Male God is Mine!!

Chapter 109: Raiders of the 'Masquerade' male protagonist (2)


In a blur of consciousness, someone jumped into the water and hugged her up.

She opened her eyes, and vaguely saw a big brother who was very beautiful, with a red cinnabar mole in the corner of his eye, very good-looking.

Then, she fainted again.

The scene changed again, and she saw the beautiful woman hanged, right in front of her, crying and begging, but no one would help.

The picture turned again, she seemed to be sitting in a carriage.

Looking down, she was wearing a red dress, like a wedding dress.

The phoenix crown on her head was so heavy that she could barely lift her head.

Fighting came from outside, she got up and opened the car curtain, and looked out.

A handsome man in a royal blue brocade robe was fighting with many other men in the same suit.

He wields the sword, and it can be seen that his martial arts are very extraordinary.

But two fists were no match for four hands, and the man gradually lost.

She heard someone shouting: "General! If you arrest me without a fight, I will not make things difficult for you. If you insist on doing so, I will have to kill you!"

The man heard this, gritted his teeth, and glanced at her: "Sister, don't worry, brother will definitely take you away."

For some reason, she felt that her eyes were a little hot, and she raised her lips. She smiled at the man, her eyes full of trust.

But with so many people, how could he take her away: "Brother, leave me alone, let's go."

The man gave her a deep look, turned around and continued to defend against the enemy.

Soon, the man was defeated and was shot directly through the throat by a flying arrow. He fell down slowly, looking at her with full of uneasiness and unwillingness.


Pain, pain all over her body, she looked at her naked body covered with marks of whipping. With a slight movement, the scabbed wound on his body burst open again, and fresh blood flowed out.

The door was opened, and a gloomy man walked in. He was very handsome, but his distorted expression made him look extremely ugly.

Instinctive fear arose in her heart, as the man approached, Tian Mi backed away, ignoring the torn wound.

Following her movements, the man's expression became even more ugly. He strode directly in front of her, stretched out a hand, grabbed her neck, and lifted her up.

"How dare you escape? Being so cowardly as a mouse really insults this face that looks similar to hers." The man said harshly, gradually tightening his hand.

She grabbed the man's hand vigorously, but it was in vain.

She blushed, couldn't breathe anymore, and her eyeballs seemed to be about to pop out.

Slowly, her hand hung down feebly, and the man threw her on the ground like garbage.


"Ah—" Tian Mi opened her eyes abruptly, let out a low breath, and then began to breathe heavily.

The little girl next to him poured a glass of water for her to feed, and then called her: "Miss, are you feeling better?"

Tian Mi glanced at her, then looked at the dim surroundings, only an oil lamp was flickering.

"It's okay, you go down." Her voice was weak, as if it was difficult for her to speak.

The little girl withdrew obediently.

Tian Mi moved her body and changed a comfortable position for herself.

His eyes stared at the curtain, dazed in a daze.

After a long time, she began to call 0051 to transmit memories and plots to her.

There are now four kingdoms standing here, Dongxu Kingdom, Nanyao Kingdom, Xiliang Kingdom, and Beiming Kingdom.

Among them, Dongxu Kingdom has the strongest military strength, and its citizens are brave and warlike.

Nanyao Country has the best resources, the wealthiest, and is famous for being rich in beautiful men and women, and the body is from Nanyao Country.

The Xiliang Kingdom is the weakest, with a remote terrain and insufficient food, and often underestimates the other three kingdoms.

Beiming Kingdom is on the grassland, and everyone grew up on horseback. However, compared with Dongxu Kingdom and Nanyao Kingdom, it is far behind.

Twenty years ago, the four countries went to war, but the four countries were evenly matched. Although Xiliang was weak, it was easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the other three countries could not do anything against him.

Although the Beiming Kingdom is not too strong, the people of the Beiming Kingdom have one characteristic, they are not afraid of death.

Dongxu Kingdom has the strongest military force, but Nanyao Kingdom has enough resources to afford it.

Therefore, the four countries made an agreement that within two hundred years, there will be no war and they will live in harmony.

The plot of the novel revolves around Nanyao Kingdom. The hero is the prince of Nanyao Kingdom, the kind who is extremely unfavored, because he killed the queen mother and his own mother and concubine at birth.

The national teacher criticized him as the lone star of the celestial evil, and the emperor wanted to lock him up in the cold palace.

However, the hero's renter is an incredible figure, the hero who founded the country, the great-grandfather once wanted to destroy the hero's renter, but it almost caused the disaster of destroying the country.

The former national teacher once said: If the Feng family is destroyed, the country will be destroyed.

Therefore, the Feng family occupied a detached position in Nanyao Country.

Fortunately, the Feng family kept themselves safe, and there was a family precept that a man in his thirties should only take concubines if he had no sons. If he had sons, he could only have two sons at most. As a result, the population of the Feng family has been greatly reduced.

The emperor wanted to imprison the male protagonist in the cold palace, but the Feng family, who had always kept a low profile, stood up and demanded that the male protagonist be taken back to the Feng family, with a very tough attitude.

The emperor had no choice but to let the Feng family take away the hero.

The heroine is the daughter of King Yongning, who has a different surname. King Yongning accompanied the emperor on his own expedition twenty years ago. Not only did he repel the enemy, but he also helped the emperor block a fatal arrow.

So he was named king with a different surname, which was inherited by three generations.

The heroine is well-educated, kind and pleasant, lively and cute, and she is known as the number one beauty in Nanyao.

A palace banquet allowed the eight-year-old heroine to meet the thirteen-year-old hero.

In the plot, the body does not appear often, but Tian Mi, who has the memory of the body, knows things outside the plot.

In the plot, the host can be regarded as a special cannon fodder at best. She is the heroine's concubine sister, not a compatriot of the same mother, but miraculously they are 90% similar. People admit their mistakes.

The mother of the body was once a widow, but because of her beautiful appearance, she was favored by King Yongning, and she took her son into the palace as a concubine.

In the first few years, King Yongning also doted on his host mother.

Later, King Yongning had a newcomer, so he naturally ignored the old one.

But because the body and the heroine stand together like twins, King Yongning loves the body a little bit.

When she was young, the heroine would often play with the body because the two looked similar.

When he was nine years old, because King Yongning praised Jiti for his good handwriting, the heroine's handwriting was a little worse.

The heroine has always been used to being docile and obedient, and everyone has to say good things about her. The first time her father said bad things about her, she became petty.

The host and the hostess went to the pond to play together, because of a flower, the two quarreled, and the hostess accidentally pushed the host down the pond.

Seeing the body struggling, the hostess felt a little relieved at first.