Magus Tech

Chapter 92: Medieval mercenaries


After Richard walked into the hotel, he looked around and saw many residents of the town, passers-by, and of course the mercenary team that was hard not to attract attention. He raised his eyebrows slightly.

In the Middle Ages, there were indeed mercenary squads or mercenary groups. They were relatively early mercenaries. They came in large and small scales and were favored by many small countries or small nobles. After all, some small countries may only have a few cities, and some small nobles may only have one castle, one town, or a few villages. They cannot maintain an army at ordinary times, so when an army is needed, they can only spend a certain amount of money. money to hire mercenaries.

Generally speaking, mercenaries perform a variety of tasks, some of which are arduous, such as protecting the safety of a city, or participating in a battle until victory is won. Some are more ridiculous, such as protecting a noble's lover all the time, or hunting a special beast in the forest, etc.

To put it simply, mercenaries are a relatively high-risk profession in the current medieval world. They sell their combat skills and life safety in exchange for high rewards.

Therefore, mercenaries are mixed with all kinds of people, men, women, old people, children, good people, bad people, and more people who have interests first.

Therefore, mercenaries in the Middle Ages valued integrity very much.

If you get money, you will definitely do something, and you will definitely kill anyone your employer asks you to. If on the battlefield, the employer's enemies can offer double the reward, then absolute neutrality can be guaranteed. If the employer's enemies can offer three times the reward, they will defect.

The price is clearly marked, so no one can be deceived.

Of course, there are also some outliers. For example, on modern Earth, the Swiss mercenaries developed in the late Middle Ages and are known for their discipline, bravery and loyalty.

In the three Burgundian wars, Swiss mercenaries repeatedly defeated Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, and even killed Charles the Bold directly in the last time. During the Sack of Rome, Carlos I, then King of Spain and Holy Roman Emperor, led an army of 30,000 men to surround Rome with the intention of capturing the Pope. In order to cover the evacuation of the Pope, 147 of the 189 Swiss mercenaries were killed, and the mission was finally completed. Since then, throughout modern Earth, the Swiss Guard has been the protective force and ceremonial symbol of the Vatican, the Papal State.

Glancing at the mercenary team of one woman and three men, Richard did not dare to draw a conclusion as to whether the other party was an honest mercenary or an alien mercenary. After all, before witnessing the other party's behavior, everything was a matter of probability. But this has nothing to do with him. He is just planning to stay here for one night, and then wait until tomorrow to go to the royal capital of Emerald City to meet Gro.

Richard walked towards the counter, asked for an empty room, and asked for food to be delivered to the room. Without saying anything, he turned around and took Pandora up the stairs.

Denise watched Richard walking up the stairs with Pandora, who looked like a little maid, her eyes flashed, and then she felt someone's fingers quietly poking her body.

Turning to look to the side, he saw Cole looking over.

"What?" Denise asked.

"Haha." Cole smiled at Denise and asked in a low voice, "How about it, Denise, have you fallen in love with that aristocratic boy who didn't have all his hair just now?"

"Heh." Denise didn't deny it and said sideways, "So what? It's young and cute, but it suits my taste very well."

"That's the best." Cole said, "Our goals are the same, but the difference is that what you see is people, and what I see is money. How about we work together?"

Denise's eyes narrowed, she stared at Cole for a long time and said, "How do I know you are telling the truth? What if you are just using me? I remember this kind of thing happened before. Well, that's right. , it was three months ago that I helped you lure the target away. After you went to the other party’s room to get your luggage, you ran away directly. I was pestered by that disgusting fat businessman all night. "

"Ha." Cole was not embarrassed, and said with a smile, "We don't want to talk about each other. Half a year ago, after I helped you hook up with that young baron heir, you didn't help me either. Go pick out his wallet. As a result, you spent a long time trying to flatter him, but the other person didn't like you, and you wasted the opportunity to make a fortune."

Denise raised her eyebrows slightly, showing a bit of sullenness.

Cole waved his hand quickly: "Stop, stop! Let's talk about business, just say whether you want to do it or not? The plan is like this, you go use your... um, charm to seduce the noble boy, go wherever you want. If you have the ability , it would be best to seduce the noble boy to the bed in your room and make him swear to marry you. Didn't you always have this purpose? As for me, I took the opportunity to go to his room and look through his luggage. "

"Huh, don't forget, he also has a little maid." Denise said.

"Oh, what can a little girl with breasts not as tall as mine do? I deceived her with just a few words. But if it doesn't work, I just tie her up, gag her, and throw her in the corner. How can she go against the will?" Cole said disdainfully.

"Then you have to put on a mask. The noble boy and the little maid saw us together just now. Although I'm not sure if you remember it, but in case the little maid recognizes you, and then tells the noble boy, the plan It's all over. Of course, you can kill someone, kill that little maid, but... you know, I don't like killing people."

"Okay, okay, it's really troublesome, but I listen to you. I'll go with a mask." Cole said impatiently, then thought of something and asked, "In this case, you agree to the plan. ?”

"Agree, of course I agree." Denise said, raising the corners of her mouth, "Why don't you agree? It's not easy to meet a noble, especially such a lonely noble. If I have the chance, I can't Let it go.”

"But aren't you worried that this noble is a fake noble? There are quite a few pretending to be nobles nowadays, and he only brought a little maid, which is very suspicious."

"If this is really the case, then I will serve him well!" Denise's voice was a little cold, and then she turned her eyes and said, "But if it is a real noble, even the youngest heir to a lord, I will I must also let him enjoy it well, let him truly realize the beauty of being a man instead of a boy, and make him absolutely reluctant to leave me."

Looking at Denise's appearance, Cole couldn't help but lick his lips and felt his throat was slightly dry, but then calmed down. In his opinion, money is much more important than women. If he had money, what kind of woman would he not find? The reason why Denise wants to capture every noble is because of money, isn't it? If he had money, he could definitely find a way to buy a title, and Denise might take the initiative to climb into his bed. Well, of course, that would cost a lot of money.

At this time, Muke, the captain of the mercenary team, spoke up. He seemed to be full, and knocked on the table and said: "I'm going back to the room to sleep. Don't sleep too late. We will rush to the royal capital tomorrow morning." , don’t delay.”

"Uh, yes." The others replied.

After Mook went upstairs, the strong man took a look at Denise after eating and drinking, and then went upstairs reluctantly. Cole and Denise discussed for a long time and finalized some details before finally going upstairs.