.

With his eyes narrowed, Richard stepped towards a wooden frame. There is a handle on the side of the wooden frame, a nozzle under the handle, and a wooden barrel underneath.

Richard stretched out his hand to pull the handle and put his hand under the nozzle. After a short wait, a colorless and transparent liquid with a pungent smell flowed out of the nozzle and onto his hand.

This is alcohol with a concentration of 75%, which can act as a disinfectant. Richard carefully scrubbed each finger to ensure that every part was cleaned. He closed the nozzle, flicked his palm a few times, and waited until the alcohol remained on his hands. Completely evaporated, he walked towards another wooden frame.

He took out a set of knives that had been sterilized with alcohol and came to the wooden table with the python on it.

At this time, Richard's eyes fell on the body of the python, and he carefully observed this strange creature that could burn flames all over its body.

"The head is relatively small in proportion." Richard measured the python's head with his hand and said. He opened his mouth and saw that there were no long and slender fangs, and then said, "It's not poisonous, and the end of the snout is flat."

"There are three pairs of lip pits." Richard's eyes fell on the part of the python that is similar to the human upper lip. He saw three pairs of depressions and knew that this was the special structure of the python, similar to an infrared sensor. It allows pythons to detect warm-blooded animals in the surrounding environment at night, determine the exact location of the animals, and then track and attack.

"Tan." Richard's eyes returned from the python's head and fell on the python's entire body and back. "The back is yellowish, with arrow-shaped markings and a large number of irregular cloud-shaped markings."

"The belly is white." With a little force, the whole python turned over. Richard looked at the lower body, where is the python's excretory cavity, and then saw a pair of protrusions, "There is also a pair of vestigial claw-like stumps. .”

"It looks like it's a Burmese python." After Richard finished his observation, he muttered to himself, and the data about this kind of python quickly passed through his mind:

The Burmese python, also known as Burmese rock python, lyre snake, and double-banded anaconda, scientific name: Python bivittatus, is one of the subspecies of the Asian rock python in the snake suborder Pythonidae, and is the third largest python on earth today. Known for its huge size, it can reach 7 meters in length and 91 kilograms in weight. The longest Burmese python in the world is 9.75 meters...

"7 meters? 9.75 meters?" Richard read aloud and looked at the python on the table, which was only over 3 meters long. He thought thoughtfully, "So, it's not an adult yet. But even if it's not an adult, it can emit temperatures as high as 1500℃. What effect will the flames have when it reaches adulthood? Tsk, it is indeed a magical magical creature."

The next moment, Richard took a deep breath, grabbed a knife he had prepared, and stabbed the python into the body. With a "pop" sound, the sharp blade easily cut through the skin of the python. With a slight exertion, it easily moved downwards, cutting open the entire body of the python, revealing everything inside.

Reaching out to rummage through his internal organs, Richard narrowed his eyes.

According to the descriptions of many entertainment novels on the modern earth, magical creatures like the current python should have a "crystal core" or "magic crystal" in their bodies to provide energy for releasing spells.

From a scientific perspective, since a python can burn flames all over its body, it must have some more special organs or glands than other pythons.

But Richard didn't find any of these.

Richard frowned slightly, and finally his eyes fell on the python skin.

He pursed his lips, held the knife and drew it down to quickly separate the python skin from the flesh. Soon, Richard got a complete python skin.

Then under the python skin, Richard discovered a sticky, yellow substance that looked like grease.

"This is… "

Without hesitation, Richard quickly scraped off a little of the yellow substance, took an iron plate from a nearby wooden frame, and placed it inside to light it.

With a "pop" sound, orange flames were seen rising into the sky, and the air heated up instantly. However, there were no traces of the iron plate being burned red, and it turned out to be extremely cold when you stretched out your hand to touch it. Looking at the slowly decreasing yellow substance in the iron plate, Richard had some enlightenment.

"This substance that exists under the skin can penetrate from the scales to the surface, and then burns to generate high-temperature flames, which can be used for attacks. While burning, it also takes away a large amount of heat to ensure that the body surface is kept at a low temperature and will not be burned. "

"In that case..." Richard's eyes lit up, "The so-called magic substance should be contained in it. If the grease and impurities are filtered out, what remains should be the pure magic substance."

"In this case… "

Richard did not say any more, but quickly started to do it.

Use a knife to scrape off all the golden grease-like substance inside the python skin, put it into a jar, and start distilling.

If Richard does it himself, it will naturally be much faster than the unqualified ponytail maid outside.

Not long after, Richard distilled out the excess water in the golden grease-like substance, separated the grease and other impurities, and finally obtained a small bottle of liquid that was almost rose-colored. It looked like blood, but had no smell of blood.

"Is it a real magical substance?" Richard watched the rose-colored liquid narrow into a slit, feeling that some of the answers he was looking for might be solved.

The next moment, Richard quickly disinfected and washed his hands with alcohol, picked up the liquid in the bottle and strode out of the laboratory.

By this time, several hours had passed and it was getting dark.

Outside the door, Edward was still waiting, watching Richard come out, and opened his mouth to continue persuading him.

But Richard waved his hand and said: "Edward, ask someone to clean my laboratory, and then guard the palace door. I have important things to do now, and no one is allowed to disturb me. I won't eat dinner either. Let’s wait until tomorrow to discuss the situation.”

"Forehead… "

After finishing speaking, Richard walked towards the hall, quickly climbed up the wooden stairs to the second floor, entered his bedroom and the connected study room, and closed the door with a bang.