Male God Is Always Targeted

Chapter 61: Aiqing, this is Jiangshan 2.15 that I made for you


Jin, is that you

Are you looking for me

Murong Jiu's expression was clearly fading, and he could feel that he regarded himself as someone else.

Who is he looking at through himself

Did he really make an agreement with him when he didn't know it

But if this is the case, even if he forgets, he shouldn't be unable to recognize himself.

Or, when I was young

After thinking about it, I think this kind of possible surname is quite big.

But even if he thinks of himself, he is very upset.

Because that was who he was before, not who he is now.

Murong Jiu, who was so jealous that he even ate it himself, was so narcissistic and confident that the lover in Luo Mio's heart was him.

The kind that doesn't accept rebuttals.

Let the other's hand slide on his face, even squinting in enjoyment.

Check it out.

Let's just say he was thinking about himself.

so gentle.

It's just that I didn't enjoy it for a long time, and the touch on my face was gone.

"Sorry, I lost my temper."

Luo Mio just touched the other's hand and retracted it into his sleeve, clasping the jade flute tightly.

Just now, he is really a demon.

Murong Jiu waved his hands indifferently, and put his arms around his shoulders naturally, "Why is A Mio so unfamiliar, between you and me, there is no need to apologize."

Luo Mio reached out and pushed, but didn't push.

Eyes down.

"I also hope that Your Majesty will respect yourself."

"Self-respect? I'm not heavy at all." Murong Jiu deliberately misinterpreted Luo Miao's words and changed the subject by the way.

"Ami, do you think the current situation in the world is good or bad for me Fengtian?"

Luo Mio raised her eyes and looked at the water surface where many lanterns had appeared in front of her, her voice was silent.

"The general trend of the world, since ancient times, it will be divided for a long time, and it will be divided for a long time. Feng Tian...even if he doesn't want to move, he will be forced to move."

"Rather than being forced to rush, it's better to strike first. Now is the best time."

Murong Jiu raised her eyebrows: "Oh~ how do you say it?"

Luo Mio stared sideways at the people around her, her tone indifferent to emotion, "Your Majesty's heart is like a mirror, how could you not know?"

Even so, he continued to speak.

"Chu Liu has just captured Luo Guo, and his morale is booming, but the food and grass are not enough, and the treasury has become empty because of the continuous battle."

"Luo Guo's resources themselves are almost consumed, and there is nothing left for storage."

"If the war starts at this time, Chuliu will inevitably show a decline. Even if it can't be won in one fell swoop, it can still be defeated."

"But if you don't fight at this time, you will be invincible when you wait for the autumn harvest."

And now the autumn harvest is less than two months away.

Murong Jiu didn't make a statement, leaned on Luo Mio, and followed him to look at the river.

In the dark pupils, a little bit of fire was imprinted.

After a long while, he fiercely kissed Luo Mio's cheek and said excitedly, "Aiqing, you are really my lucky star."

Luo Mio: "!!!"

I don't know who killed the male lead

Just as he was about to do it, the sound of the system killing a pig sounded.

'Host, host, stop, stop, man can't take the initiative, he has a problem, his subordinates must stay alive. '

"?"'what is the problem? ' Luo Mio was puzzled.

The system did not dare to delay, and quickly replied.

'His soul is not quite right, I don't know what the situation is now, I am giving feedback, you must be steady wow. '

Luo Mio froze all over and opened his eyes in disbelief.

The soul is not right

The soul is not right!

Luo Mio, who was particularly sensitive to the word soul, thought of A Jin almost subconsciously.

He constantly felt familiarity from the male protagonist, and even admitted his mistakes several times.

Does it mean that he is...

(End of this chapter)