Make It Known to The World

Chapter 20: Suppress bandits along the way


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When Qin Mu took in the refugees, Meng Ke just watched with cold eyes and did not intervene, while Huo Sheng and others regarded it as a joke. In their view, Qin Mu was teaching martial arts and training at the same time, just like a child playing house.

Practicing like Qin Mu is all just showy, at least that's what they think.

Qin Mu didn't care what they thought. In fact, what he started to train was mainly physical fitness and teamwork skills. He adopted some training methods from later generations of armies. For example, a hundred people marched with sandbags tied to them every day, or two people carried a sandbag. Wood marches and stuff.

Huo Sheng and others have probably never seen him before, so they think it's normal for him to be just a showman. Qin Mu didn't deliberately try to win over them. Others look down on you now, so why do you want to win over them

Along the way, Huo Sheng and others watched happily every day. Qin Mu and the one hundred people were exhausted to death. Qin Mu, a scholar, actually ate and practiced with the one hundred people, and he gritted his teeth and persevered. Well, with his physique, he has to put in more perseverance and talent than those 100 strong men.

This alone made Huo Sheng, Cui Feng and others unknowingly stop looking down upon him. As the saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way. People with such perseverance are worthy of respect.

When they were approaching Nanchang, news came from the north that Zhang Xianzhong had conquered Huangzhou and Macheng, and had recruited tens of thousands of troops in Macheng with great momentum.

Meng Ke, Huo Sheng and others looked at Qin Mu and their eyes suddenly changed, looking at him like a monster.

Is this all just a coincidence

Or maybe Qin Mu secretly colluded with Zhang Xianzhong and obtained Zhang Xianzhong's marching route in advance

Or is Qin Mu really able to predict the future

No matter what, Qin Mu gave people an inscrutable feeling.

Qin Mu pretended that nothing had happened and went straight to the Nanchang Governor's Yamen to pay a visit to Shangguan.

The local structure of the Ming Dynasty was somewhat complicated. In name, the Chief Secretary, the Metropolitan Command Department, and the Inspectorate Department were the highest authority agencies in a province. One was in charge of government, one was in charge of the military, and the other was in charge of justice. The three were not subordinate to each other and were in check with each other. This way, Effectively prevent local officials from having too much power and threatening the rule of the central government.

However, after entering the middle period of the Ming Dynasty, local officialdom gradually deteriorated and there were many civil unrests. This local structure of separation of powers highlighted the problem of mutual blame due to different powers. Therefore, the imperial court would often send dispatches to troubled areas. A governor takes charge of the military and administrative affairs of a province or even several provinces, and returns to the court when matters arise.

As class conflicts became more and more acute in the mid-to-late period, more and more things happened, and some governors dispatched failed to solve the problems for several years. For example, Wang Yangming patrolled Jiangxi for ten years. Gradually, the governor became a central authority stationed in the local area. He directly replaced the original chief secretary and established the command department and the inspection department.

However, the power of the governor was so great that he had to check and balance the power. This led to the emergence of the general army and the patrol supervisory envoy yamen to check and balance the governor. This creates severe rack overlap.

Qin Mu was confused in Nanchang City with the appointment document from the imperial court. Fortunately, the governor of Jiangxi, the chief envoy and others knew that he was recommended by Han Zanzhou. Although Qin Mu did not give him any gifts, they did not embarrass him too much.

After taking care of a lot of yamen in Nanchang, we have to rush to Ganzhou Prefecture.

Huichang County is under the rule of Ganzhou Prefecture, and the Ganzhou Magistrate will be Qin Mu's immediate boss. As the saying goes, the county magistrate is not as good as the current boss, so this immediate boss must be treated with caution.

In Nanchang City, Qin Mu began to inquire about the character of Yang Tinglin, the prefect of Ganzhou.

Yang Tinglin, named Boxiang, was a Jinshi in the fourth year of Chongzhen. He was diligent in studying ancient times and was well-known in the Hanlin Academy. He served as a lecturer and taught the scriptures. Together with Huang Daozhou and Ni Hongbao, he was famous all over the world for his literary integrity and was called the "Three Hanlin Academy". He was once awarded the post of Chief of the Ministry of War and praised Lu Xiang for his promotion to the army.

On December 11, the 11th year of Chongzhen, Lu Xiang raised his troops and stationed in Jiazhuang, Julu. There were only 5,000 remaining soldiers and they had been without food for several days. Yang Tinglin was sent to seek help from the eunuch Gao Qi who lurked in Jize. Gaoqi ignored it, and Lu Xiangsheng's army was in great mourning.

Yang Tinglin burst into tears when he heard that Lu Xiangsheng's entire army had been wiped out on the road from Baoding to Zhending. At that time, Yang Sichang, the chief minister of the Central Cabinet, was at odds with Yang Tinglin. He thought that Yang Tinglin was also dead. When he heard that Yang Tinglin was on an envoy away from home, he felt regretful for a long time and was demoted to Jiangxi.

Yang Tinglin had been in Jiangxi for several years and was promoted to the prefect of Ganzhou because of his merits in governing the place.

For such a person, it is no longer possible to deal with it with fancy tricks. He must show some real talent. Otherwise, if you can't deal with your immediate boss, some things will be very troublesome. You may be labeled as a traitor before you become a leader, and then your visit to Huichang will be meaningless.

Going south along the Gan River from Nanchang, the number of refugees gradually decreases, but the number of thieves hijacking the road increases. This has a lot to do with the overall topography of Jiangxi.

Jiangxi is named after the Jiangnan West Road established during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty. Except for the relatively flat northern part, Jiangxi Province is surrounded by mountains on three sides from east to west and has undulating hills in the middle, forming a huge basin that slopes toward Poyang Lake in the north.

The further south you go, the more mountainous you get. The south is an excellent place for falling grass. The mountains are undulating, but they are rich in products.

It goes without saying that Jiangxi is in a strategic position, straddling Guangdong and Guangdong to the south, Fujian to the east, and Huguang to the west. However, due to the mountainous terrain, it is difficult to encircle it on all sides. Once it has established a foothold in southern Jiangxi, it can move northward. Once they swoop in and capture important towns like Nanchang, they can then go down the river and approach Wu Yue, and then the southern half of the Yangtze River is within their grasp.

It is not unreasonable for later generations of Mao Taizu to be from Hunan, but he went to Jiangxi to start a family. There is no doubt about his strategic vision. Looking at ancient and modern times, there are really not many people who can compare with him.

If the fifth counter-encirclement and suppression campaign had been commanded by his old man, and the Red Army would not have been forced to go on a long march, after a few years of development, Taizu would have probably taken Nanjing directly, because from a geographical point of view, once Jiangxi was lost, Jiangdong would not be able to Save.

And Qin Mu went to Huichang, and the neighboring Ruijin was the birthplace of the Soviet temporary central government, and was known as the old capital of the Red Army in later generations. Hehe, there is a song that seems to be sung like this: What did Mao "Taizu" say, and what did the Awa people do? Follow Mao "Taizu" hey, follow **, hey~

That's right, let's arm ourselves with Mao Taizu's strategic thinking and start from Jiangxi. Complete the strategic concept that Taizu and his elders failed to complete when they wanted to go straight to the south of the Yangtze River.

Of course, Qin Mu also knows that the strategic idea is beautiful, but it also depends on who implements it and how well it is implemented. If you don't do it well, you will become a fly in a glass bottle, with a bright future but no way out.

The first step is to suppress the bandits. There are many grass bandits along the way. If the grass bandits don't come to trouble him, Qin Mu will take the initiative to come to him and train his troops in actual combat. Whoever dies in battle will be unlucky. In such troubled times, the most indispensable thing is the supply of soldiers. Don't you see it? , Zhang Xianzhong climbed up and shouted, and immediately recruited tens of thousands of people. What difficulty did Qin Mu have to recruit a hundred or ten people

Anyone who doesn't want to die has to practice hard on weekdays and kill hard during war. Qin Mu wants to use the method of survival of the fittest and leaching out an elite core force with blood. This is cruel, but this is a chaotic world. I don’t allow you to slowly train your troops.

It won't be long before the Manchu and Qing Tatars will sweep across the land of China. If Qin Mu doesn't want to crawl on the ground and be a slave, he can only recommend Xuanyuan with his blood!

When Meng Ke, Huo Sheng and others saw that Qin Mu used such cruel methods to train troops, no one dared to laugh at him anymore.

On the contrary, I felt a kind of heartfelt awe for his ruthlessness. When talking to him, my unruly tone became less, and I gradually used the honorific title of "Master Qin".

When suppressing bandits, they no longer resisted the tasks assigned to them by Qin Mu, and their cooperation became more and more tacit.

Qin Mu walked relatively slowly from Nanchang to Ganzhou, but one thing was that he almost wiped out the banditry along the way. This result was achieved, firstly, due to his fierceness and fierce fighting regardless of casualties, and secondly, thanks to the assistance of Meng Ke and this group of fierce men.

Before he even reached Ji'an Mansion, the whole of Jiangxi was shaken.

It is unheard of for a thousand years for a small county magistrate to wipe out all the banditry along the way.

All the officials in the prefectures and counties along the way looked at him sideways, and they did not dare to neglect Qin Mu in the slightest. They did not dare to lack anything from him, including food and shelter, including weapons and supplies. Some state and county officials even began to send him money and asked him to exterminate bandits in their territory.

Qin Mu will look at the actual situation and go for those that are easy to clear. Those who want to go deep into the mountains and forests. Sorry, let's talk about it later. My territory is still occupied by bandits!

Qin Mu walked for a whole month from Nanchang to Ji'an. He was tanned a lot, but due to scrambling and rolling every day, his body was much stronger than before. His biceps had begun to appear, and his body was agility. The level is greatly enhanced, and the walking becomes more vigorous.

After passing Ji'an Mansion, Qin Mu suddenly accelerated his journey.

Because he heard that bandits in the Huichang area, led by the bandit leader Ma Yongzhen, marched hundreds of people westward to plunder Jingshi, Qilushan, Hefeng, Luojiang and other towns half a month ago. , the military front has approached the capital city of Ganzhou, and Ganzhou is shaken! Jiangxi is shocked!


ps: It has been eleven days since the new book was uploaded. It has been updated with twenty chapters and more than 60,000 words. This update is neither too much nor too little. It’s just that these 3,000 hits really hurt me. Well, I will continue to work hard. Dear readers, Friends, please support me! With a good mood, the coding speed and quality will be higher. We look forward to your support!


