Make It Known to The World

Chapter 59: Practice to death



On the parade ground of Huichang Qianhu Suo, the two thousand soldiers looked like a group of defeated soldiers. Everyone was injured, including Qin Mu, whose face was bruised and swollen. If you have never seen a pig's head, please look at Qin Dazhixian; if you want to become a pig's head, look at the joke of Qin Dazhixian.

Qin Mu was training in horse fighting when he fought against the fierce man Huo Sheng. He was "chopped" and fell off his horse, leaving his face swollen. In this kind of fighting, except for replacing the weapons with wooden ones, everything else was exactly the same. A slight delay would still result in the loss of his life.

Qin Mu was cut off his horse, and the soldiers in the camp were so frightened that they screamed for help. However, he treated it as if it was someone else's face that was swollen. He staggered to his feet, continued to mount his horse and fight hard, just like a northwestern wolf that has set its sights on its prey, unyielding and fighting until death.

Not only did no one in the camp dare to laugh at his "fat pig head" face, but they all respected him with awe.

The generals would not hesitate to die, and the soldiers would not spare their lives. Two thousand soldiers were divided into two groups, fighting with fists and sticks every day. The sound of killing filled the camp and reached the sky. Everyone's clothes were stained with blood and they were covered with scars.

Qin Mu also formulated a detailed reward and punishment mechanism. Those who disobeyed orders and were passive in training would be punished with a stick at the least and beheaded at the worst.

The winner of the battle can enjoy delicious food, while the loser can only have a full meal without any vegetables or meat.

Those who fought bravely and performed outstandingly would receive silver rewards, and those who were seriously injured would also receive generous bonuses. After each day's training, the silver would be carried to the parade ground and rewarded in public.

If someone died accidentally during training, he would be wrapped in the military flag and the entire army would hold a grand funeral for the deceased. At the same time, the deceased's family would be given a pension of 500 taels, which was enough for the deceased's family to live a well-off life.

This is definitely not ordinary training, this is definitely training to death, either you become a corpse or you become a strong man!

There was not much time left for Qin Mu to train his troops, and he had no choice but to resort to such radical measures. After more than 20 days, no one, including Ma Yongzhen, Huo Sheng and others, was unharmed.

These twenty days have seen sorrow and joy, excitement and depression, cheers and groans, howls and cries, separations of life and death, and unyielding love.

Although the camp is full of wounded soldiers, as soon as you walk into the camp, you can feel a solemn and murderous atmosphere coming towards you.

The eyes of the soldiers began to become cold and fierce aura began to emanate from their bodies. As long as time passed, they would surely become a fearless, murderous and fierce army.

Qin Mu ate and trained with the soldiers, lived in the barracks at night, and conducted night attack drills from time to time.

Ma Yongzhen and Huo Sheng both understood that Qin Mu wanted to establish absolute authority in this army. Qin Mu's strong will and perseverance not only impressed all the soldiers in the camp, but also made them secretly admire him.

Qin Mu treated them without hesitation. Several of them lived in the same big tent. He always listened carefully to their suggestions when making training plans. In the evening, when he had time, they would discuss ancient and modern battle examples together, study the reasons for victory or defeat, summarize experiences, and learn lessons.

Qin Mu ordered people to make a sand table, and he and the generals in the army often debated in the big tent by lamplight, without stopping until midnight.

After finishing a day's training at dusk, Qin Mu returned to the big tent, found some turmeric, mashed it, and applied it to his swollen face, turning half of his face blue and yellow.

He looked in the mirror, at the colorful half of his face, and couldn't help but sigh: "Fortunately, I have passed the Ministry of Personnel's selection."

Huo Sheng, who entered the tent later, laughed and said, "Sir, don't be too happy too soon. There's still Prefect Yang. If Prefect Yang sees you like this, he might cancel the engagement immediately."

Qin Mu glanced at the culprit and was too lazy to answer him.

Ma Yongzhen picked up a piece of turmeric and asked curiously, "Sir, is this turmeric also useful for external injuries?"

"Yellow ginger has a very good detoxification and swelling reduction function, and its effect is most obvious when used to reduce swelling and dissolve blood stasis. However, due to its certain toxicity, it should not be used on people whose skin has been broken or pus has formed. However, when the wound begins to scar, applying it to the affected area can effectively eliminate scars."

"Hehe, after all, you are still worried about being broken off from the engagement."

"Hey, I just can't figure it out. Why are you always entangled in whether I cancel the engagement or not? Do you have any bad intentions?"

"I think so too," Ma Yongzhen added.

Huo Sheng looked embarrassed and waved his hands quickly, saying, "Sir, look at what you said, what bad intentions could I have?"

Qin Mu took out the huge sword he had dug up in Zhoutian and wiped it carefully, as if he was ready to use the sword to chop someone.

Huo Sheng quickly flattered, "Sir, I heard that your giant sword was the imperial sword of Qin Shi Huang. Upon closer inspection, this sword is thick and heavy, majestic and powerful. Although its edge is not exposed, its majesty is unmatched by other swords. It is not an exaggeration to call it the supreme sword in the world. It is definitely the sword of the king."

The origin of this sword has long been shrouded in mystery, and it is not just Huo Sheng who says this. Now, the soldiers in the camp and the people in the county are all saying that Qin Mu followed the instructions of the heavens and dug up a peerless magic weapon while searching for the salt pond.

Some say it was the Xuanyuan Sword used by the Yellow Emperor, while others say it was the imperial sword of Qin Shi Huang, who unified the six kingdoms, and it has supreme divine power.

It is said that when the sword was dug out, a golden light pierced through the day, the sky and the earth suddenly darkened, thunder and lightning rolled, heavy rain poured, and a five-clawed golden dragon appeared in the wind, rain and clouds. The scene was a hundred times more bizarre than the one at the altar of sacrifice that day.

Qin Mu has always kept this sword secret, and very few people have had the opportunity to see it. However, the more this happens, the more rumors there are, and they become more and more magical.

Even Ma Yongzhen had an inexplicable look in his eyes when he looked at Qin Mu's giant sword.

Qin Mu understood the importance of playing tricks from Zhu Yuanzhang's "Things to Know When Taking Office", and he has spared no effort in this regard.

In this era, as long as you play tricks in the right way, the effect is immeasurable. People believe that every time a great man appears, there must be strange signs from the sky. Conversely, if something abnormal happens to a person, it proves that this person must be extraordinary.

This is also why the emperor is always most wary of this. Once something strange happens to someone, he must kill him as soon as possible.

Fortunately, this was the chaotic time at the end of the Ming Dynasty and the emperor was busy with his own affairs. Qin Mu did not have to worry about the factory guards coming to his house in the middle of the night. He pretended as much as he could, and would create opportunities even if there were no opportunities, trying his best to make the mysterious aura around him more intimidating.

After Huo Sheng flattered him, he did not defend himself, but just said lightly: “Stop talking nonsense.”

Ma Yongzhen was not as bad-mouthed as Huo Sheng. He walked to the sand table in the middle of the tent and said thoughtfully, "Sir, the entire Huguang military is extremely weak now. If Zhang Xianzhong really goes south to Huguang, he will probably be able to reach Jiangxi soon.

According to your analysis, Jiangxi is undoubtedly the most suitable place to be a base in the entire south of the Yangtze River. When Zhang Xianzhong goes south, will he intend to swallow up the entire Huguang and Jiangxi, use them as bases, plot to control half of the country, and then follow the example of Emperor Taizu who marched north to the Central Plains, and then plot to control the whole world. "

After a day of intensive training, although Qin Mu was sore all over, he still dragged his heavy steps to the sand table.

"If it was Zhang Xianzhong in the past, not to mention that he didn't have such a strategic vision, even if he had it, he couldn't implement it. But this time is different. The court was still in the strategic offensive stage, forcing Zhang Xianzhong and others to roam around;

Furthermore, at the beginning of the rebellion, these people were short-sighted and could only destroy but not build. They were like a group of locusts, leaving no grass behind wherever they passed. This also meant that they could not stop because the local area was destroyed so thoroughly that they could not survive if they stopped.

But after the battle of Zhuxian Town last year, the imperial court lost more than 100,000 troops and was actually no longer able to suppress Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong. So Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong occupied land and proclaimed themselves kings, set up officials and set up government offices, and some talented people began to defect to Zhang and Li.

After years of fighting, Zhang, Li and others have different vision and insights, so it cannot be ruled out that Zhang Xianzhong really had the idea of occupying Huguang and Jiangxi, and then taking over the entire south of the Yangtze River.

Therefore, we must be prepared. We must protect the southern part of Jiangxi from being affected by the virus at all costs. From a strategic perspective, only by protecting southern Jiangxi can we protect Jiangxi, and only by protecting Jiangxi can we protect eastern Jiangxi. "

Ma Yongzhen examined the sand table and said, "If the troops march eastward from Changsha, there are two most likely routes. One is to go through Pingxiang, pass Xinyu, and attack Ji'an Prefecture. The other is much farther, passing through Hengyang, Chenzhou, Rucheng, Chongyi, and attacking Ganzhou Prefecture. Which route do you think Zhang Xianzhong's troops are more likely to choose as the main route of advance?"

"Zhang Xianzhong's rebels are still in the nature of bandits. You can't judge them by common sense. They may not even know where to go or which route to take. The more detailed your plan is, the more likely you are to be beaten to death by them. Yang Sichang's previous strategy of encirclement and suppression with four sides, six corners and ten sides was very strict. What was the result?"

"If it were you, the adults, who were here to encircle and suppress the enemy, what would you do?" Huo also came forward, and couldn't help but ask a question off topic when he heard this.

"No matter how thorough the siege is, there will be loopholes. In my opinion, the only feasible way is to send an elite force to chase them relentlessly, and don't let them go, no matter where they go, until they don't even have time to breathe. Then send talented people in civil affairs to follow behind to pacify them and properly resettle the refugees. This is better than an ambush from all sides."

Ma Yongzhen nodded and got back to the point: "According to what you said, both routes are likely to become the main attack routes of Zhang Xianzhong's rebels."

"No, not two. Once two routes are set, you should still treat this bandit group with common sense. What I mean is that every place may become Zhang Xianzhong's route of advance.

No matter how many directions he comes, we have few troops and cannot distribute them everywhere, so we must do one thing, the first battle must be like a strong wind sweeping away fallen leaves, to make a name for ourselves and scare them. In order to achieve the greatest deterrent effect, we will not hesitate to use the heads of the rebels to build a ten-mile Jingguan, so that no matter how many directions he comes, it will be easy to deal with him. "

If Qin Mu hadn't mentioned it, Ma Yongzhen and Huo Sheng had almost forgotten the word "Jingguan". They couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring when they heard it. They had to admit that Qin Mu was more ruthless than those of them who lived on the edge of a knife.

As they were talking, a soldier suddenly rushed in from outside the tent and reported loudly, "Sir, a fight broke out between the Captain Xiang and the Captain Ma."

"What? Fighting again?"

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ps: Sanjiang is only a few votes away from advancing into the top five. Brothers, please continue to give your support. Stand up, stand up. A real man should stand up.
