Male God is Mine!!

Chapter 158: Cultivation of Immortals (Fanwai)


The moment Tian Mi lost consciousness, the thought in her heart was: 嘤嘤嘤~ The mission failed, one thousand points, my God~

Back in the white space, Tian Mi was in such a low mood~ she simply lay on the bed and pretended to be a dead dog.

"If the task fails, 1,000 points will be deducted. If you complete the host's wish, you will get 12 data points that can be allocated. Does the host need to allocate data points?"

Tian Mi continued to pretend to be a dead dog—


"One thousand points~ How many tasks do I have to complete to pay off!?"

"The host can resell specialties or special skills in exchange for some points. Although it's not many, it can be exchanged for a little bit, right?"

Tian Mi sat up from the bed all at once: "Is it okay?"


"That's fine, then sell the 'surgery skills', how much can you sell?"

"'Surgery skills' can be sold for 80 points, and special skills can be sold for 60 points each."

Tian Mi curled her lips in disgust, really. so cheap~

"A little more?" Tian Mi knelt on the bed, pitifully.

"I can't~ host, it's up to 0051 to decide~"

0051, your voice really is, enough is enough.

Tian Mi's expression of disgust was particularly obvious.

If 0051 had an entity, it must be pitiful and teary-eyed at this time.

"Forget it, sell it, sell 'surgical skills', 'affectionate eyes', 'photographic memory' right, how much space can you sell?"

"The space can be sold for one hundred points, does the host want to sell it?"

"Sell, sell, sell~!" Tian Mi waved her hands and said in a bad mood.

"Ding—resell 'Surgery', 'Affectionate Eyes', 'Picture Memory', 'Space' successfully, get 300 points."

"Host host~ Do you want to allocate data points?"

"Five points are allocated to intelligence, three points are allocated to appearance, and three points are allocated to body."

Load host data:

Name: Tian Mi

Gender: Female

Age: 30

Grade: 13

Appearance: 93 (out of 100)

Skin quality: 90 (out of 100)

Body: 93 (out of 100)

Intelligence: 82 (out of 100)

Physical strength: 88 (out of 100)

Charisma: 80 (out of 100)

Special skills: little shy (permanent use), pear blossom with rain (permanent use), mute language (permanent use), super navigation (permanent use)

Points: -515

Looking at the data that still owed more than 500 points, Tian Mi drew a circle on Mu Yuechen and cursed again and again!

"Host, do you want to rest?"

"No! I want to earn points!"

"Okay, receiving the quest—the quest was received successfully—transmitting the host—"

"Transmission successful—loading mission content—"

When Mu Yuechen looked back at Tian Mi again, he found that Tian Mi had quietly closed her eyes, without breathing.

He frowned, and walked to the bed eagerly to pick up Tian Mi.

The image behind her was still playing, Tian Mi said: "I always thought that as long as I devote myself to practice, one day, I will form a fairy couple with you. Unexpectedly, I turned out to be the daughter of the demon cultivator."

"Senior Sister, Senior Sister! Wake up, wake up! As long as you wake up, we will form a fairy couple, okay? I don't blame you, and I don't think you are a demon cultivator!"

There is still no love in his eyes at this time, but only friendship.

Ling Zhenzi did not die, although Xuan Yunzong suffered a heavy loss, but at least the backbone is still there, and he recovered quickly.

When Sha Yan and Yin Ran learned of Tian Mi's death, they made a fuss in Xuan Yunzong, wanted Tian Mi's body back, and buried her in the dark sky sect's ancestral tomb forest.

In the days to come, members of the Dark Sky Sect would harass Xuan Yun Sect from time to time.

Not too harassing, but it can always ruin Xuan Yunzong's affairs.

Mu Yuechen held the storage ring left by Tian Mi. There were many jade slips in it, and he read many of them.

In it, Tian Mi almost told him what she did and her experience in cultivation.

Occasionally, he would recall the days when he was still with her day and night in Lingye Mountain.

Every time the background of the picture is different, occasionally, she will tell him about the structure of the Dark Sky Sect, and tell him about her parents' love story.

He began to miss Tian Mi, and the memories that were not clear at first could be clearly remembered by him now.

He remembered that when he encountered a bottleneck in his first practice, it was Tian Mi who told him what to do.

He remembered that when he was not bigu, Tian Mi would personally prepare meals for him, although they were not very delicious. When I recall it now, the taste is unforgettable.

He stretched out his hand to cover his slightly painful heart, not knowing why it hurt.

He was holding the storage ring, and there was only one jade slip left in it. He was reluctant to read it, because after reading it this time, he would never see it again.

He put the ring on his little finger and started to practice. He wanted to calm down, so that he wouldn't have to be full of Tian Mi in his mind.

Perhaps at the moment Tian Mi died, he hadn't fallen in love with Tian Mi yet. But at this moment, he thought, he fell in love with her. It's just that it's too late.

His aptitude has always been very good. In less than fifty years, he began to break through the Nascent Soul Stage and was about to enter the Transformation Stage.

It's just that when he broke through, he had a demon.

The demon in his heart is Tian Mi, he entered the illusion, there is Tian Mi, she is still standing in front of him alive, she said, she misses him, wants to be with him forever, and he also wants to.

As a result, he fell into an illusion, could not get out, and suffered physical and mental damage.

With Sha Yan's help, Yin Ran entered the Nascent Soul Stage.

She was pregnant, and she was a little scared, afraid that the child would be like Tian Mi, with two forces of good and evil in his body.

Fortunately, she practiced both good and evil.

The child was born healthy, and she was fine, and I don't know if it was because of the child's good aptitude, which caused her to enter the middle stage of Nascent Soul directly from the early stage of Nascent Soul.

After knowing that Mu Yuechen was influenced by the heart demon and passed away.

Yin Ran went into the tomb of the Antian Zongzong alone, and sat in front of Tian Mi's tomb for a long time.

"Mimi, you sacrificed yourself for Mu Yuechen and Xuanyunzong, but Xuanyunzong didn't thank you much, it's really not worth it! I'm so glad I followed you and Ah Yan back to the Dark Skyzong. Although It's Moxiu, but I don't know how much better than those self-righteous ones. By the way, I have a good news for you. I gave birth to a son. He is fat and cute. I didn't bring him here. Next time Bring him to see you. There is also good news. Over the years, Xuanyunzong has fallen from the top of the four major sects to the outside of the four major sects. Some time ago, when Mu Yuechen broke through the stage of transforming gods, Trapped by the demons, he died. He hurt you so badly that you lost the right to see the world at a young age. He died like this, it’s really cheap for him, isn’t it? Okay, I know that I talk a lot, and people are long-winded, so I won't talk anymore. I hope you can live happily in another world like me!"