Male God Is Always Targeted

Chapter 17: Classmates, Tom Sue learn about 1.17


However, because of the guilty conscience, the action is very careful.

Take a peek, take it back, and take a peek again after a while.

That action was like a gluttonous cat, worried that the owner would not give it to him, so he could only covet quietly.

Still thought no one found out.

As everyone knows, the shit shoveling officer who has always been concerned about his income has long been in the eyes of him.

The strong hostility turned into a helpless smile.

Shaking his head, he walked over.

Let's feed him first and then talk about other things.

In order to avoid starvation, when the time comes, the claws will be brightened, and the one who scratches is still himself, and the one who feels distressed is still himself.

Luo Mio's nose moved, the smell of the food came from far to near.

The small Adam's apple rolled twice, and the mouth was full of saliva.

Forced to pull his attention back from the delicious place, he looked at the dean with burning eyes.

Expect him to call the shots for them and teach that group of students.

The dean was looked at by Alexander, with such a childish look, he was a little empty.

Before he could express his position, he heard the mockery of the accused's young masters and young ladies who were not afraid of death.

"Director, you have to take a good look at it. We are so far apart, how can we bully?"

"It's them who treat us when they want to bully. After all, it's normal for a lowly poor like them to be jealous of us, and it's more normal to do some small things secretly."

As soon as one person finished speaking, the next person answered immediately.

"That is, maybe in a place we don't know, he has done a lot of shameful things."

"Stealing chickens and dogs? Hahaha..."

"Maybe it's even more shameless and dirty, hahaha..."

"Just like these two little white faces, they dare to yell at us, I'm afraid they won't be taken care of long ago."

The more he talked, the more outrageous he became. Luo Mio was so angry that his head almost burst into flames.

'Tonger, no, I'm going to make trouble. '

The system that watched the movie with gusto saw its host, as if he had been wronged, and began to cry like a storm.

Yes, that's right, cry.

Aggrieved like a little milk cat being bullied hard, tears fell down.

It is really sad for the listeners, and tears for the listeners.

Wiping away the tears on his face, he turned around and rushed towards the person who was walking quickly, grabbed the other's arm, and raised his head pitifully.

He pursed his lips, did not speak, and his eyes were red.

For a big boy to make such an action, it doesn't make people feel inconsistent at all.

On the contrary, because of that handsome face, which is between maturity and youth, and has not yet opened, it softens the heart.

Zong Yujin quickly took out the handkerchief to wipe the water droplets on his face, moving gently and carefully.

His face was cold, and the air pressure all over his body was extremely low.

The others were still crying suddenly at Luo Mio, and they were a little dazed.

As soon as he saw Zong Yujin, his heart twitched, his nerves were tense, and his breathing was a little stagnant.

Will he...

They looked at each other anxiously.

"Master Zong, Master Luo..." The dean said carefully, and as soon as he called to Luo Mio, he was glanced at by the other party, and immediately changed his words, "Student Luo."

Seeing that the other party looked away, he exhaled and continued.

"The matter this time is due to our improper management. Please rest assured that the school is a place for class and study. We will definitely punish this kind of trouble."

The dean of education had a serious face and trembling inwardly.

Zong Yujin couldn't provoke him.

Those young masters and young ladies have identities.

But the bullied young master Luo is not easy to mess with.

He really doesn't understand, these days, these young masters and young ladies, all of them are obviously valuable, but they want to play some poor tricks.

What's wrong

(End of this chapter)