Make It Known to The World

Chapter 67: A Rage for a Beauty (Part 4)



Qin Mu put down the rebellion in southern Jiangxi, and many people in Nanchang City had heard of his name. When the people watching outside the Censorate Yamen knew that it was him who led people into the yamen, their fear was gone, and more people gathered around in an uproar.

The atmosphere outside the government office was like boiling porridge, the noise reaching the sky, and some people's faces turned red with excitement, as if the most anticipated show had just begun.

"See? That's Qin Mu. That's Qin Mu."

"Who is Qin Mu?"

"You haven't even heard of Qin Mu? I really doubt whether you have ears. Let me tell you, Qin Mu is an extraordinary figure. When he took office alone, he gathered refugees along the way, from Nanchang to Ganzhou, and wiped out all the bandits along the way. When he arrived in southern Jiangxi, it was even more incredible. He happened to encounter Ma Yongzhen and other rebels who gathered tens of thousands of people. As a result, Qin Mu brought a hundred men and horses and visited the enemy camp three times, and defeated Ma Yongzhen's tens of thousands of rebels. The rebels surrendered in panic..."

"So powerful?"

"Of course it's true. Just wait and see. We'll have a good show today after encountering this killer god."

"No wonder he is so arrogant and dares to attack the Censorate. By the way, Qin Mu is not staying in Gannan, why did he suddenly rush to the Censorate?"

"Who knows, but in my opinion, it is most likely related to that beauty. Qin Mu is here to save the beauty."

"That's true. Only a hero like Qin Mu can be worthy of such a stunning beauty."

"No one can tell for sure, so let's just wait and see."

Inside the Censorate, Ma Mingyuan, who was sitting in the hall as a juror, reacted first. He stood up and pointed at Li Xiangjun who was running out of the hall, and shouted at the guards standing guard below the hall: "Stop her, stop her quickly."

"Who dares!" Qin Mu jumped off his horse and roared again, shaking the lobby of the Censorate.

Li Xiangjun's tears fell like pearls, and she ran towards Qin Mu with her skirt lifted up. Thousands of eyes outside the government office were watching this scene, but Li Xiangjun seemed to see nothing. At this moment, there was only one person in her eyes, and only the tall figure of Qin Mu.

She threw herself into Qin Mu's arms like a bird flying into the forest, hugging him tightly with her arms, crying with her heart broken and tears pouring down like rain;

All the worries, fears, grievances and injustices suffered during this period seemed to be poured out in this moment.

When she threw herself into Qin Mu's arms, she was no longer the Li Xiangjun who remained calm in the face of adversity and remained unyielding despite being wronged. She was like a little girl full of grievances who found the arms of her loved ones. All her strength instantly turned into tears and unstoppable crying.

The people watching outside the yamen couldn't help but sigh. How much injustice must the person have suffered to cry so heartbreakingly? Many people couldn't help but shed tears along with the others.

"Look, my guess was right, Qin Mu really came here for this beauty."

"Are you that smart? I guessed it a long time ago, but I was too lazy to say it."

"Hahaha, this play is even more interesting. The hero saves the beauty and makes a scene in the Censorate. This is a great story."

"What a good story! This is called a legend."

"Stop talking. Look at that beautiful girl crying like this. Oh, I am about to cry too."

"It's none of your business. Why are you crying?"

"Who wouldn't feel a little sad after watching such a touching scene?"

“… ... ... ... ... ... .”

Qin Mu held the person in his arms and let her vent for a while, then he patted her shoulders and comforted her: "Okay, girl, don't cry, no one will dare to bully you anymore. Come, go down with Su Jin first, I still have things to take care of."

The word "girl" was full of doting, which made Li Xiangjun feel warm in her heart. Then her pretty face turned red like the morning glow, and she quickly broke away from her arms. Under the gazes of thousands of people, she was so embarrassed that she didn't even dare to raise her head. She didn't bother to say anything extra, and quickly followed Su Jin to retreat.

"Rebellion, rebellion, Qin Mu, you are so bold that you lead troops to break into the hall of the Censorate and rob people. Do you still respect the law? Do you want to rebel?" Ma Mingyuan in the hall was shocked and angry, pointing at Qin Mu and yelling in a timid manner.

Qin Mu glanced at him coldly, and with a wave of his right hand, Liu Meng rushed into the hall with a cold mace in hand. The soldiers behind him also drew their swords and strung their bows, and coldly approached the two shifts of yamen runners in the hall.

The yamen runners were so frightened that they were shaking all over, throwing their water and fire sticks all over the floor. No one knew who took the lead, but under the threat of the cold swords and arrows, the two groups of yamen runners immediately knelt on the floor and begged for mercy.

Seeing this, the people watching outside the yamen were in an uproar again. Some shouted excitedly, some hid back in fear, and the scene was in chaos.

"Qin Mu, what...what are you going to do?" The voice of Censor Lin Qinghe was trembling, and he almost slipped under the desk. The last time Qin Mu came to pay a visit to his superior, he was polite and courteous. Who would have thought that when they met again today, he would be so murderous.

Qin Mu put his hand on the hilt of the sword and strode forward, saying, "I have no ill intentions in coming here. I just want to listen to Lord Lin's trial. But Lord Lin, you seem to have made a mistake about who the suspect is. I have to remind you."

"Qin Mu, this is Nanchang City, you won't be allowed to run wild...ah." Ma Mingyuan had just shouted halfway when Qin Mu suddenly jumped up and slapped him hard in the face, front and back. With two "pa pa!" sounds, Ma Mingyuan spit out blood and fell to the ground, with his official hat rolling around in the hall like a gourd.

"Lord Lin, I will let you see who the criminal is." Qin Mu said to Lin Qinghe, bent down and picked up Ma Mingyuan, whose cheeks were red and swollen and eyes were rolled back, and walked to the high steps at the gate of the yamen.

The provincial prosecutor Lin Qinghe watched helplessly, not daring to say a word. The people watching outside the yamen saw Qin Mu carrying Ma Mingyuan out like a dead dog, and they couldn't help but exclaim in surprise again.

The play became more and more interesting, and many people were so excited that they couldn't help shouting and jumping. The reason for this was that at the end of the Ming Dynasty, there were bandits everywhere, and there were years of famine, and the people lived in misery;

Furthermore, the government was corrupt and the common people, who could not survive, had to endure exploitation by corrupt officials. This led to a high level of antagonism between officials and the people. Except for a very small number of officials who truly cared about the people, the people had a hostile attitude towards most officials.

Therefore, no matter who is right or wrong at this moment, seeing the always high and mighty official being dragged out like a dead dog, this alone can make many people feel extremely refreshed.

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Qin Mu threw Ma Mingyuan to the ground and said in a cold voice: "Ma Mingyuan, in order to achieve your ulterior motives, you abused your power, framed others, and tortured them into confessing. Today, in front of the people of the city, I want you to loudly and truthfully tell us your motives and the details of your crime."

"Qin Mu, I am the imperial envoy, on behalf of the emperor, patrolling the country..."

"To patrol on behalf of the emperor? Are you qualified?" Qin Mu interrupted Ma Mingyuan without hesitation and gestured to Liu Meng.

The burly man Liu Meng pounced on him like a tiger, stepped on Ma Mingyuan's right wrist, made him spread his five fingers on the stone steps, and then pushed down with the top of the giant mace. With a "bang", the mace hit Ma Mingyuan's little finger hard.


There was a shrill scream that was extremely piercing, and stone chips flew all over the ground. Ma Mingyuan's little finger was smashed into pieces like paper, and blood and flesh were blurred;

The excruciating pain made him roll on the ground, his whole body convulsing, his eyes wide open, veins bulging on his face, like crawling earthworms, looking extremely ferocious. His miserable screams made the people watching in front of the yamen feel numb.

Lin Qinghe in the lobby was so frightened that he slid under the desk and fell to the ground.

Liu Meng stepped hard on Ma Mingyuan's right hand, making it difficult for him to break free. Qin Mu held the hilt of the sword, stepped forward and said calmly: "Ma Mingyuan, you still have nine fingers. I want to see how many you can hold on to. Tell me or not."

Ma Mingyuan's whole body was convulsing, and he said incoherently: "Qin...Qin Mu, if you have the guts, just kill me, you...ah!"

There was another "bang!" and screams resounded everywhere. The ring finger and little finger on Ma Mingyuan's right hand became as thin as paper. The piercing pain made him feel like he was dying. He fell into a semi-comatose state, but for some reason he couldn't faint completely. The screams he made were already a little hoarse, and sounded even more terrifying.

Qin Mu had no sympathy for such people. If you want to kill me, I will definitely fight back. Besides, if the Han people's country was not full of such people, would the Qing Dynasty be allowed to rule the Central Plains, shave their heads and change their clothes, and destroy our Chinese clothing

“Stop it, stop it.”

Suddenly, a loud shout came from the periphery of the crowd watching. Qin Mu looked up and saw Wang Shousu, the governor of Jiangxi, and a general leading a large group of officers and soldiers running out of the street on the right;

Wang Shousu was wearing a neatly-crowned hat and riding a horse. His gray beard was blown by the wind and he looked solemn.

When the onlookers saw another large group of soldiers rushing over, they immediately dispersed.

Wang Shousu, surrounded by soldiers, came within 12 meters and shouted to Qin Mu, "Qin Mu, don't stop. The court has its own laws. Even if you are wronged, how can you do such a thing? Do you still have the court and the law in your eyes?"

Wang Shouhu thought that if Qin Mu really intended to attack, he would not have brought only a hundred people into the city. Perhaps he was just blinded by anger and did such a thing.

In addition, Lin Qinghe and Ma Mingyuan were in Qin Mu's hands. If the issue could be resolved peacefully, Wang Shousu was really unwilling to resort to violence, otherwise there would be heavy casualties and the situation would get out of control.

"Qin Mu, leading troops to attack the Censorate is a serious crime. I think you were just impulsive. As long as you release Lord Ma immediately and leave the Censorate, I will not bother with you. Why don't you release Lord Ma quickly?"

Qin Mu bowed to Wang Shousu from a distance on the steps, then said angrily: "Master Fangbo, I fought bloody battles with the rebels in southern Jiangxi and survived a near-death experience, but Ma Mingyuan, this dog official, fabricated evidence and tried to seize my woman. In order to eliminate future troubles, he also wanted to accuse me of colluding with the rebels and put me to death. This beast's crimes are heinous and cannot be tolerated by heaven."


ps: Haoyuan has been writing books for two or three years. Including all three books, except for the period of strong promotion, this is the first time that they have made it to the classified book friends' recommendation list. I am very grateful for everyone's support. Haoyuan would like to express my sincere thanks in advance!

To be honest, I really want to maintain more than two updates a day so that I can ask for votes from all the book friends, because my current ranking has always been at the last place, which is very precarious.

But I feel a little conflicted about the current plot. I want to vent my anger, but I don't want the protagonist to be labeled a traitor. The plot design is very painstaking and requires repeated consideration, so I can't keep up the pace. I hope you can understand.

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