Make It Known to The World

Chapter 3: Hou Fangyu's anger


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Young Master Qin's integrity was completely abandoned by him. As a result, he walked around 18 streets, his legs were numb from exhaustion, but he couldn't even find a job sweeping toilets.

Are people who wear more clothes very powerful? You can try it. Don't just stand and talk without any pain in your waist.

Is time travel fun? Bullshit, what about having three wives and four concubines? If I hadn't traveled through time, I could have been the "godfather" of dozens of little stars at once. Why would I have to do this high-risk, uninsured job

Young Master Qin dragged his heavy steps, constantly cursing to God, until the aroma of pancakes wafted into his nose again. He really had no idea that he had found it after searching everywhere.

"Auntie, aren't you tired of watching over two pots by yourself? If you trust me, how about I help you watch over one?" Young Master Qin insisted that good deeds will always be rewarded. Not only did he force out a familiar smile, he also rolled up his sleeves, ready to take over an iron pot.

"I'm used to it, it's no problem. Look at your attire, you must be a well-read man. How could I burden you with such menial work?"

As expected of a person from Jinling City, the words spoken by an old lady selling pancakes also have a cultural flavor. Well, there is also some smell of pancakes in it. Young Master Qin was sure that he was not mistaken.

However, no matter how thick-skinned he was, he couldn't move forward now. Although the lady's words were very cultured, they clearly had the meaning of flattery, praising you highly and letting you starve to death in your self-esteem and self-love.

What scholar? A scholar is good for nothing. If it weren't for the Qin Mu who only knew how to study and made his body so weak that he had to use both hands to pick up a bean sprout, I would be able to pick up a knife and do the most unskilled work. Is it necessary to be so hungry

The sun gradually sets in the west. On both sides of the Qinhuai River, flutes and drums can be heard from the high pavilions. Painted boats are floating on the clear waves. The scene is becoming more and more lively with the constant flow of carriages and horses of visitors coming and going in search of beauty.

Amidst this prosperous and extravagant life, there are some miserable scenes. People begging for a living or selling their children can be seen everywhere on the streets. Among them are many scholars wearing Confucian robes. The north has been hit by famine for years, and bandits such as Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong have been wreaking havoc. It is inevitable that people with broken families will flock to the last paradise in the southeast.

Qin Mu had no intention of sympathizing with these people. As for defending the country, that was bullshit. He would speak nonsense only after he was not starved to death tomorrow.

"Sir, you've been standing here watching the old woman making pancakes for a long time, don't you get tired of it?"

"Not greasy, not greasy, how could I get tired of it? The way you make pancakes is eye-opening to me. I never get tired of it. But, ma'am, as the saying goes, even good wine needs a bush. How about I help you promote your pancakes and make them sell well?" Young Master Qin's chastity had been almost broken, but now he opened his mouth and said, "Don't miss it if you pass by. You see, since I ate your pancakes, my waist is no longer sore, my legs no longer hurt, and I have become smarter. My parents don't have to worry about my studies anymore..."

"Sir, there is no need to shout. It is getting late and I am going to close the stall."

Young Master Qin's voice stopped abruptly, and then he felt two hot pancakes stuffed into his hands. He smelled the strong aroma and looked at the figure of the old lady bending over to tidy up the stall. Somehow, his eyes became slightly moist.

"Auntie, I will never forget your kindness today, and I will definitely pay you back a hundred gold cakes in the future."

"I have heard the story of Han Xin, but there has only been one Han Xin in thousands of years. My dear, you should take care of yourself first. In this world... Alas! It is not easy to survive."

Qin Mu couldn't help but smile. Impulse is the devil. How could such words come out of his mouth? Perhaps he said this more to comfort himself. Han Xin was not much better before he became famous. A real man can bend and stretch... ... ... ... ... ... Pah!

Hou Fangyu and Mao Xiang got off the car in front of Meixiang Tower and went upstairs together to look for Li Xiangjun. As they were frequent visitors and famous, they had unimpeded access to the building.

Hou Fangyu was 25 years old, Mao Xiang was 33 years old, both were well-dressed, with long sleeves fluttering in the wind, and were very romantic. In Jinling City, there was no brothel girl who didn't recognize the two gentlemen;

It's just that Master Hou was in a very bad mood today. After hearing about what happened between Li Xiangjun and Qin Mu, he couldn't sit still anymore and immediately came to ask Li Xiangjun for an explanation.

Hou and Mao, together with Fang Yizhi from Tongcheng and Chen Zhenhui from Yixing, were collectively known as the Four Gentlemen of Fushe and were highly respected by the world.

There were nearly 10,000 members of the Fushe Society, and there were many people who wrote better articles than these four. Why did they become the "Four Young Masters"

There are many ways to do this, and there are two main points to sum up:

First, get on good terms with the mainstream media. To put it bluntly, it means hanging out with famous women, lingering over the beauty of green streams and white rocks, and riding famous prostitutes and fine horses, living the life of a fat and bloated young man. The benefit of this is that it is easy to become famous, because people always enjoy talking about romantic affairs.

Second, hold more forums. To put it nicely, it is called presiding over a discussion, but in fact, it is just gathering a group of people to brag and gossip. The fourth son was young and arrogant, and he was proud of his talent. He often held a banquet at Taoye Ferry and invited the orphans of the "Six Gentlemen". Once the banner of the orphans was raised, all the famous people would gather. After drinking, they would point out the country and criticize the government, and often sing sad songs, which attracted people's attention.

These people criticized the Ming Dynasty and felt that there was nothing good about it. Later, most of them ran to the Qing Dynasty to become slaves.

Of course, there were also a small number of people who took up arms to resist the Qing Dynasty. These people were courageous and their spirit is worth promoting.

But one thing is an indisputable fact, their resistance almost died in the light, and no one could organize a decent resistance. This is not proportional to their prestige when they were in charge of the country, which shows that these people are indeed lacking in ability.

Whether to be willing to be a slave or to rise up in resistance is a story for later, and I will not go into details here.

Through the above means, and with the addition of some good articles written by several of them, the four young masters' fame naturally grew like foxtail grass that has eaten manure.

This reputation also provided them with the convenience of hooking up with famous prostitutes. The two complemented each other and enhanced each other. Many famous prostitutes competed for Qiu Bo, and Hou Fangyu hooked up with Li Xiangjun. The two had exchanged poems and paintings for two or three years and established a romantic relationship. Li Xiangjun had been waiting for Mr. Hou to redeem her.

These days, Qian Wan caused a big fuss in Meixianglou and even took the case to the government, which caused a huge stir in Jinling City. The people were most willing to spread this kind of affair. People did not hesitate to use their imagination and said all kinds of things. Some people even described in detail what positions Qin Mu and Li Xiangjun used in bed.

Master Hou was shocked to hear about this and regarded it as a great shame and humiliation. Everyone knew that he and Li Xiangjun had been in love with each other. Now that Li Xiangjun suddenly did this to Qin Mu, for him this was naturally intolerable.

He rushed straight to Meixiang Tower with a rage, and his good friend Mao Xiang came with him to persuade him, but it would have been better if he didn't persuade him. The more he persuaded, the more embarrassed Mr. Hou felt. So when he entered the room, he didn't even bother to greet him, and directly asked loudly, "What's going on? How could you let that Qin stay in your room overnight?"

Li Xiangjun was coming out with a look of joy on her face. Qian Wan had been coming to Meixianglou to make trouble these days. Li Xiangjun was full of grievances and wanted to find her lover to tell. Unexpectedly, as soon as they met, Hou Fangyu started to blame her.

She couldn't help but said miserably: "Sir, listen to me, this matter is not as the rumors say, I and Master Qin are innocent..."

"Young Master? He's a gigolo, and he's worthy of being called a Young Master! You actually let him stay in your room overnight. Do you know what people in the city are saying about him?" Hou Fangyu became angrier and angrier as he spoke. To him, the truth was not important. What was important was what the people in the city said about him.

Li Xiangjun never dreamed that Hou Fangyu, who was always elegant and polite, would become like this. The bitterness in her heart made her eyes blur with tears: "Master Hou, there is really nothing between Master Qin and me. He was seriously injured when he rescued me that day, and his life is in danger. It is only natural for me to leave him to take care of the medicine. I hope you don't take it to heart..."

Mao Xiang then persuaded, "Brother Chaozong, Miss Xiangjun does have her own difficulties. Brother Chaozong, you don't have to worry about it. As the saying goes, rumors stop at the wise. As long as Brother Chaozong ignores them, the rumors will naturally disappear after some time."

When jealousy is at its peak, it is not so easy to persuade. Hou Fangyu looked down at Li Xiangjun and continued to ask harshly, "He was injured because of you, you just need to give him some money to treat him. Even if you want to take care of the medicine yourself, can't you spare a room in Meixianglou?"

"Sir..." Li Xiangjun was speechless, tears silently rolled down her eyes, like pear blossoms in the rain.

Mao Xiang hurried up to persuade them again. Hou Fangyu didn't know whether he felt soft-hearted after seeing Li Xiangjun's tears or he had vented enough, but after Mao Xiang's persuasion, his tone softened. He comforted Li Xiangjun a few words and then went downstairs with Mao Xiang.

As the two of them got in the car, Hou Fangyu's face darkened again. After thinking for a while, he said, "As long as that Qin is still in Jinling, I'm afraid this rumor will be hard to dispel."

"Brother Chaozong, what are your plans?"

"I hope Brother Pijiang can help me with this matter."

"Brother Chaozong, please feel free to speak."

"The man surnamed Qin failed three times in the exam and has been put on the waiting list at the Ministry of Personnel. I heard that the last two county magistrates of Huichang, Jiangxi, both died at the hands of bandits. Huichang has been without an official for a year. The Ministry of Personnel sent several people, but no one dared to take up the post because the bandits were entrenched there..."


ps: Dear friends, please click, collect and recommend! Haoyuan begs for your support!


