Make It Known to The World

Chapter 43: Disguised land reform



Dividing fields and land to the people and giving them hope is easier said than done!

Which piece of land does not have an owner now? Although it has been war-torn, the dynasty has not changed yet. You can't just plunder the land of the original landlord at will, right

Where did Qin Mu get the land to distribute to the people

Yang Tinglin shook his head and said: "I can roughly guess what Qin Xian's nephew is thinking, but I'm afraid this plan won't work. Although five counties in Ganzhou were disrupted by rebels, and many local gentry and wealthy families were killed in the rebellion, however, as long as the gentry and wealthy Households usually have luxuriant branches and deep roots. Even if all immediate family members are killed, most of the side branches are still there. If you want to divide these lands, you will encounter great resistance. If one thing goes wrong, they will stir up trouble again. If there is a rebellion, not to mention that one or two people from many wealthy gentry families can always escape from the rebellion, how can we divide this land? "

Qin Mu replied confidently: "Is this difficult to say? First of all, after establishing a foothold on the theory, the government needs to have a stronger attitude."

"Oh, if nephew Qin Xian has any good ideas, please tell me quickly."

"Uncle Yang, if we do this, the prefect's yamen will post a notice as soon as possible, announcing that the land registration files in various states and counties have been burned or lost due to the war. People in each county are asked to bring their land deeds to the county yamen for re-registration within ten days;

Those who cannot produce the land deed will be left without any evidence, and the government will not recognize the land they own. If they can produce the land deed, they can measure the amount according to the number of acres on the land deed. If there is any excess, they can take it. Come and distribute it to the refugees who have been stricken by the disaster. In this way, we have a firm foothold on the principles. If anyone interferes with it again, there is no need to be polite. "

Qin Mu's move seems simple, but it actually has a lot of mystery. Yang Tinglin suddenly felt enlightened. This was a matter of business. Although it was a bit unhuman, it was reasonable.

Without land deed documents as evidence, land ownership will not be recognized. This is actually only a secondary point, and the government will not obtain much land from it.

Because the land deed is usually the most secret thing hidden by a family, and this thing is just a piece of waste paper to the rebels. No one deliberately searches for this thing. As long as there are still people around, the land deed is unlikely to be lost.

The highlight is the fact that there is a land deed and the land is returned to the landlord according to the actual amount on the land deed. This is the essence of Qin Mu's plan.

Since the middle of the Ming Dynasty, local gentry and wealthy households have annexed a large number of lands. In order to evade taxes, they have resorted to various means such as deception and false reporting. The number of taxable lands registered with the government has become less and less, and most of the land has disappeared inexplicably in strange changes.

Of course, it is impossible for these lands to really disappear, it is just that there is no record in the official register. If there is no record in the official register, then the original owner will definitely not be able to produce a valid title deed.

Qin Muyi used this move, which was equivalent to clearing the land again, but this was much simpler than clearing land in the general sense, because only a small part of the land that had a title deed needed to be cleared, while most of the "black fields" without title deeds were cleared. Directly designated as unclaimed land.

These "unclaimed lands" only need to be led and supervised by officials, and distributed on a per capita basis among the victims who have established a Baojia model.

With this move, the landlords who had made the most false claims and harmed the country's interests the most would suffer the greatest losses, which was equivalent to shooting themselves in the foot.

In the past, when the gentry and wealthy households were powerful, it was difficult to implement this move smoothly. But now after the rebellion, the local gentry and wealthy households have been greatly weakened. It is when they are at their weakest that this move can be implemented. The resistance is almost negligible.

After thinking about this clearly, Yang Tinglin showed a look of relief on his face and said unhurriedly: "Okay, let's do it! Qin Xian's nephew is a rare talent in organizing the army and managing the people. I have already submitted the memorial to repay his merits." Go up, Huichang is a small county town, Qin Xian's nephew is really unworthy of his talents, I hope the court can recognize talents. "

At that time, Yuan Chonghuan also rose from a small county magistrate to a military governor in just six months, taking charge of the military and political affairs of Liaodong and becoming a high official who controlled the lifeline of the empire.

Yang Tinglin felt that with Qin Mu's talent, it might not be impossible for him to be promoted exceptionally when the country was in crisis. At least he himself had high hopes for Qin Mu.

"The suppression of the rebellion is all due to Uncle Yang and all of you. My nephew does not dare to take credit for himself. For now, I only hope to be able to govern a county. We will talk about other things in the future. As the magistrate of Huichang County, my nephew It’s really inappropriate that I haven’t come to Huichang to take up my post yet. If... . . . ”

"The matter has come to an end, and it won't be long until now. Nephew Qin Xian, please sit down quietly. I still have something to say."

"Uncle Yang is willing to teach me, so my nephew naturally wants it."

"Nephew Qin Xian, now that you are a parent official of a county, how can you be decent if you don't even have a family like this?"

"This, Uncle Yang Mingjian, Huichang will be my home from now on, and the people of Huichang will be my children. I am willing to selflessly dedicate my youth to Huichang, to the Ming Dynasty, to... ."

"It doesn't make sense. I'm talking to you about business, what are you talking about?" Yang Tinglin was a little angry. Under normal circumstances, his previous words were a foreshadowing. Qin Mu should have said a few words of humility, or something about how hard it is to find a good partner. In short, , shouldn't talk nonsense like this, how can this make the prefect feel embarrassed? How can you say the following words

Since the situation was unbearable, Magistrate Yang simply gave up. After coughing twice, he said sternly: "My dear nephew, your father passed away early, and I am your uncle. Naturally, I cannot ignore your marriage." , ahem... "

"Ahem!" Qin Mu suddenly acted like a shy little boy, his throat was a little dry, and he couldn't help but cough twice. This scene was embarrassing.

"Ahem!" Yang Tinglin seemed to be afraid of being at a disadvantage, coughed twice more, and then said seriously, "My dear nephew, this... little girl is only seventeen years old. You have seen her before. Although She is not even talented and beautiful, but she is still dignified and virtuous. I have just a daughter who I have always regarded as the apple of my eye. Now it is up to me to betroth her to you. How do you treat her?"

How are you doing? Damn, Yang Tinglin doesn't look like she's not a prefect anymore, she looks like she's the married daughter of the King of Hell. She looks like you have to agree if you agree, and if you don't agree, I'll write off your Yangshou with a big stroke.

"Ahem! This... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..." Qin Mu's mouth was always smooth. But at this moment, for some reason, he felt like someone had put a piece of dog skin plaster on him.

Well, Miss Yang, who is younger and more beautiful than Princess Yushu, is indeed good, but after all, she has only met a few times and has not spoken ten sentences, let alone a trial love before marriage. Isn't it a bit settled just like that? What about haste

Someone in Qin seemed to have forgotten that he had asked Qiaoer to send him a love poem, which caused her to tie up on the roses early in the morning. Now that Yang Tinglin took the initiative to get married, he hesitated.

This man! They are probably all a bit cheap. They often drink fine wine instead of toasting. Things that are easy to get are immediately boring.

Yang Tinglin hummed with a purple face: "What's the matter, my Zhi'er has wronged you? In that case, just treat me as if I didn't..."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, Uncle Yang, that's not what my nephew means. My nephew just feels that he is alone. He is still a seventh-grade official with a bleak background. His future is bleak. Your love is as beautiful as a fairy, virtuous and virtuous. My nephew I am afraid that I have wronged your beloved. I hope Yang Shu understands this difficulty."

"I have observed that you are always resolute and decisive in your work, so I came directly to talk to you about this important matter of marriage. I never thought that you would be so procrastinating. Now I want you to tell the truth. If you think that my daughter is not worthy of you, you can tell me clearly. , If you don’t dislike it, then I will make the decision on this matter, that’s it.”

Qin Mu licked his dry lips. In this era, the work of "testing love before marriage" seems to have to be done in a pig cage. Don't even think about it. Is that certain or uncertain


ps: I reluctantly finished this chapter because I was heartbroken. Writing this chapter is really ironic to me.

It's hard to fall in love last long

Who can stay together for life

Finally let go without anyone speaking.

The remaining leaves flow with the drifting snow and water flowing by themselves

Tears don't flow

Silkworms in spring, cicadas in summer, and geese passing through autumn

Thousands of wrinkles

That’s fine, adjust yourself and write your book with peace of mind. Everything outside the window will fade into the white clouds. In the end, the support of my book friends is the only one for me.

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