Magus Tech

Chapter 86: The second stage of the battle


The run continues.

Richard is in front, and the werewolf transformed by the mysterious wizard is behind.

After the initial burst of high speed for a period of time, the werewolf transformed by the mysterious wizard inevitably slowed down again. This time it was no longer teasing or consuming Richard, and it was completely impossible to catch up. At this moment, the werewolf transformed by the mysterious wizard really wanted to stop and rest, but the whistles that sounded in front of him from time to time stimulated him to stop at all, making him unable to help but chase forward and chase again.

In the exhausting pursuit, the roles of prey and hunter have been blurred. The two parties have exchanged identities quietly, and one of them is not aware of it.

For Richard, the consumption continued. Feeling the hot blood flowing through his body again, Richard exhaled. Hot air that far exceeds the normal temperature of the human body blows out of the mouth and nose and hits the low-temperature winter air outside. It quickly condenses and turns into a small liquid. A large cloud of white steam is released, as if a snow lotus is blooming in mid-air.

Richard had no time to appreciate it, so he turned to look at the almost consumed werewolf behind him, and a thought flashed through his mind: "It should be almost done, Pandora should be ready. In this case, the first stage can be ended and the second stage can be entered. . I hope everything goes well and the plan goes smoothly, otherwise... "

Shaking his head, he shook off a trace of worry. Realizing that the mysterious wizard-turned-werewolf behind him was slowing down again, Richard took out the whistle, put it to his mouth, and blew hard.


The sharp sound seemed to pierce the winter sky, reaching into the sky like a peak, and at the same time penetrated into the werewolf's ears.

The werewolf was stimulated and caught up again, panting.

Richard folded his feet, changed direction, and ran towards a place in the distance.

quite a while.

Richard ran all the way, bringing the werewolf transformed by the mysterious wizard to a strange place, and rushed forward. The werewolf transformed by the mysterious wizard was chasing after Richard, and he was about to catch up. Suddenly, a thick trunk swung out from behind a tree, and hit him hard like a big stick. On him.


The blow was so powerful that the tree trunk broke instantly when it hit the werewolf. The end of the trunk spun and flew out. The sawdust at the break scattered like an explosion and flew in all directions.

The werewolf was hit by this sudden blow, and he didn't even grunt. He was knocked away directly, flying more than ten meters like a kite with a broken string, and fell heavily to the ground.

Pandora walked out from behind the tree, glanced at the werewolf coldly, then looked at Richard, and asked with her eyes: "How is it?"

"It's okay." Richard replied with the same gaze, "But this is just the beginning. There are still many things to do next."


Richard looked at the werewolf in the distance and saw that he rolled several times after landing and stood up. Shake hard to shake off the dirt and broken leaves on his body, looking a little dangerous.

The opponent was not injured in the previous blow, or it was invisible even if he was injured.

This was what Richard expected.

If the other party could be easily wounded or even severely injured, how could Gregory not kill the other party? Why should I go through a series of plans

If you want to kill the opponent in an almost impossible way, you must use an almost impossible method. Now everything is just the beginning.

Taking a deep breath and seeing the werewolf looking at Pandora somewhat unkindly, Richard immediately made a gesture, "Retreat!"

Pandora did not move on the spot, but looked at the werewolf with wide eyes, holding half of the tree trunk in her hand, and said seriously: "I can beat him."

Richard frowned, looked at Pandora and said, "No matter whether you can beat him or not, you must follow the plan. Do you remember what you promised me back then?"



"Roar!" The werewolf roared and rushed towards Pandora. Pandora glared at the werewolf fiercely and turned around to leave.

The werewolf was chasing after him, but Pandora didn't even look.

Just when the werewolf was about to catch up with Pandora and attack, Pandora suddenly jumped forward. Before the werewolf could react, the next moment there was an explosion under his feet.

A powerful explosion occurred, and the white light in front of him almost blinded the werewolf's eyes, making him dizzy and letting out an unintelligible "ouch" sound. With a "stab" sound, the werewolf's hair and flesh were scorched by the spreading high temperature, and with a "bang" sound, the werewolf's body was blown away by the shock wave.

After flying four or five meters and landing on the ground, the werewolf got up and shook his head before realizing what happened. Looking at Pandora again, there was no figure anywhere, and the next moment, an undetectable flame bombarded him.

Evocation of fire-like spells·Zero-level low-level·Fire impact.

With a "pop" sound, the flames ignited the werewolf's hair and began to burn, emitting a burning smell.

The werewolf sniffed, looked down at his chest, extinguished the flames, and focused his attention on Richard again. The next moment, a low roar came from his throat and he chased after Richard.

Richard turned around and ran deep into the forest, with the werewolf chasing after him.

A moment later, Richard was about to run across a mound, and the werewolf was about to catch up. A dark shadow that had been prepared for a long time rushed out from the back of the mound and hit the werewolf hard. It turned out to be a bison that often came to the small mountain pool to drink water.

The impact of the bison was so powerful that one of the horns on its head was broken off.

After the collision, he turned around and ran away without even looking at the result.

The werewolf who was knocked over and rolled down the mound finally stood up and was about to chase the bison. The next moment he stepped out, another explosion appeared and blew it away.

Roaring, the werewolf struggled to stand up. Richard's "Fire Blast", which had no power at all, fell on him again, allowing him to divert his hatred and continue to chase Richard.

Richard ran and passed a big dry tree in the forest.

The werewolf followed closely, and then was blasted away by Pandora hiding behind the tree holding the trunk for the second time. The place where it fell happened to cause another explosion, and it was blown away for the second time.

Pandora quickly retreated, and Richard attracted the werewolf to continue the pursuit.

After a while, Richard passed through a sunken depression. The body jumped from the bottom of the depression to the high point on the edge. The werewolf stepped forward with both feet and rushed forward. A black shadow like a hill rushed out and hit him hard. It was a wild boar drinking water from a small mountain pool. Although the wild boar is usually disobedient and loves to jump in line, this time the wild boar worked very hard.

He hit it so hard that his nose was a little crooked, and then he ran away with a "snort".

The werewolf landed at the bottom of the pit, causing another explosion. This time he struggled several times before standing up in pain. Before he could vent his anger, another "fire blast" fell on Richard.

The werewolf jumped out with red eyes and chased Richard again.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...





The werewolf kept chasing, but he couldn't catch up. He has been under attack, but has never been able to fight back. Because the enemies attacking him are constantly changing, and they leave after each attack. Werewolves are angry, werewolves are frantic, and werewolves are numb.

The werewolf is constantly consumed, constantly bleeding, and constantly weakening its vigilance.

But the werewolf was not seriously injured, and all the attacks combined could hardly be called minor injuries.

This is the werewolf, or in other words, this is the strength of the mysterious wizard who turns into a werewolf.

After a while, the werewolf was blown away again by Pandora behind the tree. After landing, the explosion was activated and he was blown away a second time.

Pandora retreated, Richard's eyes flashed, then narrowed, and said to himself: "It's almost time, let's move on to the third stage."