Male God is Chasing My Brother

Chapter 112: End of text



The tall and handsome man didn't say a single extra word, he just silently held the pinched right hand, and carefully smeared the red and swollen wound with a sterile cotton swab. Zhou Jinshen's expression was very serious, but his movements were very slow. Not only An Xumo, but even the staff around him didn't react.

For a guest of Zhou Jinshen's level, the program team will not forcibly label him as a stand-up person, and it is unlikely that the guest will cooperate. Zhou Jinshen has never left such a meticulous and caring feeling before. His appearance is indeed attracting people unconsciously, but his aura always keeps people away. No one thought that he would be so direct in front of others. In front of the camera, he showed the thoughtfulness and patience of a brother next door.

Compared with the curious bystanders, An Xumo, who was really involved, was hit even harder.

It's summer now, and the palms wet by the sea are still cool. An Xumo didn't dare to think about the body temperature coming from his right hand. He had been cold for too long, and he always felt that even a little warmth from the other party could turn into a scorching flame.

When Zhou Jinshen was halfway through the emergency response, An Xumo remembered the fact that the show was still being recorded when he watched the man move sideways to make room for the camera. Zhou Jinshen's movements are very appropriate. An Xumo has already learned a lot of photogenic lessons. He noticed that Zhou Jinshen's movements and body positions have chosen a way that is very suitable for the camera. It was also like this that reminded An Xumo of his current environment.

In fact, An Xumo was still a little uneasy about the black hole|hole camera next to him. He has always treated being on camera as a job, and he is not very used to showing his true emotions in front of the camera. This is also one of the reasons why he said just now that he was fine. If An Xumo were to choose, he would definitely choose to deal with himself quietly outside the camera.

However, the cameraman who shot the two of them was followed by Zhou Jinchen. This kind of shot is also part of the content of "Zhou Tian". In addition, Zhou Jinchen's movements are efficient. Before An Xumo thought about it, his The injury has been healed.

When the two were treating the wound, Han Ming, who followed from the beach, also noticed Zhou Jinchen's follower. When he looked at An Xumo, his eyes became darker, and when he turned to Zhou Jinchen, his eyes also brought Obvious suspicion.

The wind at the beach was getting stronger and stronger, and the sky was getting darker. After An Xumo's wound was treated, the group set off to return to the stone house built on the highland by the sea. Yan Xiangshen and Zhang Zhiwei, who were discussing the layout in the house, came over after hearing the sound, and started bargaining with the director team once again.

The baskets of the three people were poured into the water basin for liquidation, Han Ming had the largest number, and Zhou Jinchen also had a lot of things in his basket. But both of them lost to An Xumo in terms of the first visual impact—the majestic big lobster was still shaking its pincers, chasing other small crab pinches with its basin full.

In the end, these trophies were exchanged for enough ingredients for six people for two days, rice noodles, meat eggs, and juicy seafood. The key to the ingredients that An Xumo found also made people very excited. According to the convention, the person who picked up the key should choose the ingredients, but An Xumo only said that he can do anything, so he left the choice to him. Gave it to the two seniors. In the end, Chef Zhang Zhiwei made the decision and chose six fat and fresh sea crabs.

After the ingredients are brought back, they have to be processed by themselves. This kind of real life scene and the difficulties faced by the stars during the processing process are also one of the selling points of "Zhou Tian". But this time, the rushing scene that the director team had expected before did not appear.

The seaside filming of the second season has already been carried out once. During the recording of the first episode, Yi Tianming and Han Ming, who were in charge of handling the ingredients, had a good time worrying about the live seafood. This time for the second recording, the two who had learned the lesson from the last time were preparing to continue their fight against Haichan, but they were not busy for long, but they were both shocked by Zhou Jin.

After the thoughtful administration of medicine just now, Zhou Jinshen's performance once again exceeded the expectations of most people present - his skill in handling ingredients is obviously stronger than that of Han Ming and Yi Tianming who have experienced a whole season of training out a lot.

The two originally planned to teach the experience to the new guests, but they were soon attracted by Zhou Jinshen's actions and had no time to take care of these details. It took less than ten minutes for the most difficult-to-handle fresh shrimp in Zhou Jinchen's hands. He only used a palm-length dagger|dagger to remove the hard-to-clean shrimp on the shrimp's back. The line is completely cleaned out.

Zhou Jinshen's movements looked extremely easy, but when Yi Tianming, who was eager to try, clamored to follow suit, he couldn't even clean the shrimp thread after poking more than a dozen knives. In the end, the shrimp was no longer in shape. When the garbage|garbage is cleaned up. The camera turned back to Zhou Jinshen's side, he still cut each one with ease, even the attracted Zhang Zhiwei and Yan Xiangshen couldn't help but marvel.

The director team unexpectedly harvested such a big bright spot, so naturally they took enough shots. Everyone was very surprised by Zhou Jinchen's cooking skills, only An Xumo who was on the side watched quietly without showing any surprise.

Because of healing, from the age of twelve, Zhou Jinshen has to go to the mountains to stay for more than half a year every year, so it is not surprising that he knows these things. When he came back from the mountains for the first time, Zhou Jinshen cooked a meal for his younger brother whom he hadn't seen for more than half a year.

It's just that these memories only end in that year.

Except for Zhou Jinshen's actions that attracted the camera, the gloriously injured An Xumo also failed to escape Zhang Zhiwei's eyes. While the three of them were still processing the ingredients, Zhang Zhiwei called An Xumo aside. The concern in his voice is very obvious: "Is this just hurt? Does it hurt?"

Yan Xiangshen on the side also said "Ouch" when he saw it. He didn't have any prejudice against An Xumo, and the other party just took the initiative to give up the right to choose the ingredients, so he felt that the child was sensible: "Why? What's the matter, have you treated the wound?"

An Xumo got hurt once, in return for the concern of the three people, he was a little flustered for a while, he hurriedly said: "It's okay, the medicine has been applied just now."

"How about just smearing medicine?" Zhang Zhiwei brought a home medicine box and took out a roll of gauze from it.

Ever since he was a child, An Xumo had hardly accepted the kindness of the people around him. Not to mention the Zhou family, the classmates in the school were also from families with similar backgrounds to the Zhou family, and even the teachers would talk about his background behind his back. An Xumo knew how to do the last final question, and also performed extremely difficult moves, but he really didn't know how to face this kind of strange kindness.

"Don't bother, thank you Mr. Zhang, I'm fine..."

"Just call Uncle Zhang," Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand, "Come here, Xiang Shen will help, and I'll wrap Xiao Mo's wound."

An Xumo was even more disturbed when he heard that, how dare he bother the two seniors: "Really, really don't need..."

Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile: "Silly boy, are you afraid of being ugly? It's okay, the image of a tough guy was popular ten years ago, we don't pay attention to it now."

Yan Xiangshen also said: "It's inconvenient to expose the wound to the outside, and I have to eat later. If it touches it, it won't be good. Let's bandage it."

What An Xumo was thinking about was not the image problem, but before he could speak, Zhang Zhiwei had already called an assistant director beside him and explained a few words to him.

After the assistant director left, Zhang Zhiwei said: "Don't worry, the camera has been moved away, this clip will not be broadcast, and it will definitely not affect your image. It will be fine to avoid your wound when they edit later. There will be no delay."

Now An Xumo really couldn't refuse, the two of them bandaged him briefly to protect the wound, An Xumo thanked him, but couldn't help but think of Zhou Jinchen helping him apply the medicine just now .

He thought of the camera that was shooting at the two of them beside him, and some inexplicable emotions arose in his heart.

Zhou Jinshen and Zhang Zhiwei had completely different attitudes towards this matter, which made An Xumo a little confused. As soon as the former gave him the idea of working with the camera seriously at all times, the latter told him that there are some things that can be avoided.

An Xumo thought about it, probably because he had too little experience in dealing with the camera. After working for a while, he might be able to understand the tricks better.

After An Xumo was taken away and bandaged, Han Ming's eyes fell on the door of the room where the three of them were sitting, intentionally or not. After the ingredients were almost processed, Han Ming made an excuse to fetch water. When he walked to a remote corner outside the camera, the expression on his face immediately turned cold.