Make It Known to The World

Chapter 31: The Qin Iron Cavalry


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When the news of the great victory in Xiniu Town came, there was jubilation in Ganzhou City, and the haze that had been weighing on Ganzhou for many days seemed to be swept away.

Under the pressure of the times and the guidance of Qin Mu, Yang Tinglin, who had already staked everything on the table, slammed the table and stood up with tears in his eyes when he heard the news. At that moment, there was almost no seriousness and dignity of a prefect in him. He could only be described as a man who was full of passion and enthusiasm.

However, before he could be happy for long, bad news came from Nanshe Mountain in the northeast, like a bolt from the blue hitting Yang Tinglin on the head.

Ma Yongzhen also launched a sudden night attack, and Li Jie, a centurion, was killed in the battle. The dangerous pass of Nanshe Mountain was rushed through by the rebels, and less than two-tenths of the hundreds of government troops were able to escape. Ma Yongzhen took advantage of the victory and led his troops to rush to Ganzhou, arriving in half a day at most.

Yang Tinglin was shocked and ordered the four gates to be closed. All 3,000 newly formed militiamen went up to the city to defend it. At the same time, he sent urgent horses to rush to Xiniu Town to ask Qin Mu to return for help.

When Qin Mu received the news, it was already noon on the third day after he took over Xiniu Town.

In Qin Mu's temporary tent, Meng Ke, Liu Meng, Huo Sheng, Cui Feng, Ling Zhan, and Ning Yuan who had just arrived sat together. Qin Mu changed his relaxed look and became extremely serious. He asked in a deep voice: "What should we do next? Please tell us what suggestions you have."

Meng Ke replied calmly: "It depends on what you want to do."

When Meng Ke finished speaking, the others all looked towards Qin Mu. This time, they had captured six to seven thousand people, with food and supplies piled up like mountains, as well as a large amount of gold and silver treasures.

It is easy to understand that Qin Mu ordered the selection of 400 young and strong men from the captives to form an army. However, it was very unusual that he sealed off the town tightly in the name of searching for the bandit leader Gu Xiancheng, counted the treasures inside and did not take any action.

Meng Ke and the others could probably guess what he was going to do, and they asked now just to get a clear answer from Qin Mu.

"All I have to do is follow the will of heaven. I understand what you are thinking, but it is too early to say some things now. When people get along with each other, it is important to have a tacit understanding. I hope you can have this tacit understanding."

"Sir, please just say it directly. We will do what you say." Huo Sheng subconsciously looked at the sky outside the tent and then expressed his opinion.

Qin Mu pondered and said, "Ganzhou cannot be lost. We must save it, but Ma Yongzhen is not comparable to Gu Xiancheng. We must make some arrangements in advance. How about this, Huo Sheng, you still use the original thirty-odd people as the backbone, command the four hundred newly recruited young and strong men, and escort some of the property to the east;

Now that the rebels have come out in full force, Huichang is extremely empty. Huo Sheng, you'd better seize Huichang first when you go east, because that's our territory. If you can't seize Huichang, find a favorable terrain nearby to hide first, and wait for us to get rid of Ma Yongzhen."

"I obey your order, but sir, please let Ning Yuan come with me. With Ning Yuan's help, I can not only guarantee the safety of your property, but also train these 400 soldiers into a strong troop for you."

"Ningyuan, do you have any objection?"

"But at your command."

"Okay, let's do it this way. Huo Sheng and Ning Yuan will be responsible for taking the things east and wait for an opportunity to seize Huichang."

Meng Ke added: "In addition, there are a large amount of food and supplies. Ma Yongzhen is approaching Ganzhou City. It is impossible for us to escort these supplies back to Ganzhou City for the time being. This place is only thirty miles away from Xinfeng. What I mean is that we should transport the supplies back to Xinfeng City first, and then try to rescue Ganzhou, so as not to give Ma Yongzhen an opportunity to take advantage of it."

Cui Feng nodded and said, "Brother Meng is right, but Xinfeng is now an empty city. We have to leave people to guard it with so many supplies. Now we only have 300 men and horses left. If we leave more people to guard it, how can we rescue Ganzhou?"

Qin Mu raised his eyebrows and made the decision: "Cui Feng and Ling Zhan will take 200 men and horses to stay behind to supervise the thousands of prisoners to transport the supplies back to Xinfeng, and then stay in the city to guard it. We will take 100 men and horses back to Ganzhou. Ma Yongzhen doesn't have many men and horses either, so we will act according to circumstances when the time comes."

After everything was arranged, Qin Mu immediately returned north with a hundred men and horses. It took him a day and a night to get back to the outskirts of Ganzhou. At this time, Ma Yongzhen had already tried to attack Ganzhou for a day.

However, Ganzhou City had high walls and Yang Tinglin personally went up to the city to supervise the battle. The defenders put up a fierce resistance. Ma Yongzhen had few troops and could not take the city down for the time being. He sent people back to the rear to bring thousands of auxiliary troops.

Don't underestimate his several thousand auxiliary troops. He has been sending people to train these troops, and their combat effectiveness is definitely stronger than Gu Xiancheng's tens of thousands of troops.

Five miles outside the east gate of Ganzhou, Ma Yongzhen's 800 troops set up camp. Patrolling outside the camp, the troops inside the camp were neat and orderly, which alone was better than most of the current imperial army.

Ma Yongzhen is only 35 years old this year, with a long face, thick eyebrows, and a dignified demeanor in his every move. He was discussing matters with his subordinates in the big tent when he suddenly felt the ground tremble slightly, and then heard the sound of horse hooves like thunder.

There was a shortage of war horses and very few cavalry in southern Jiangxi. Ma Yongzhen could not help but lead the crowd and quickly walked out of the tent to take a look.

The defenders on the Ganzhou city wall heard the sound of horse hooves almost at the same time, and the people on the city wall were in a panic. After all, most of the people participating in the defense were Yang Tinglin's newly recruited militia, who had no military training. Although they relied on their large numbers and barely repelled Ma Yongzhen's attack for a day, the situation was not optimistic.

Everyone knows that Ma Yongzhen is retreating but not leaving, just waiting for the arrival of follow-up troops, and then he will continue to attack the city. By then, no one knows whether Ganzhou City can be defended.

Everyone felt as if a lead block was pressing on their hearts. The muffled thunder-like sound of iron hooves startled and surprised the defenders on the city wall, and they all stuck their heads out to look around.

But there was smoke and dust rolling in the south. As the sound of horse hooves became louder and louder, a large flag with the word "Qin" on it appeared in people's sight, fluttering in the wind.

Although there were only a hundred cavalrymen under the huge flag, they were all dressed in black clothes and armor, like a black dragon, tumbling forward in the smoke and dust.

When the Qin army approached, someone recognized Qin Mu, who was leading the way. He was standing straight, holding the reins in one hand and a sharp sword in the other. His heroic spirit made the people on the top of Ganzhou City cheer like a thunder.

People rushed to the edge of the city, waving swords and guns and shouting loudly. Some even jumped onto the parapets regardless of the danger, shouting with red faces and thick necks:

Qin Army!

Qin Army!

Qin Army!

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

The cheers from the top of the city wall made Ma Yongzhen, who had left the camp to check, a little puzzled. Where did the Qin army come from? Could it be that Qin Shihuang had been resurrected

Qin Shi Huang did not resurrect, but Qin Mu was reborn. He had always been fascinated by the black iron force that swept across the world in the Qin Empire. If he had the chance, he would certainly create a similar black iron force.

"General Meng Tian! It's up to you. If Ma Yongzhen dares to come out, you must kill him seven times in and seven times to weaken his fighting spirit!" Qin Mu raised his knife and roared.

Meng Ke's eyes rolled back, but he could only nod in agreement helplessly. He drew his sword and led a hundred men to charge towards Ma Yongzhen's camp.

It's shameless! Qin Mu will tell you that in such a chaotic world, there is no most shameless, only more shameless. In order to make his troops more like the black iron stream of the Great Qin Empire, Qin Mu even forcibly changed Meng Ke's name.

General Meng Tian, the greatest warrior in China! Perhaps only Qin Mu dared to do this.

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ps: Well, today I am going to visit my girlfriend’s home for a state visit. Ahem, I am old and ugly, and this is my first visit abroad. I am totally clueless about etiquette. When I meet my future mother-in-law for the first time, I don’t know whether to shake hands or kiss her on the cheek, or “puff!” on the cheek or something. I am so nervous! The following is my imagined conversation with my future mother-in-law when I meet her for the first time:

"Do you really like my daughter?"

"Like, really like?"

"Do you want to marry my daughter?"

"Yes, I dream about it."

"Stop dreaming. You want to marry my daughter. Do you have a car?"

"Well... ... ... ."

"How much money do you have in the bank?"

He first stretched out four fingers, hesitated for a moment, and carefully retracted one finger. The thousand yuan in royalties for this month had not yet arrived in his account.

"What? Three-digit savings. Huh! Let me ask you again, do you have a house?"

"Does that... brick and tiled house count? According to my research, until the end of the Qing Dynasty, the blue brick and tiled house was the best house in China..."

"Daughter, get a broom!"

What a sin! If my future mother-in-law knew that I was talking about her like this, she would definitely come and throw a broom at me. My dears, you must keep this a secret for me! Don't tell anyone else.

I'm going to smash two cucumbers first, and then put some oil on my hair... ... ... Hoo! Hoo! Get ready for battle!

Dear friends, please don't forget to give me some recommendation votes to encourage me. Your support is my only confidence...


