Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 96: Iron palm


This is Zheng Xiaolin's first time in province H.

When he was in Guangzhou, he was basically in the master's martial arts gym every day and rarely went out.

He was originally a gangster, but later, during a fight, he stabbed someone by mistake.

At that time, he was terribly frightened, and didn't pay attention to whether the man was stabbed to death, so he fled from his hometown in a hurry and ran all the way to Guangzhou.

In the end, by chance, he worshiped under his master and learned a lot of skills.

Under the introduction of his younger brother, Zheng Xiaolin came to Province H, and after sitting in this luxurious and spacious ktv private room, Zheng Xiaolin felt like a bumpkin entering the city, and everything he saw was extremely novel.

Especially these two beauties sitting next to them... they have hot bodies and outstanding looks.

Zheng Xiaolin is a bit hard to imagine, he himself has never had a whore in Guangzhou, but the lady he is looking for is definitely not high-level!

These two girls are so beautiful...

Looking at their exposed half breasts and round thighs, Zheng Xiaolin couldn't help swallowing.

"Young Master Lan, this is Zheng Xiaolin, Master Zheng, whom I strongly recommend to you."

Ma Wei also sat in the middle of the two girls, enjoying the feeling of being hugged left and right, with a cigarette in his mouth, and said to Lan He who was opposite.

"It looks like Kong Wu is powerful."

Lan He was also sitting on the sofa, and a charming and beautiful woman was sitting on his lap, feeding him grapes one by one.

In this Emgrand Entertainment City, as long as you have money, you can enjoy the same treatment as an emperor.

In particular, the Emgrand Entertainment City is the property of their Lan family, so it is natural for him to squander and enjoy it.

Lan He went deep into the beautiful woman's clothes with one hand, kept kneading, and said with a smile.

"I just don't know how good the skill is."

"If you don't believe me, Young Master Lan can find someone to try."

Ma Wei immediately said, "I'm not bragging about Master Zheng's kung fu. It's really the most powerful person I, Ma Wei, have ever seen."

"Although Ma Ye and I have a long friendship, friendship is friendship, and business is business."

As Lan He said, he patted the buttocks of the beautiful woman in his arms.

"Go, call Pierce."

"Understood, Young Master Lan."

The beauty immediately twisted her buttocks and left with a twist.

"This Pierce is a security chief of our entertainment city."

Lan He explained, "Boxer, I heard that he has fought in many international competitions, and he has a small ranking. He is the best fighter in our place. How about letting Master Zheng practice with him?"

"Master Zheng, do you see?"

Ma Wei did not dare to neglect the martial artist he invited.

This is his cash cow!

"no problem."

Zheng Xiaolin nodded repeatedly while chewing the grapes.

Boxing or something, he is the best at it.

And it's good to be able to show your strength in front of these beauties.

"Then it's hard work, Master Zheng."


Zheng Xiaolin waved his hand, then stood up.

At this time, the door of the private room was also pushed open, and a tall white man, wearing a black suit, entered the doorway while shouting.

"Young Master Lan, do you want me?"

Hearing the white man's words, everyone in the private room looked at Lan He with strange expressions.

Could it be that this Young Master Lan has any bad hobbies

"Fuck! I'm the one looking for you!"

Lan He immediately scolded, "Pierce, if you can't learn Mandarin well, don't speak it! I'm looking for you, not I want you, ok?"

"Oh, oh, you are looking for me, so you don't want me today?"

The white man Pierce looked at Lan He with an aggrieved expression.

"I want your sister! These are two meanings, okay?"

Lan He was going crazy.

"Is that so... Oh, no, Chinese is really too complicated."

That Pierce said in a half-baked foreign accent.

"Young Master Lan, what do you want...then what do you want me to do? Or do you want me to taste your chrysanthemums like last time?"

After saying a word, everyone's expressions became even weirder.

"Damn, that's the chrysanthemum tea that Master Ben gave you! Don't be so ambiguous when you speak!"

Blue and furious.

"Why do you say that?"

Pierce was even more surprised, "Aren't chrysanthemums flowers?"

The beauties present couldn't help laughing and bent over.

Na Mawei even slapped his thigh straight and said with a smile.

"Hahaha, Young Master Lan, you are an interesting subordinate. Are chrysanthemums delicious? Hahaha!"

"Are you laughing at me?"

Unexpectedly, Pierce, who looked silly just now, suddenly turned his head, with a murderous look in his eyes, and looked at Ma Wei.

Ma Wei immediately put away his smile.

"Yo... It seems that this foreign devil is angry."

"Pierce, I didn't come here to eat chrysanthemums, but to fight."

As he spoke, Lan He pointed to Zheng Xiaolin who was standing opposite.

"Your opponent is him. If you win against him, you will be rewarded with 10,000 yuan."

"Ten thousand yuan? Too little!"

Pierce couldn't help curling his lips, "It's not enough for us to spend a night here."

"Fuck, your appetite is getting bigger and bigger!"

The corner of Lan He's mouth twitched.

"Win him, 50,000 yuan!"

"Alright! Young Master Lan, look at me, Pierce!"

Pierce laughed twice, squeezed his fist, and stood in front of Zheng Xiaolin.

Then Zheng Xiaolin is no longer short, close to 1.8 meters.

But standing in front of Pierce, who was over 1.9 meters tall and full of muscles, he suddenly looked much smaller.

"Hey... My 50,000 yuan, prepare to cry!"

As he spoke, he suddenly punched Zheng Xiaolin violently.

This punch seemed to cut through the air, with the sound of whistling wind, it sounded very frightening, which shows how terrifying the power and speed of this punch are.

But Zheng Xiaolin made a wrong step and easily avoided this ferocious left uppercut.


This punch directly hit one of Ma Wei's younger brothers in the face, and the younger brother wailed directly, his whole body was thrown into the air, and he fell directly from the front of the sofa to the back of the sofa.

Ma Wei also couldn't keep his mouth shut, thinking that Pierce is powerful enough!

"One bull."

But Zheng Xiaolin sneered disdainfully, and stood to the other side.

"If you're a man, don't hide!"

Pierce roared twice, then rushed forward with his fists pumped.

And Zheng Xiaolin did not hide this time. When Pierce punched him, he raised his left palm to meet Pierce's angry fist.

"Click it!"


Pierce's right arm was twisted strangely, and he was broken by Zheng Xiaolin's palm!

Zheng Xiaolin's Iron Sand Palm originally belonged to the category of hard qigong, so Pierce is naturally no match for head-to-head.

He himself shook his hand and said.

"You have strength, but you don't know how to use it. Why do you keep your arms?"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly moved close to Pierce's body, and directly hit Pierce's left arm hard with his palm.

With the sound of bones breaking, Pierce passed out from the pain.

This boxer, who usually fights seven or eight times, didn't even meet him today, and was put directly by Zheng Xiaolin.

Suddenly, Lan He became excited.

"Good work!"

Ma Wei couldn't help but clapped his hands and cheered.

"I'm laughing."

Zheng Xiaolin clasped his fists at Ma Wei, then without even looking at Pierce, he sat back on the sofa, hugged the two beauties, and followed Lan He's example, starting to fight.

Lan He called two black suits to come forward and dragged Pierce away.

He didn't bother to care about Pierce's injury.

He's getting excited right now.

"Master Zheng, you are worthy of being the successor of Iron Sand Palm, you are really powerful!"

"Young master Lan is laughing, it's just superficial skill, not as good as my master."

Zheng Xiaolin was also a little proud.

Sure enough, this trip to the mountain was right, my junior brother found him such a job, and it cost 50,000 yuan for a trip.

It's just hitting someone, and you can still enjoy such good treatment.

This Zheng Xiaolin was a little bit of a spendthrift, and wanted to take him down in Beilong City, but he didn't really want to go back.

Going back to the martial arts hall is not a bird.

Here, beating people, earning money, and beauties to play with, so much fun!

"Young Master Lan, will the person I, Ma Wei, find for you be worse?"

Ma Wei laughed and said while smoking a cigarette.

"Since it's in Lan Shao's territory, let us, Master Zheng, enjoy the service of Emgrand. How about we discuss business in private?"

"Okay, okay, Master Zheng, you continue to play here. Carry, Lisa, you two take good care of Master Zheng, understand? If the service is not good, don't blame me for being rude."

"Oh, don't worry, Young Master Lan, leave it to us!"

"Yes, yes, Master Zheng, you are so strong!"

The two beauties immediately entangled Zheng Xiaolin's body.

Zheng Xiaolin suddenly fell into a gentle place, and Lan He and Ma Wei went out of the private room together, and came to another quieter small bag.

"Young Master Lan, how is it? Are you satisfied with this time?"

"Not bad, reliable."

Lan He nodded, "As long as he kills Liu Yi, I'll be sure to chase Murong Die."

"But you called me out alone, what are you going to talk about?"

"Young Master Lan, smoke."

Ma Wei handed over a high-end cigarette.

"Thank you, no smoking."

Lan He smiled, "I'm a good man. I don't smoke, drink or burn my hair. If you have anything to do, just tell me."

"Okay... In fact, I just want to ask, why is the top so strict recently? My Black Dragon Gang can only keep a low profile recently... If this continues, it will not be conducive to the development of my territory."

Lan He has an uncle who is a big name in the police force, so Ma Wei came to check on Lan He's tone.

"The incident surrounding Liu Yi last time was too much trouble."

Lan He said, "Moreover, the main culprit of the 531 case has spread to our Beilong City, so we have to be stricter!"

Ma Wei's heart skipped a beat.

The main culprit in Case 531... the murderer who kidnapped and raped junior high school girls in succession, and then murdered them

No wonder... the news in Beilong City has been so strict recently.

"Anyway, you should keep a low profile recently, as long as you settle Liu Yi's matter with me. When is Zheng Xiaolin going to make a move?"

"Since we want to keep a low profile, it's not easy to attack at school... Let's wait until the eleventh. I'll let someone keep an eye on Liu Yi. If we see the opportunity, let Zheng Xiaolin pinch him to death!"


My own page launched a vote, whether you like Liu Yi with a dark belly or Liu Yi with a decent exterior and a little silly, the protagonist is customized by everyone! Come to Lao Yang's page to vote!