Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 52: Nine Profound Heart Sutra


Liu Yi took a few steps back, and finally bumped into the iron gate behind him.

There is no way out, or turn around and run away.

But Liu Yi didn't want to escape this time. If he escaped, he would be looked down upon for the rest of his life.

"See where you hide!"

Li Bing was the most aggressive, holding a knuckle in his hand, and punched Liu Yi on the nose.

Back then, "Young and Dangerous", although it was good-looking, it also affected several generations.

Many students, young people, have begun to chase the images of those gangsters among the young and Dangerous.

Yuan Shaojun is one of them, and Chen Haonan is his idol.

And this Li Bing has always called himself a pheasant.

But today this copycat pheasant is destined to be deflated.

Liu Yi watched the fist coming towards him, but he just tilted his head slightly to the left.

Immediately, a "dang" sound was heard.

"Ah! My hand!"

Li Bing hit the iron gate directly with this punch.

Although the knuckles were put on, the reaction force caused Li Bing's knuckles to suffer a lot. His whole right hand was sore and numb, and the knuckles fell to the ground with a clang.

Without hesitation, Liu Yi kicked up Li Bing, kicking Li Bing's body back two steps, and then sat down on the ground.

Li Bing was a little silly, not just because of the pain, but also because of the shock.

He didn't understand how Liu Yi, who was soft two days ago, became so powerful today!

"Bang bang!"

Liu Yi stepped on the spirit fox step, wandered in front of several students, and slapped several students' chests from time to time.

Liu Yi just slapped the palm normally, and didn't use the Da Yao Sun Palm.

Otherwise, these students would have been beaten and vomited blood.

Liu Yi could send a student flying upside down by more than one meter and fall to the ground without even hitting a single palm.

After he repelled three people in a row, the rest of the students trembled around Liu Yi with trembling legs.

Nima, this Liu Yi is now like a brave Iron King Kong, who would dare to step forward to be frightened!

"Hoo... hoo..."

Liu Yi gasped heavily.

Although he is now much stronger than ordinary people, these students are no match for him.

But once a fight starts, the physical exertion is also very severe.

If it wasn't for the breathing method to adjust, Liu Yi might have been sweating profusely from exhaustion.

"You, you are Liu Yi..."

Ma Yixuan stood there, covering her mouth with an expression of disbelief.

"Could it be... did you go to a karate training class?"

Ma Yixuan thought that Liu Yi had secretly learned karate or something, but suddenly he became much better.

"Ma Yixuan."

Liu Yi held his breath, and then slowly walked towards Ma Yixuan.

"You, don't come here! I tell you that although you can fight a little bit, you are definitely not my husband's opponent! If you dare to touch me, my husband will definitely break your leg!"

Ma Yixuan took two steps back and screamed, as if Liu Yi was going to do something.

Seeing her contorted face and screaming again and again, Liu Yi felt grief and indignation.

Can't I save my image in this woman's heart

Liu Yi opened his eyes of favor and looked at the panicked Ma Yixuan in front of him.

Favorability, -59.

It seems that there is really no chance of salvation.

Liu Yi could only sigh softly in his heart.

"Forget it, let's go."

Liu Yi waved his hand suddenly, "Just pretend that I never liked you."

"Crazy, who wants you to like it!"

Ma Yixuan shouted nervously, "Why do you like me, don't dream anymore! Even if you can hit me twice, so what! Your family is poor, and you are a piece of shit! You are doomed to only Be a scumbag!"

"It's enough!"

Liu Yi felt pain in his heart, his eyes turned red slightly, and a fierce murderous aura suddenly burst out from his body.

Golden threads began to emerge from his eyes, spreading across his eyes like bloodshot eyes.

At the same time, a strong evil spirit also bloomed, filling the rooftop.

Ma Yixuan instantly felt his whole body go limp, his legs were numb, and the lower part was even more sore, and he felt like he was about to urinate incontinently.

At that moment, she suddenly felt that Liu Yi in front of her was terrifying...

"Liu Yi! Don't be demonized! Wake up this girl!"

Lin Tong lay on Liu Yi's shoulder and kept screaming, trying to wake Liu Yi up.

But Liu Yi suddenly stretched out a hand and bounced Lin Tong off his shoulder.

Lin Tong groaned in pain and fell to the ground.

"Well, you stinky Liu Yi, how dare you throw Miss Ben! Alas, you are such an idiot!"

Up to now, she can only do her best to keep Liu Yi's consciousness.

I'm afraid I won't be able to keep the little bit of spiritual power that I finally gathered.

Lin Tong bit his mouth, his eyes were determined, and suddenly turned into a ray of red light, entering Liu Yi's body.

At the same time, Liu Yi's whole body trembled suddenly, and the golden threads in his eyes faded away little by little.

Lin Tong used all his spiritual power to suppress the awakening of Liu Yi's other personality.

He stood there blankly, feeling weak all over, feeling like he couldn't bring up his strength.

But Ma Yixuan and the others were all terrified. When Liu Yi relaxed, they regained their mobility, ran and crawled one by one, and escaped from the rooftop.

At this moment, Liu Yi was the only one left on the rooftop.

He was covered in cold sweat and felt like he was about to collapse.

"I'm really a good-for-nothing..."

Liu Yi couldn't help scolding himself, "Almost awakened another me..."

But Lin Tong didn't move at this time, probably because of too much spiritual power consumption, he went to rest.

At this moment, Liu Yi felt a huge force in the sky, constantly approaching here!

He suddenly raised his head in surprise, and suddenly saw a white cold light falling in front of him with a bang.

The shock wave caused Liu Yi to take two steps back.

The white light dissipated, and a beautiful woman with curly hair stood there.

"Yes, it's you!"

Liu Yi looked at the beauty in white in surprise.

"I just said where did the huge monster power come from... It really is you!"

The black and white eyes of the beauty in white fell on Liu Yi's body, and his eyebrows frowned slightly.

"I've been slaying demons and slaying demons in Gu Yu for so many years... This is the first time I've seen you in this situation..."

As Gu Yu said, he raised his legs and walked towards Liu Yi.

"What are you doing, don't come here!"

Liu Yi clasped his arms tightly and backed away again and again.

"Go! I'm not trying to take advantage of you!"

Seeing Liu Yi's subconscious reaction, Gu Yu felt dizzy instantly.

How did you make yourself look like a female pervert!

As for such a big reaction!

"I just want to remove your power!"

As Gu Yu said, he stretched out his hand to Liu Yi.


Liu Yi quit immediately.

Where did this woman come from, a lunatic!

Why is it endless, always making trouble for myself!

Also get rid of my power!


Liu Yi felt uncomfortable about this.

"I'm doing it for your own good."

Gu Yu stretched out her right hand and said slowly.

"All beings in the six realms are different. You are a mortal, and mortals have their own paths. Other paths do not belong to you."

As he spoke, a faint white light shone on Gu Yu's body.

Liu Yi suddenly felt a shock all over his body, as if he was locked by Gu Yu, and then he was dragged by an inexplicable force, walking towards Gu Yu unnaturally.

"Stop it!"

Liu Yi exclaimed again and again.

Don't let him lose his power!

This is absolutely not possible!

"Mortal, return to the ordinary!"

As Gu Yu said, he gently placed his palm on Liu Yi's forehead.

Liu Yi suddenly had a disgusting feeling, as if something in his body was about to be sucked away.

don't want…

Liu Yi was crying in his heart.

I don't want to become an ordinary person!

I, Liu Yi, will definitely be able to stand out and make a big deal of my own!

I, don't be ordinary!

Liu Yi's eyes opened.

Two strands of white light burst from his eyes.

And a burst of celestial power burst out from his forehead, and Gu Yu who hit directly took two steps back, staring in amazement at the beautiful celestial eyes, looking at Liu Yi.

"This... turned out to be Xianli!"

She herself was shocked to the extreme, "It should be the little fairy power I left in his body at that time... Why is it suddenly so powerful?"

After exploding this immortal power, Liu Yi also calmed down, squatting on the ground panting heavily.

Gu Yu was standing opposite him, looking at this man who made her feel incredible.

"Could it be... This is God's arrangement?"

Gu Yu's eyes kept changing.

"But if you let him don't know if it's a blessing or a curse..."

Gu Yu constantly weighed something.

"His demonic actually protected by immortal power... If you want to get rid of his power, you have to completely smash his soul, which is tantamount to killing him... But if you don't kill him, if he becomes a danger to the world... Great monster, what should I do..."

Gu Yu felt that she was in a dilemma.

Immortals have rules, absolutely not killing mortals indiscriminately!

This person has no serious evil at present, and is even a little silly.

It might be wrong to kill him just like that.

Gu Yu thought for a long time, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Since God has given you half of the choices, I'll take a bet on you."

As she spoke, a white light flashed on her right hand, and then her index finger instantly poked Liu Yi's temple.

Before Liu Yi could take precautions, he felt that Gu Yu's index finger was on his temple in a blink of an eye.

Immediately, Liu Yi's eyes darkened.

In an instant, there was a lot of knowledge in his mind.

Liu Yi knelt on the ground, his mind was in chaos.

A mental method appeared in his head.

"Nine Profound Heart Sutra..."

Gu Yu actually gave himself a great empowerment technique

What kind of exercise is this Nine Profound Heart Sutra

Liu Yi just glanced at the Nine Profound Heart Sutra briefly, and suddenly, the white air flow in his body began to circulate continuously according to the Nine Profound Heart Sutra!

Liu Yi was frightened for a moment.


I don't know if this mentality is good or bad, but I am starting to practice now!

He won't just become a big devil who does all kinds of evil!

Liu Yi suddenly became worried, and the white airflow was running faster and faster, his eyes were dark and blurred in an instant, and he passed out directly, lying on the roof.