Magus Tech

Chapter 69: Shooting adjustments


More than fifty people, one-eighth, this loss is not small, but it is not too big.

In Richard's opinion, only seven-eighths of the remaining enemies could still crush Gro and his party. Once they made up their minds to attack forcefully, the results would not change much compared to the previous results.

The only thing that might be a little different is morale.

Morale is very important to an army, especially in the era of cold weapons, morale can determine almost everything. In the explosion just now, due to confusion and fear of the unknown, the morale of the troops outside the camp obviously lost more than the number of people. If the morale before was one hundred, the morale now is about fifty.

After all, the destructive power of hot weapons is almost devastating to soldiers in the cold weapon era.

In addition, if my guess is correct, the soldiers and leaders who came to besiege may not have known that what they were doing was rebellion. This kind of thing is illegal and requires great pressure.

If everything goes well, they may be able to carry out the plan somewhat crazily based on their passion, or the temptation of profit. But once they encounter failure, madness will turn into fear and fear, morale will drop rapidly, and they can only barely maintain it, and then enter a state of wait-and-see and testing. At this time, once they are hit again, it will be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Morale will be directly reduced to zero, and they will collapse and flee.

This is equivalent to the rebel army in the history of modern earth. When fighting a favorable battle, its combat effectiveness in slaughtering cities, raping and plundering is stronger than anyone else, and it can defeat the official army head-on. However, once the war goes against the odds and the elite official army encounters it, it may collapse at the drop of a hat. Hundreds of official troops can chase thousands of rebel troops everywhere.

In this case…

Richard raised his eyebrows and saw that the soldiers outside the camp had organized their teams and were about to launch a new round of tentative attacks. He turned and looked to one side and looked at a noble.

"Bill Caesar...Mr." Richard called.

"Ah? Me?" Bill Caesar, one of the nobles, was stunned and looked at Richard warily, "You... what do you want to do again?"

"Do two things for me." Richard said calmly, "One is to bring the arrows I made in the tent, and the other is to help me find a better hand crossbow."

"Ah? Why me?" Bill Caesar said reluctantly.

"No?" Richard looked at the other party calmly.

"I..." Bill Caesar's mood at this moment was like having finally rolled over in bed with a beautiful aristocratic lady. Just when he was about to complete the great harmony of life, he suddenly saw that the beautiful aristocratic lady was not a lady at all, but a man. Silly, silly dog.

Why is it me again? This damn wizard not only killed his own horse and drew his own blood, but now he even orders himself to take things. Why? Is it because, among all these people, he is the only one who has not inherited the title? But can I blame myself? My father can't die and is so healthy that he might be able to send him away. I am helpless, okay


This is a very sad thing. Can you stop bullying yourself

Although Bill Caesar thought so in his heart, he didn't dare to say it out. Looking at Richard's calm but emotionless eyes, he couldn't help but feel a chill. He shrank his neck and said nonchalantly: "Uh... OK, OK, I’ll go get it for you right now.”

Bill Caesar left quickly. Richard looked at his back and couldn't help but reflect: Did he grab a sheep and pluck the wool too hard? If that's the case... then let's get rid of all the wool.

Bill Caesar didn't know what Richard was thinking, otherwise he might jump up and fight Richard, but because he didn't know, he finally got what Richard asked for.

Richard nodded with satisfaction, picked up an arrow he had processed, put it into a well-made hand crossbow, strung it, and turned to look outside the camp.

The soldiers outside the camp were preparing to attack. This time it was not a cavalry charge, but a gathering of bows and arrows. After all, the sudden explosion just now left everyone with lingering fears and they didn't want to suffer it again. For safety reasons, it is better to stay away and use a bow and arrow.

Outside the camp, a man who looked like a leader was constantly shouting orders, directing many soldiers to adjust their formations to ensure the effectiveness of the salvo.

Richard narrowed his eyes slightly and raised his crossbow to aim at the opponent.

Pull the trigger the next moment.

"call out!"

The arrow flew out very fast like a black beam, and hit... a tree outside the camp with great accuracy.

"Poof", the arrow penetrated into the tree trunk, and the tail of the arrow continued to tremble.


Richard's face was expressionless, without any embarrassment, and there was no fluctuation in his eyes, as if he had expected it.

The reason for this is because I really thought there would be such a result, or I did it deliberately.

Marksmen who can pierce the enemy with a hundred steps do exist in reality, but marksmen who are always on target and never miss exist only in entertainment novels and movies.

The reason is simple. Due to the influence of the external environment, equipment, and the shooter's personal body, shooting errors are bound to occur. The farther the distance, the more complex the environment, and the worse the physical condition, the greater the error.

Even on modern earth, even the most elite snipers armed with the most accurate sniper rifles cannot guarantee that the first bullet fired during the mission will hit 100% of the time.

Generally speaking, during the execution of a mission, a sniper needs to assemble a disassembled sniper rifle before shooting, or shoot with an unfamiliar firearm. Then before aiming at the target, one or several rounds of bullets must be test-fired to adjust the firearm error. Otherwise, the difference between the bullet hitting the target and the target may be several meters.

After all... killing must be done rationally and scientifically. You can't kill if you want to, unless you really master the ability to kill and master every detail.

With his eyes flashing, Richard looked at the arrow shaft that hit the tree trunk without turning his head. He continued to hold the crossbow with one hand, and stretched out the other hand and said simply: "Arrow!"

Bill Caesar, who was holding many arrows on one side, handed an arrow to Richard's hand with some reluctance.

Without further ado, Richard quickly inserted the arrow into the crossbow, re-cocked it, and continued to aim at the leader outside the camp.

"call out!"

The arrow flew out for the second time, turned into a black light, and then hit the same tree outside the camp again.

Compared with the first arrow just now, this one is slightly lower.

"The error is about 5%..." Richard said to himself, and then said, "Arrow!"

Bill Caesar quickly handed over the arrow again. Seeing the effect of Richard's arrow shooting, he couldn't help but feel a little contempt in his heart: With this accuracy, he was not even as good as himself.

Richard ignored what Bill Caesar was thinking. He installed the arrow in the hand crossbow for the third time, raised it and aimed it. This time he aimed for a little longer, then pulled the trigger and shot again.