Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 6: Going to school is more important than cultivating immortals


He didn't return all night, if it was normal, my mother wouldn't beat him to death!

But fortunately, my mother worked night shift last night, and my father has been on a business trip.

Liu Yi's mother is the head nurse of a large hospital. Although it sounds good, she is very busy.

Night shift or something is common.

Last night was about the same as usual, my mother must have left dinner in the kitchen at home and asked Liu Yi to heat it up when he came home.

But Liu Yi's mother certainly did not expect that her always well-behaved son would not come home at night!

If only he knew, Liu Yi would definitely have been beaten up.

Liu Yi's father is a purchaser, and he also runs around here and there, and there are countless days when he can go home every month.

Ordinary small family, nothing unusual.

Liu Yi is also an ordinary high school student in such an ordinary family, and he has been used to being ignored since he was a child. He is not handsome, his family has no money, no power, and his mind is not very good, plus he is an idiot in sports, he is simply a member of the three no-ones in the class.

Such Liu Yi, except for two or three good friends, is almost transparent in the class.

But it was also Liu Yi who met such a little fox fairy!

Moreover, he turned his right hand into the "Chun Xin Dang-Yang Shou" hateful little fairy fox!


Do you want to do this!

Old Paper's right hand is still very useful!

Just throw away the old paper!

Liu Yi looked at his right hand and felt like crying.

What will he do with his life in the future!

Isn't it all messed up!

"Such a heart-warming hand, how many people begged me to learn it back then, but I didn't teach it. Why do you still despise such a magic tool for picking up girls!"

Lin Tong, the little fox, floated in front of Liu Yi, holding a pair of front paws and asking in puzzlement.

"You know what a horse! My right hand is very useful!"

Liu Yi cried, "Can you cancel it? I don't want it!"

"Of course..."

Just as Lin Tong was about to speak, his cute little eyes turned suddenly, and he said.

"Of course not, you have to cultivate yourself to untie this Chunxindang-Yangshou. Otherwise, you can only carry it with you for the rest of your life!"

For Liu Yi, what Lin Tong said was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue.

Liu Yi was completely dumbfounded.

Could it be, do you really want to cultivate immortality

But Lin Tong doesn't look... very reliable!

"Come on, as long as you follow Miss Ben's example obediently, it's really not difficult to cultivate an immortal at all!"

Lin Tong kept seducing Liu Yi, "As long as you follow Miss Ben, you will be well-fed and hot in the future. You don't have to worry about picking up girls, and you don't have to worry about picking up girls..."

Why does it sound like you are following the underworld!

In Liu Yi's heart, he was up and down.

And just as he was hesitating, the phone rang suddenly.

The sudden ringtone of the mobile phone startled Liu Yi, and made Lin Tong laugh again.

"Tch, coward, even the ringtone of your mobile phone can scare you into this! What else can you do! It seems that Miss Ben has a lot to teach you..."

Lin Tong murmured in his heart, taking in a coward and a big idiot, it will be a hard life in the future.

But in order to free himself from his real body, he could only teach this idiot!

Fortunately, Miss Ben is in his body, where she can help him cultivate continuously. Otherwise, if with the comprehension of this mortal idiot, he can successfully open the first Xingxuan within a year, it would be great to enter the lower rank of the human class!

Alas, I am really unlucky!

The first time I went down the mountain to absorb essence, I met a fairy from the fairy world, and then sealed myself in the right hand of this mortal!

Damn it!

Who knew that this annoying mortal usually uses his right hand as a magical horse!

It's so annoying!

Hurry up and let this person enter the middle stage of martial arts, and he will be able to leave his seal smoothly!

"What are you talking about! The old class may check the morning self-study? When you see him, tell the head teacher that I went to the bathroom, and I will go back right away, right away!"

Liu Yi was so frightened that his legs trembled.

Their class teacher is famous for being strict, so they are well-known in the school!

Liu Yi didn't want to be physically punished by his head teacher!

At that time, in front of the whole class, if you severely punish yourself or something, then you will be ashamed of adults.

It's okay to be ashamed in front of other people.

But if he was ashamed in front of Ma Yixuan, then Liu Yi would really lose his head.

Even if someone blows his ass next door, he can't be slapped in front of the goddess.

This is the most reasonable saying of Diaosi.

"Come on, Sao Nian, let this lady guide you into the magical world of cultivating immortals!"

Lin Tong was full of confidence and full of hesitation. When he was about to fight, Liu Yi yelled.

"It's over, it's over! I'm going back to school, let's talk about cultivating immortals later!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Yi ran out of the park.

He has to rush to the car, if he doesn't hurry back to school, he will really die!

Being punished by the head teacher, then losing face in front of Ma Yixuan, and finally looking for the parents!

Cry! That would be a real tragedy!

Liu Yi ran wildly for a while, and ran to the side of the bus stop, waiting for the bus to go to school.

"Hey, hello, you bastard, how can you interrupt Miss Ben! Let me tell you, Miss Ben will be your master in the future, and you must respect your master! Also, what can be better than letting Miss Ben... be better than cultivating immortals? It's more important!"

"Go to school, go to school is more important than cultivating immortals!"

Liu Yi stood on the bus platform and said solemnly.

"If you don't go to school, you don't have a degree! Without a degree, you can't find a job! Without a job, you can't marry a wife! If you can't marry a wife, you can't have a baby! If you can't have a baby, you can't send your baby to school..."

"Mortal, your life is a tragedy!"

Lin Tong couldn't help but scold, "It's a good thing you met Miss Ben, Miss Ben is the guiding light of your life, your future lucky star..."

"Fuck, it's over! I didn't go home, and I didn't have any fare on me! Oh my god, sister Huxian, meeting you, my life is a tragedy!"