Male God is Mine!!

Chapter 192: Online game danmeiwen (6)


After finishing speaking, she raised her eyes and gave An Mi a smile that was uglier than crying: "Brother An, let's go in first."

Tian Mi no longer struggled with that question, An Mi was naturally eager, nodded, and walked in with Tian Mi in his arms.

Tian Ye followed behind the two, he raised the corners of his lips and snorted coldly.

It turns out that Ah Mi is not with Tian Mi yet!

He just said, how could Tian Mi have the ability to make Ah Mi like her!

Entering the meeting room, many people have already come inside.

As soon as the door opened, everyone looked towards the door reflexively.

When they saw Tian Mi and the three of them, everyone's eyes showed surprise.

A little boy who looked sixteen or seventeen grinned at the three of them: "Wow! There are three good-looking players here?! Hurry up, hurry up and introduce yourself, I am called 'Master Jia' in the game." '."

Tian Mi smiled gently: "I am called 'Honey Heart Messenger' in the game."

After finishing speaking, she pointed to An Mi who was holding her arms: "He is 'An Tianxia'."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed: "Wow, the god 'An Tianxia' is so handsome! 'Honey Heart Messenger' is so beautiful."

Someone whispered again: "Didn't you say that 'Honey Heart Messenger' likes 'An Tianxia' and can't do it? How do you think the relationship between the two is unusual? 'An Tianxia' has already been taken down by 'Honey Heart Messenger'?"

The man's voice was not small, and everyone heard it.

Tian Mi blushed and did not deny it.

An Mi glanced at Tian Mi, thinking of her forced smile just now, she didn't deny it.

Tian Ye didn't do it, he glared at the person who spoke angrily: "What nonsense! The two of them are ordinary friends! If you don't know, just shut up!"

"Oh my god~ it's so cool!"

"He's so beautiful~I'm going to be jealous~"

As soon as Tian Ye spoke, someone whispered again.

"who are you?"

The man asked Tian Ye the name of the game.

"Wild lady!" Tian Ye replied very simply.

Now everyone was a little speechless.

No way, 'Wild Lady' is also very famous in the game.

Not only did he kill 'An Tianxia' once, but he also publicly confessed his love to 'An Tianxia' in the world.

It's much more straightforward than the 'Honey Messenger', and everyone is guessing what kind of girl 'Wild Lady' is.

But what people didn't expect was that the 'wild lady' turned out to be a man with indistinguishable looks!

So, it's a man who pursues 'An Tianxia'

Some of the people present were disgusted with homosexuality, some recognized it, and some held a neutral attitude.

So for a while, no one spoke. Just looking at Tian Ye and An Mi, there is something strange.

An Mi frowned, he didn't like this look very much.

Holding Tian Mi's hand, he unconsciously tightened it.

Tian Mi came out to smooth things over: "Well, in fact, I am also playing the account of 'Wild Lady', and I just lent it to my brother for fun. I am also the one who pursues Brother An."

Everyone suddenly nodded their heads and said with a smile, "So that's how it is!"

Tian Ye glared at Tian Mi, but with so many people present, he couldn't say anything.

He was already used to those people looking at him strangely when they knew he was gay, so he didn't need Tian Mi to rescue him!

It was An Mi, who lowered his head and smiled at Tian Mi, thinking in his heart: So he is not gay, at least, he really hates the eyes of those people. Therefore, his feelings for Tian Ye should be due to him thinking of Tian Ye as a woman before, so he likes it.

"Ding—the hero's favorability degree +5, the favorability degree 40, the host is awesome~"

Looking at 0051 flying around in front of her eyes, Tian Mi has successfully learned to ignore its existence.

An Mi hugged Tian Mi and found a seat to sit down. Tian Ye followed closely and sat on the other side of An Mi.

The meeting is very boring, just a group of people playing games, chatting, talking about what is in the game. Some people took the microphone and sang, and then they ate.

Tian Mi leaned into An Mi's ear and said that she was going to the bathroom. An Mi nodded and asked her if she wanted him to come with her.

Tian Mi shook her head, smiled at him, and went to the bathroom by herself.

Seeing her leave, Tian Ye followed closely behind.

He looked at Tian Mi very unkindly, and An Mi frowned, remembering what Tian Ye had said to him that he hated his sister very much.

After thinking about it, An Mi decided to follow the two of them. After all, Tian's mother said that Tian Mi should not be stimulated or get too emotional.

He was worried about what Tian Ye would say to Tian Mi, although he didn't know if Tian Mi really liked him.

But he worried that if Tian Ye told Tian Mi that he liked him, Tian Mi would be scared.

As soon as Tian Mi left, she felt that Tian Ye was following her. She called up the super system and asked 0051 to attract An Mi. Only then did the corners of her lips curl up, and she casually walked towards the bathroom.

Tian Mi walked slowly, and Tian Ye caught up in no time.

So when An Mi came not far from the two of them, he saw Tian Ye stopping Tian Mi.

"What?" Tian Mi asked lightly, not pretending to be a white lotus.

"What?! Did you always know that I played 'Sweeping the World' and you joined the game?! Did you know that I like Ah Mi, so you ran to him and said you liked him too! Didn't you You have to fight with me for everything, so you feel better!" Tian Ye's tone was very sharp, and he looked at Tian Mi as if he was looking at an enemy.

Tian Mi's chest was heaving violently, she stretched out her hands to cover her chest, and stared at Tian Ye angrily.

"I'm your sister! You actually said that about me! You, you said that I only joined the game after watching you play 'Sweeping the World', and you didn't even think about it. When I was playing the game, you didn't even know the existence of this game! Brother An and I have known each other for half a year! How long have you known Brother An! I have liked him for half a year! How long have you liked him! You like men, I don’t mind, but you can’t like Brother An, absolutely not!”

"Okay, even if you know Ah Mi first, you like Ah Mi first, but why can't I like him! I am willing! Can you control it!?"

"Pa—" Tian Mi waved her hand and slapped Tian Ye. Her body was weak and her strength was not strong, and she didn't even leave a red mark.

But that slap made Tian Ye's anger explode completely!

He raised his hand, wanting to slap Tian Mi back, but that hand couldn't come down for a long time.

Tian Ye glared at An Mi who grabbed his wrist: "Let go!"

An Mi let go of her hand and held Tian Mi in her arms: "What do you want to do?"

"What? She slapped me, of course I have to give it back!"

"She's your sister, don't you know she's not in good health! Even if she hit you, she didn't even have the strength to tickle you just now. What do you care about with her?"