Magus Tech

Chapter 87: There is a mountain in the distance and a cave on the mountain




In the distance, there were constant explosions. Pandora looked up in the forest towards the place where the sound came from, but she could not see anything due to the numerous trees blocking it.

She knew that a fierce battle was already taking place in the distance. She wanted to go and see it and help, but she couldn't. Because... Richard wouldn't let her go. Richard told her that after she finished all the assigned things, she would wait patiently and not cause trouble.

Is she causing trouble? How could she be causing trouble

Pandora thought unhappily, pouted, and the next moment she stretched out her hand and rubbed the wild boar's hard mane.

The wild boar was lying next to her at this time. In the previous attack, it had attacked the werewolf three times. Although the werewolf was not seriously injured, it still exerted great strength. The price paid for this is that the nose is obviously crooked to one side.

The wild boar screamed "hum hum hum". Although its nose did hurt a little, it was very proud in its heart. After all, it had made an "outstanding contribution". It was a heroic wild boar and definitely worthy of Pandora's massage.

Well, that's it, yes, keep going, hard.

While the wild boar was enjoying it, Pandora's "massage" stopped because the explosions and roars in the distance suddenly disappeared.

There was a sudden silence in the noisy forest, so quiet that it was a little scary.

Will Richard be killed

An idea came to Pandora's mind, and Pandora's body trembled slightly.

Lying on one side, the boar looked at Pandora in amazement, bent his head at the next moment, and wooed the same tongue to lick Pandora's hand. Instead of being beaten up before, this time Pandora was not moving, allowing wild pigs to lick their tongues.

The wild boar was licking vigorously, but the next moment he felt his body was light and he was lifted up completely.

This... what is this for

The wild boar was startled.

No... Could it be that you just played hard to get, and now you are going to throw it out and kill it? It's a hero... a wild boar! You can't treat a hero like this... a wild boar!

Just as he was thinking about it, the wild boar felt his body tighten. When he turned around, he saw that he was being held in Pandora's arms.

Um? This is

The wild boar didn't know why, but he seemed to be able to clearly feel Pandora's mood at this moment, which seemed to be a kind of loneliness, or a fear of loneliness.

so poor!

The wild boar subconsciously arched into Pandora's arms and calmed down, wanting to comfort Pandora in this way.

At this moment, the wild boar is thinking: Well, it’s so comfortable, well, it’s so warm.

In the distance, there is a clearing in the forest.

The ground is full of pits and depressions, and is covered with traces of burnt, frozen, electric shock, acid-etched, wind-twisted, and is devastated and in a mess.

Among them, about one-tenth was created by Richard using magic and magic-patterned white jade pieces. The remaining nine-tenths are all the work of mysterious wizards.

At this time, the mysterious wizard had changed from a werewolf back to a human form, but his appearance did not change much from the werewolf state. His eyes were blood red and he was looking straight at Richard.

A vague cry came from the throat. If you listen carefully, you can barely distinguish it. It is two words repeated over and over again: "Go to hell... go to hell... go to hell!"

Richard stood at the edge of the clearing, covering his shoulder with one hand. Blood was flowing out from the blood that had been penetrated by the mysterious wizard with a wooden thorn. In addition, there was a layer of frost covering his whole body, as if he had just walked out of the refrigerator and was affected by a cloud of ice mist released by the mysterious wizard.

At this time, Richard only felt that his whole body was extremely cold, his joints and muscles were extremely stiff, and the skin all over his body suffered varying degrees of frostbite. That is to say, only with the "Baiting Boiling Blood Technique" at work can we ensure that we can still function normally.

You know, this is just the residual power of the mysterious wizard's spell. If it is hit from the front, it will be directly frozen into a popsicle.

It has to be said that he is as powerful as a wizard, so powerful that he is almost irresistible.

In fact, Richard had never thought about frontal resistance. All his methods had been dodges and sneak attacks, and he had never actually fought a round with the mysterious wizard. After all, even this is already scarred. If you really want to be passionate, you are afraid that you will be killed in one encounter.

The mysterious wizard at this time may be angry, may lose his mind, may be vigilant, but it definitely does not mean that he is easy to deal with.

Richard looked at the mysterious wizard and saw that the man's cloak was covered with dust and scorch marks. His whole body was a little unkempt, but his whole body only suffered some minor injuries at most. Adding them all together, it would hardly be considered as slander. .

Really wanting to seriously injure or even kill him seemed like an impossible task.

what to do

Richard's expression was still calm. He took a deep breath as he watched the mysterious wizard whose anger increased to the extreme, his rationality decreased to the extreme, his vigilance and numbness to the extreme during the long battle and exhaustion, and who just wanted to kill him mechanically.

He raised his hand, cast a spell, and shot a "fire blast" at the opponent. He put the whistle in his mouth, blew it hard, and ran towards the distance.


The mysterious wizard ran out with red eyes and chased after Richard.

At this moment, the gray sky seemed to feel something. Snowflakes fell and floated to the earth.

There is a mountain in the distance and a cave on the mountain.

The mysterious wizard walked forward with red eyes and stepped on the snowflakes. He could clearly hear the "beep" sound of the whistle, so he kept chasing.

One hundred meters, two hundred meters, three hundred meters...

The mysterious wizard chased up the mountain and caught up to the mountainside, and then noticed that the "beep" whistle suddenly stopped.

No, it didn’t stop, it just got smaller.

The mysterious wizard was stunned for a moment, looked up and saw clear footprints spreading forward on the mountain road, into a hole in the stone wall, or into a man-made tunnel.

A much weaker whistle sound was coming from the corridor.

Did he run in

Do you want to hide it

Even blowing the whistle

Boy, you've been exposed!

I am going to kill you!

Thoughts jumped out of the mysterious wizard's mind uncontrollably. At this time, the mysterious wizard was completely unable to control his brain's thinking. He felt as if he had finally found an opportunity to completely kill the "rabbit" he had been chasing, so he rushed into the corridor without any hesitation and without any warning.

The corridor was narrow and long, but the mysterious wizard rushed straight to the deepest point without thinking about anything. Following the sound of the whistle, he passed through the shaky supports in the corridor and rushed to a secret room at the end of the corridor.

There is an altar inside the secret room. There are many magic patterns carved on the surface of the altar, but they have been destroyed at this time and have lost their original functions.

Instead, two pieces of white jade were placed on top, one on the left and one on the right, playing a certain role in controlling the air flow.

Due to the air flow, a whistle was floating a dozen centimeters above the two white jade pieces.