Make It Known to The World

Chapter 119: No one picks up anything on the road



Before Zhang Zai entered Yuanzhou City, he was ordered by Lu Daqi to chase Qin Mu. He had no idea that Qin Mu had transferred the supplies, but now that things had come to this, he still tried his best to persuade Wang Yuncheng not to start a dispute. Unfortunately, Wang Yuncheng was unruly by nature and ignored him at all, and still led his troops to attack Yuchun Mountain.

Five or six miles away from Yuchun Mountain, more than ten riders suddenly appeared on the road, each with a sword in hand, looking around with disdain, as if they regarded Wang Yuncheng's thousands of troops as nothing. Just the arrogant look hurt Wang Yuncheng, very hurt... ... ...

However, the dozen riders were still ignorant of the danger and pointed at Wang Yuncheng from a distance and shouted in unison: "Listen, you guys in front, you entered our defense zone without notification and have been surrounded by us."

Wang Yuncheng was really shocked when he heard this, and quickly looked around. The area was open and there didn't seem to be an ambush. Then he thought that Qin Mu had only 1,200 people in total, so there was no point in encircling them!

The dozen riders on the opposite side had no idea of Wang Yuncheng's mental journey at this moment, and they were still shouting in unison: "No matter who you are, our Lord Qin said that the sea of suffering is boundless and it is better to turn back. We advise you to turn back quickly and never jump into the fire pit. This is the last warning to you. You have been surrounded by our army."

"I'll kill you!" Wang Yuncheng was furious. How could he tolerate others being so arrogant in front of him? He pointed his knife at the dozen riders and shouted, "Kill them all. Don't spare any of them!"

Thousands of soldiers and horses immediately pressed forward, and a rain of arrows rose into the sky. The dozen or so riders hurriedly turned around and fled on their horses. They looked extremely embarrassed, which was in sharp contrast to their arrogant look just now, causing Wang Yuncheng's thousands of soldiers and horses to burst into laughter.

Wang Yuncheng was still not satisfied, so he led his army in pursuit. When they reached the foot of Yuchun Mountain, they saw smoke and dust rising in front of them. Qin Mu's troops were fleeing north in a panic, and their formation was scattered and disorderly. A rough estimate was that there should be no less than a thousand people fleeing in front, so Qin Mu's troops were basically in the front.

I understand. It turns out that Qin Mu sent more than ten riders to block the road, claiming to have set up a siege. He just hoped that I would be cautious and not dare to advance rashly, thus buying time for him to escape.

Wang Yuncheng was first rejected by Qin Mu outside the city of Yuanzhou. Then when he was fighting hard with Hu Yansan, Qin Mu was watching the show on the top of the city wall. When he was finally able to enter the city, he walked into the "bridal chamber" but found that the bride had been raped by Qin Mu first. He chased after him desperately, wishing he could skin Qin Mu alive and pull out his tendons.

Seeing Qin Mu trying to escape, he did not hesitate at all and immediately led his troops to chase him.

When Qin Mu's men saw Wang Yuncheng catching up, they became even more panicked, and screamed in fear. They rushed forward, running so fast that their tails were straight, and they even hated their parents for not giving them two more legs.

Wang Yuncheng chased for several miles, and the two armies were getting closer and closer. The distance was less than one mile, and Wang Yuncheng's troops were like chicken blood. They thought that Qin Mu's troops had just emptied Yuanzhou, and they must have a lot of valuable treasures on them. As long as they caught up, these treasures would belong to them. Thousands of troops had never run as fast as they did at this moment, and they were running like lightning.

The Qin army in front saw that they could not escape, and they began to throw away their armor and weapons. Thousands of soldiers and horses collapsed, fleeing in all directions like a group of headless flies. The Wang army that was chasing them found that there were not only weapons and armor scattered on the ground, but also bags of golden gold, white silver, pearls, jade, agate, gems, everything else, which made people dizzy.

With a bang, all the Wang army was in excitement. They no longer cared about the formation and ran out in all directions, desperately fighting for the treasures scattered in the mountains and fields.

"this is mine... ... ... "

"Damn it, I saw it first."

"Fuck you, you're looking for death!"

"If anyone comes up here again, I'll chop him down with a knife."

"Anyone who sees it will be punished. Do you think you can kill people?"

"Cut him!"

"ah... .."

In order to fight for treasures, many members of the royal army started to fight each other, just like a group of wild dogs fighting for food. Thousands of people were scattered all over the mountains and plains, making the scene a mess.

At this moment, a cavalry of about a hundred men appeared like ghosts on the short slope on the east side.

Before the scattered Wang Jun could react, the cavalry had already rushed down the slope. The rumbling sound of their hooves was like thunder, deafening. The yellow dust they stirred up was like a tumbling dragon, changing unpredictably and making people feel terrified.

This cavalry unit ignored everything else and charged straight towards Wang Yuncheng's flag. Those Wang's troops who were fighting for treasure along the way were so frightened that their legs went limp and they were trampled by the rumbling iron hooves. They screamed in agony, but a pile of flesh and blood was left on the ground.

In addition to Su Jin, Liu Meng also led the cavalry charge this time. The huge mace was his most obvious symbol. Every time he swung it, an enemy's head would be smashed like a watermelon, with brains splattered everywhere. It was extremely horrifying.

The distance of more than half a mile was just a blink of an eye for the cavalry charging at full speed. Wang Yuncheng had no time to gather the scattered soldiers, and Liu Meng and his men had already swept in like a hurricane.

Wang Yuncheng also had dozens of personal cavalry guards around him, but they were all a little frightened by the sudden change. In addition, seeing Liu Meng coming at them with headshots all the way, the horrifying sight made no one dare to go against his attack.

"General, go!" Wang Yuncheng's personal soldiers who were guarding him turned around and fled in panic. As for the thousands of his men scattered all over the mountains and plains, no one would care about them. They could only wish for good luck.

"Wang Yuncheng, you son of a bitch, if you have the guts, don't run." Liu Meng and others kept shouting and chasing him on horseback.

At this time, the rumbling sound of war drums rang out from all directions at the same time, as if thousands of troops were lying in ambush nearby. Thousands of Wang's soldiers were already panicked when they saw their commander being chased away, and when they heard the sound of drums from all directions, they were even more frightened out of their wits.

Qin Mu's more than 1,000 men had gathered into four groups and charged back fiercely, like four steel plows, plowing into the scattered enemies. Their shouts were like waves crashing on the shore, shaking all over the place. Almost no one in Wang's panicked army dared to fight and they only cared about fleeing for their lives.

As the saying goes, things change over time. These thirty years have passed so quickly. It seems like I was chasing others just now, but how come I am the one being chased in the blink of an eye

Wang Yuncheng had long been chased away by Liu Meng and his men, and the remaining several thousand defeated soldiers were like a group of motherless children, who were killed miserably by Qin Mu's army.

In fact, even if the two sides confronted each other and the other side set up their battle array, Qin Mu believed that his one thousand troops would be able to defeat Wang Yuncheng's four thousand. Moreover, in this case, the enemy commander had been chased and fled, leaving only a group of headless flies, which could be eliminated without any effort.

After Wang's army was completely defeated, the four groups of Qin's army did not join together, but instead split into smaller and smaller groups, finally becoming teams of fifty people each, constantly intersecting and cutting each other. Wang's army, which had lost the courage to resist, threw away their weapons and armor in order to run faster, and even threw the gold and silver treasures they had just picked up all over the ground.

Unfortunately, the Qin army was not like them. When they saw the treasure, they rushed forward and scrambled for it. They seemed to ignore the gold and silver treasures on the ground and just kept on killing people. According to Qin Mu, this is called saving people and losing land, if both people and land are saved, after killing all the enemies, how can the treasures scattered on the ground fly away

The distraught Wang Jun saw that there were enemies everywhere he ran. He had just escaped from a group of Qin soldiers when another group of Qin Mu rushed over shouting. He had no choice but to turn around and run again. As soon as he turned around, he ran into another group of Qin soldiers. Oh my God, why are there Qin soldiers everywhere? No matter where he ran, it was a dead end. Thousands of people fled and became dizzy and couldn't even tell the directions.

"Revenge the folks of Jiangxi! Kill!" Qin Mu shouted, brandishing his sword. Beside him were fifty personal soldiers, including Zhu Yijin and Li Shi, all riding tall horses. In this field full of routs of infantrymen, they were like a flying white cloud, light, elegant, and unpredictable. Wherever they passed, they brought with them a bloody storm... ... ... .

"Revenge for the folks of Jiangxi."

"Revenge for the folks of Jiangxi."

"kill... ... ... ... ."

Fifty cavalrymen shouted as they charged towards the place where the fleeing soldiers were concentrated. The rumbling sound of the iron hooves was more shocking than the war drums. The large Qin flag held by Li Shi was fluttering in the wind. The Qin army was filled with passion when they saw it, and the Wang army was terrified when they saw it...

Qin Mu was hacking and killing with great enthusiasm, while Liu Meng was chasing desperately.

Wang Yuncheng and his fifty personal soldiers ran so fast that their horses' tails stood straight. The wind whistled in their ears and the trees on the roadside flew backwards. The horses' speed had reached the limit, but every time they looked back, they could see Liu Meng's huge mace reflecting the cold light.

Liu Meng and his men were ruthless. They chased for 20 miles in one breath, all the way to the city of Yuanzhou. At this time, Wang Yuncheng's fifty personal soldiers had almost all fallen behind, with only six or seven riders left.

At this time, the north gate of Yuanzhou was crowded with the left army coming in and out. Wang Yuncheng could not escape for a while, so he had to flee around the city. Liu Meng and his men, holding a large flag with the word Qin in it, still refused to give in and chased Wang Yuncheng around the city, making the left army on the top of the city panic and feel extremely strange.

Because no matter whether they were chasing or fleeing, they were all wearing Ming army uniforms, it looked like they were fighting their own people, which was a bit confusing.

After Wang Yuncheng circled the city, he fled back to the north gate. This time he finally managed to escape into the city, but he was determined to do something evil tonight. He dreamed that Liu Meng's huge mace was hanging above his head.

Perhaps, this will become his lifelong nightmare. May God bless Wang Yuncheng, Amen!


ps: Well, it is better to retreat and weave a net than to envy the fish by the abyss. This saying comes from "Huainanzi. Shuo Lin Xun", it is not wrong. Instead of envying the great writers who get tens of thousands of votes a day, it is better to write honestly. Today is the last day of 2013. Haoyuan is busy writing. Brothers, please give me some monthly tickets to celebrate the New Year. After I finish writing a chapter, I will see how many votes my brothers have given. Well, starting tomorrow, I will guarantee two updates a day, or more. There are not many subscribers, so I am counting on the full attendance award. Hehe, even if I am poor, I have to be happy, it's the New Year!

.(To be continued..)
