Make It Known to The World

Chapter 55: The eldest girl got into the bridal sedan


Qin Mu was also uneasy. He had just taken a shower and changed his clothes, exhausted from all the work, and had no time to eat breakfast when the drum of complaint in front of the yamen sounded.

According to the Ming Dynasty system, once the drum for appealing for justice was sounded, officials had to immediately go to court to try the case. Qin Mu did not even bother to eat breakfast. After putting on his official hat and uniform, he hurried to the lobby.

Wu Wangcai led two groups of newly recruited yamen runners, each holding a piece of water as a stick, and stood solemnly on both sides of the hall.

"Go to court."


After Qin Mu took office, he had to face the victims of the disaster in the entire county, distribute land, provide relief to the victims, and stabilize the morale of the army and the people. This was more important than any other case, so he had not heard a case in court for so many days. Today was the first time that the young lady got into the bridal sedan.

Wu Wangcai and the two groups of yamen runners finally had the opportunity to shout out their power. They shouted at the top of their lungs, and their voices could be heard from several blocks away.

Qin Mu's eardrums were hurt by the vibration and he couldn't help but glare at Wu Wangcai. Wu Wangcai knew that he was in trouble and the tuft of hair on the black mole couldn't help but tremble.

"Who is beating the drum outside the hall to complain? Why don't you bring the person up quickly?"

"Yes, sir."

Wu Wangcai walked out quickly and soon brought in... a group of people. Indeed, they were far from the person Qin Mu had expected. The person Wu Wangcai brought in was indeed a group of people, as many as eleven or twelve.

"Who is in the hall, and why are you beating the drum? Come and tell me quickly."

Qin Mu suspected that he was possessed by Zhu Yuanzhang and was infected with hatred for the rich. When he saw Wu Wangcai leading in the frequent visitors who were all dressed in bright clothes and were all country gentry, he immediately revealed a hint of impatience in his words.

"I, the humble citizen Lu Qian, pay my respects to His Excellency the County Master..."

"I, Zhang Yong, pay my respects to His Excellency, the County Master."

"I, Zhao Sanshan, pay my respects to His Excellency, the County Master."

"Alright, alright, come one by one. Lu Qian, you go first, why are you beating the drum, what is your grievance?"

"Your Excellency, I am from Nantian Village, Zhulan Town. My family originally had 6,320 acres of good farmland. When the rebels started a riot, my family fled to Ganzhou. Now that the rebellion has finally been quelled, I hurried back home, but I didn't expect that my good farmland was forcibly divided up by illegal and cruel officials. Your Excellency, please make a decision for me."

Qin Mu's expression was calm. Finally, someone came to visit him, and there were twelve of them at once. Qin Mu glanced at the remaining eleven and nodded and asked, "You are all here to complain because your land has been occupied, right?"

"Your Excellency, that's right. Your Excellency, please make the decision for me and the common people."

With so many people coming at once and tens of thousands of acres of land involved, this can indeed be considered a major case, and it is reasonable to beat the drum to appeal for justice.

But this matter may not be as simple as it seems. The division of land is not something that happened today. No one has come to complain before, but now more than ten people have come, and it is obvious that they have colluded. Qin Mu guessed that the reason they had the courage to come was most likely Wang Gong's behind the scenes. Even so, Qin Mu did not jump to conclusions.

Distributing land to the victims was the fundamental solution he and Yang Tinglin agreed upon. Only in this way could the people of Ganzhou be truly settled. After the refugees had land, they would have hope and would not rebel easily again.

It can be said that this was his core strategy for quelling the rebellion in southern Jiangxi, and the previous military actions were only temporary solutions.

How this policy is implemented will affect the long-term stability of southern Jiangxi. Although Qin Mu implemented this policy as soon as he arrived in Huichang, the specific work was done by officials such as Tian Yimu and the soldiers of Huichang Qianhu Suo.

As to how this matter was handled, Qin Mu had been listening to the reports from Tian Yimu and Liu Meng. As he was busy looking for salt mines, he was unable to go to the fields in person to see if anyone was abusing their power for personal gain or settling personal grudges by robbing the fields of officials and gentry. Qin Mu felt it necessary to go down and inspect it in person before he could make a conclusion.

If the gentry could produce a land deed to prove that a certain piece of land was indeed theirs, Qin Mu would never allow this land to be divided up indiscriminately. What he wanted to divide up were the "black fields", those "black fields" that had been embezzled by wealthy gentry through illegal means and were not recorded in the imperial book.

"Well, you are all the gentry of Huichang, and you are also the pillars of Huichang. If someone really divided up your land by illegal means, I will give you justice. There is no need to argue about this matter in court. How about this, after I have breakfast, I will immediately go with you to investigate on the spot. If there is really someone who violates the law, I will punish him severely."

Hearing that Qin Mu wanted to check it out personally, Lu Qian and the others hesitated and talked about other things. Qin Mu pretended not to notice their expressions and shouted "Dismiss!" and went back to the back court to have breakfast.

If we were to say who was the most anxious about this matter, it would be the one who had to get an acre of land. Qin Mu was too busy, as he had always been in charge of the land distribution. Now that he had been sued to the government office, how could he sit still? He hurried over to go out of the city with Qin Mu.

Huichang has a beautiful scenery, with the Jishan Mountain in front and the Mingshan Mountain in the back; the peaks on the left and right are arranged in a cloud barrier. The Mian River flows from the east and the Xiang River flows from the south. The mountains are surrounded by dangerous places, and the water is clear like a jade belt. Soon after Qin Mu led the team out of the city, they had to cross mountains and ridges. Fortunately, Zhulan Town was only ten miles away from the county seat.

Along the way, we saw that the people still lived in makeshift huts, their faces were pale, and their lives were extremely difficult. Many people relied on a small amount of relief food and wild vegetables to fill their stomachs.

However, the mental state of the people is very good. It can even be said that everyone is in a state of excitement. This excited mental state and the difficult living environment form a strange contrast that is unbelievable.

The reason for this strange contrast lies in the word "land". Qin Mu's initiative to distribute land has enabled most people to get land. Although life is still very hard now, with land, people see hope.

They dragged their tired bodies and worked hard to plow and sow the land they had just been allocated, and even planted sweet potatoes in front of and behind their houses;

Since sweet potatoes were introduced to the Ming Dynasty during the Wanli period, they have been widely spread in Fujian, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Shandong and other places over the past few decades because of their easy cultivation, strong adaptability, high yield and the fact that they can make up half of the grain diet. There were already many of them planted among the people, but they had never been promoted by the government on such a large scale before.

Due to its many advantages, sweet potatoes are the most ideal transitional crop after disasters. Not only Huichang, but now the entire Ganzhou Prefecture is planting them in large quantities.

In order to have a harvest sooner, some people even did not rest at night, and worked day and night in the fields under the moonlight. When Qin Mu heard about this, he was very moved and went to visit them. In addition to verbal praise, he also gave them one or two taels of silver as encouragement.

With such hardworking people, as long as they are given a stable environment, what hardships can they not overcome

For Qin Mu, solving the case was secondary. Inspecting the local "land reform" work was the main focus. Every time he passed a place, he would carefully understand the situation. So it took him nearly three hours to walk these ten miles.

After arriving at Nantian Village in Zhulan Town, Qin Mu immediately conducted a detailed on-site investigation into the case of Lv Qian's land being occupied. Chang Qian was the largest landlord in Zhulan Town and owned 6,320 acres of land. Now, more than a thousand acres of land had been distributed to the victims as unowned land.

When Qin Mu came to the county government office to conduct an on-site inspection, Lu Qian and others looked hesitant. Qin Mu thought that he could not produce the land deed, but what Qin Mu never expected was that he actually produced the land deed to prove that the divided land was indeed his.

This put Qin Mu in a passive position all of a sudden. A large group of gentry were watching. If this matter was not handled properly, it would definitely cause a huge disturbance.

The problem is that thousands of acres of land have been distributed to the victims, and the victims have already planted crops. If the land is to be taken back now, it will also cause panic among the people in the county who have just been allocated land.

Qin Mu threw the land deed to Tian Yimu and asked coldly, "Find out to me right now what's going on."

Tian Yimu's face turned pale and he broke out in a cold sweat. As the main implementer of this policy, he was undoubtedly the one who had the greatest responsibility for what happened.

If this matter is not handled properly, the "land reform" work in the entire Huichang County will suffer a serious blow, and he simply cannot bear such a heavy responsibility.


ps: Dear friends, please give us your recommendation votes and Sanjiang votes, please support us.

Some book friends laughed at me for not updating frequently and asking for help everywhere, which showed that I was not a good person. In fact, who wants to act like a grandson everywhere

A low support rate affects the enthusiasm for creation, and weak updates affect the support rate. It's like a vicious circle. I found that even a great writer like Yue Guan couldn't get out of this vicious circle.

I won't say much. Hao Yuan is not a great god. If he can get some support by pretending to be a grandson, he is already very lucky. The bitterness in it is really not something that outsiders can understand.

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