Magus Tech

Chapter 76: All the truth!


At this moment, Richard was very calm. There were not many surprises in his heart, and he was not shaken much.

Because this kind of Pandora's reaction is expected, but the goal has already been determined, then the pace of progress will not stop because of anyone or anything.

Because I really want to find out the truth.

Looking up at the sky, the stars are twinkling.

When I was explaining to Pandora just now, I was looking at the North Star, but now I am looking at the arrangement of constellations in the entire starry sky.

The so-called earth and world are, in the final analysis, nothing more than a planet orbiting a star and constantly rotating. Otherwise, gravity, atmosphere, day and night cycle, seasonal changes, etc., would all be unexplainable.

In the distant places around the current planet, there are many constellations of stars. They have been artificially divided into imaginary shapes. Their positions are unchanged, or relatively unchanged. They are like coordinates, representing the space and time of a planet.

The spatial coordinates of the current world, according to the starry sky background map, are obviously the Milky Way-Solar System-Earth. The time coordinate, according to the position of the North Star Gou Chenyi, should be around 2100 AD on modern Earth. In other words, the current world, in a sense, is the Earth in 2100 AD - a medieval world with a future, a backward and mysterious world of wizards.

Is this time travel? Can this be explained by just the word "travel"

When many entertainment novels describe impossible fantasies a thousand or ten thousand times, everyone becomes accustomed to it and thinks it is reasonable. But... when this kind of thing really happens, can a completely different world really be explained

how to explain

Parallel theory? Mirror theory? String theory? Or... the box theory

"Time travel and conquer the world", if it really happens, will it really be as beautiful as in fantasy? Enjoy it, immerse yourself in it, and then fight for it

Someone told me that in this world, the strong are respected, so practice hard and become the strongest. Someone told me that the barbarians are in power in this world, so we should drive out the barbarians and restore our mountains and rivers. Someone told me that the "system" helps everything, so there is no need to think, just follow the instructions of the "system". Whether it is punishing evil and promoting good, or committing adultery and robbery, there is absolutely no harm.

Is it really harmless? Is the world a kind place? Or malicious? Do survival and evolution rely on truth, goodness and beauty, on animality and cruelty, or on the light of wisdom in the darkness

When everything really happens, can you really accept it completely

When you wake up and find that the world has changed and you with a mature personality have become another existence, do you think this is great? Even if it was a completely different medieval world

So, to be more extreme, what if this is a fairy world full of monsters? You become a goblin with the head of a bull and the body of a horse. Your family drinks blood and eats meat, and your companions take pleasure in killing. Injury is the greatest joy. The first thing to do when you wake up every day is to cut your body with a knife, watch the blood flow out, and make a little scream. Here, there is an undying hatred for genocide between opposite sexes. To produce the next generation, same-sex union is required.

Is this acceptable? What about something more extreme

You arrive in a world of the dead filled with undead and become a skeleton soldier, ruled by a powerful skeleton lord. Without freedom, he had to be supervised by skeleton overseers every day, carrying heavy black stones to build a majestic city. There is no way to become stronger, no way to resist. He also has no language ability, cannot communicate with his companions, and cannot encourage them to riot.

Therefore, I can only keep doing it, and I can clearly feel the huge pain caused by bone friction at every moment of my life, until the bones are weathered and shattered. The skeleton supervisor will then take out the soul fire from your head and put it into another skeleton to activate it, allowing you to continue working.

How was this experience

Most people will eventually feel that the change from 0.5 to 500 is greater than the change from 0 to 0.5. Although the former is a quantitative change, the latter is a qualitative change.

When a fantasy becomes reality, within an acceptable range, and gives a person a better environment, can it really be fully accepted

Let you have a noble status, make you inferior to ten thousand people, and let you satisfy your previous fantasy desires. It allows you to exercise the right of first night, to cut off the head of a thief, to strategize in the castle and conquer the world. Let you be admired by thousands of people and praised by all living beings.

This is naturally good, but you really won’t wake up in your sleep, wondering who you are, carefully asking others what your identity is, or finding that your identity has suddenly changed.

Turned into the farmer's daughter whom you once exercised the right of first night, turned into a thief about to be guillotined, turned into a poor person whose house was burned down and food was robbed during the war of conquest

If there is a power that can change your appearance and rule the world in an instant, it can also make you fall into the world and struggle in the dirt in an instant. Are you really indifferent? Can you really be obedient, accept everything happily, and then start a new life in a different world with passion and blood

There are too many beautiful fantasies, but few want to explore the truth. Because fantasy is always relaxing and comfortable, but revealing the truth is contrary to common sense and is regarded as alien.

But no matter what, when something abnormal happens, do the people who experience it really have no doubts at all, and do they really have no desire to find out the truth

Do you really feel nothing when you know that the so-called "911 incident" may reset the earth's timeline

When you find that your memory suddenly deviates from that of many people, are you really not touched

For example, you find out that a writer named "Kurt Vonnegut" wrote his final novel and has died. You even remember how sad you were when you got the news. But suddenly one day, you find that he is still alive. After finishing writing, he broke his promise to continue writing. After that, he lived ten years longer than the death in your memory.

And his original "final work" was actually called "Time Shock" - Time Shock, which described a situation where "time suddenly went back ten years, and everyone had to do exactly what happened in these ten years again." "s story.

Another example is when you discover that Nelson Mandela, the African president known as "an old friend of the Chinese," has also apparently died, and the national news even published an obituary. Suddenly one day you find out that he died again. Between the two deaths, he experienced the unlikely event of being cured of cancer.

Another example is that as an actor, a few people, such as "fat cat" Zheng Zeshi and "Yan Chixia" Wu Ma, have caused you to deviate from other people and reality. Some of them you remember are obviously dead, but in reality they are still alive. Some of them you remember have been dead for a long time, but in reality they have just died.

What exactly causes these

Just coincidences, coincidences and coincidences

Can coincidence really explain everything

Could it be like the box theory: the entire world and universe are under the control of an unknown person. It usually runs quietly without a trace, but at some time nodes, when encountering some sudden major events, it will occur. Some unknown error

That's why your memory is different from others. So, some people died and came back to life. So, some things that only exist in fantasy novels really happen.

Or is there another theory that can explain it

But no matter what theory it is, can we find out the truth behind it

Richard wanted to find out about this, really wanted to find out. Ever since the so-called "time travel" happened, I have been trying to figure it out.

Richard really wants to know, is everything in the past, present and even the future real? Or maybe the people and things you experience and see are just false phantoms, pieces of virtual data, or NPCs in the game

In Richard's opinion, the past fifteen years were more like playing a game than real life. Therefore, we don’t put too much emotion into the so-called king’s father, the eldest prince’s brother, the old palace steward, the team captain, and the palace maid. Looking at the things happening around us is more like watching the cutscenes in the game, or rationally Or make a choice playfully.

After that, it’s time to leave the “Novice Village”-like Blue Lion Kingdom to learn about the wider world. After all, this is not the Internet age of the modern earth. It is impossible to get all the information and knowledge in one room. You must travel, explore, and experience it yourself to learn the secrets one by one and get closer to the possible truth step by step. .

I had similar feelings when I met Gregory and Pandora. I might find the other person more interesting than the previous ones, but I would never stop because of that.

Richard knew what he wanted very clearly and would never waver.

Therefore, leaving is inevitable.

So be it.

In the night, Richard whispered.